Chapter 234 Liabilities

"Oh, do you think such a small amount of money is enough? Tell you! You two have eaten me and used me for so many years. What's wrong with helping me pay off some debts? It's only right and proper! Don't even try to run away. If you dare not come back, I'll take you Mom sold it to a black brothel to be a prostitute, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Ning Wan couldn't believe what the middle-aged man opposite said. This is the man her mother chose to marry 20 years ago!What a beast!

Ning Wan was filled with resentment, but she was afraid that he would really hurt her mother, so she had to promise herself that she would go back in a few days so that he would not attack her.Lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, she took out the business card that Zheng Zexu gave her, on which were emblazoned the Lanqi Group in big gilt characters, with Zheng Zexu's name on the bottom, she rubbed it lightly with her fingers, recalling that he treated her in every possible way at night In order to avoid suspicion, he specially left the back seat to her, and sat in the passenger seat by himself, without looking sideways the whole time, without looking like a frivolous person.

The corners of Ning Wan's mouth curled up, and she couldn't help feeling a little strange throbbing in her heart.It turned out that he was a senior leader of Lanqi Group, no wonder he was personable and different from ordinary people.When she woke up the next day, she heard noises in the kitchen. She went over to check and found out that it was an aunt. After asking, she found out that Zheng Zexu had sent her here to take care of her food and daily life.The aunt saw that she was still wearing simple and plain old clothes.So he told her that Mr. Zheng had prepared some change of clothes for her, which were all in the cloakroom, so that she could remember to take them by herself.Ning Wan was moved by the man's thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness. When she walked into the cloakroom, she saw that there were all kinds of beautiful clothes in different styles, all of which were haute couture styles that were out of reach in her life. Nuan smiled.

Ning Wan lived in the apartment for a few days. She was still a college student. Apart from classes during the day, she would do part-time jobs when she had time. However, most of her salary was used by her stepfather to gamble. When she returned to the apartment at night, her aunt had already cooked the meals. wait for her.

Zheng Zexu was sitting on the sofa. These days, he occasionally came to visit her. After getting in touch with this girl, he knew her name was Ning Wan.She is a student of A University in Nancheng, but besides attending classes on weekdays, she goes out to work hard in her spare time. She doesn't look like an ordinary college student at all. Could it be that she still owes debts outside?
When Ning Wan came back, she was surprised to see Zheng Zexu there: "Mr. Zheng, are you here to see me? My injury is much better, thank you for taking me here."

He waved his hand, "It's just a trivial matter, don't mention it. Xiaowan, I want to know why you are working so hard on a part-time job. You go out before your injury heals. Don't be in a hurry. Have you encountered any difficulties? "

Seeing Ning Wan's embarrassment, the auntie went to the kitchen to avoid her very much. Seeing her hesitation, Zheng Zexu comforted her: "Did your boyfriend borrow money and owe debts in your name, so you have to work to earn money?" Also? You don’t have to be afraid, I will find a way to help you.”

Ning Wan knew that sooner or later she would not be able to hide it, so she had no choice but to tell the whole story.It turned out that before Zheng Zexu saw her that night, she and her mother were being beaten by her stepfather at home. Because he couldn't afford more money for him to squander at the gaming table, the man came back to vent his anger on the mother and daughter. Ning Wan stood in the way of her mother. In front of her, she was punched and kicked by a man for her. Her mother was not in good health and couldn't bear the beating from the man. That's why Zheng Zexu saw Ning Wan with bruises all over her body; her mother couldn't bear her to be beaten for her again and again, so she simply took advantage of her husband's beating. Without paying attention, she pushed him to the ground severely, letting Ning Wan escape as far as possible.Ning Wan originally wanted to escape with her mother, but she was too weak to beat her stepfather, so she escaped first, not wanting to run into Zheng Zexu on the way.

Zheng Zexu couldn't bear it when he heard this. The girl's life experience is really embarrassing, but in the hands of such a stepfather who is not as good as a beast, the mother and daughter have suffered a lot.Thinking that she worked hard every day to pay off the gambling debts for her stepfather, Zheng Zexu thought about it, and suggested to Ning Wan that it is better to take her mother out of the house first, and now the gambling debts can be put aside, at least The safety of her mother must be guaranteed first.

Ning Wan nodded fiercely, and told Zheng Zexu that if she didn't go back in a few days, her stepfather would threaten to sell her mother to a black brothel. She was terrified these days, but she couldn't save much money; , the crystal teardrops fell straight down, and the pear blossoms were raining, which made people feel affectionate and protective.The man comforted,
"Don't be afraid. I will accompany you to pick up your mother tomorrow. Let your stepfather pay off his gambling debts. This kind of scum deserves no sympathy."

When Ning Wan heard that he was willing to help her, she bluntly thanked her. She didn't know how she could meet such a good person.On the second day, the two went to the place where Ning Wan lived. It was an old and narrow alley. The road surface was wet, dirty, noisy and chaotic. A large number of people from the bottom of the society lived here.Zheng Zexu lamented that Ning Wan is a girl who is not stained by silt. She grew up in such a dark place and did not grow crooked. On the contrary, her noble aura is incompatible with this place.Following her to the bottom of an old-fashioned residential building, the two went up to the fourth floor. Ning Wan knocked on the door, and after a while someone answered the door, it was her mother.

Ning Wan looked at the bruises on her mother's face and felt distressed. This damned gambler actually vented his anger on her mother!After the mother recognized who it was, she looked surprised: "Wan'er, why are you back? Didn't I tell you to hide as far away as possible? Go away, the bastard will come back in a while!" As she said that, she was about to send her daughter out push,

Ning Wan grabbed her hand and hurriedly explained: "Mom, I came back to pick you up. I have a friend who provided me with a place to live. The two of us can move out and never come back."

Mother couldn't believe it until she saw a strange man following Ning Wan, pointed at him and asked Ning Wan, "Is this your friend?"

Ning Wan nodded, "Yes, he is my friend. He passed by and rescued me the day I escaped, and took me to the hospital to treat my injuries. I have been living in his apartment recently, believe it I."

Seeing the middle-aged woman in front of him hesitated, Zheng Zexu expressed his intention to her, bluntly saying that he did not have any malicious intentions, but just sympathized with what happened to the mother and daughter and wanted to lend a helping hand. The woman saw that he did not look like a treacherous person. Put down your guard and let him enter the room to talk.

After a few people had a brief conversation in the living room, Ning Wan was afraid that her mother would still have doubts about Zheng Zexu's identity, so she showed her the business card in her wallet and told her that Zheng Zexu was not an idler, but a vice president of the famous Lanqi Group. total.Unexpectedly, the mother was fine, but when she heard that the other party was from the Lanqi Group, she immediately turned cold, angrily tore up the business card, and even told Zheng Zexu to leave without his help.This made Ning Wan and Zheng Zexu in the room dumbfounded. Why is this so good?
(End of this chapter)

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