Two-way secret love with the e-sports god

Chapter 235 It's All Misunderstandings

Chapter 235 It's All Misunderstandings
Ning Wan hurriedly asked her mother what was wrong, but her mother refused to say anything, she only said that she would not want the help of Vice President Zheng even if she died, and told Ning Wan not to live in the apartment anymore, but to move out as soon as possible, as far away from this person as possible.

Zheng Zexu felt that something was wrong. Ning Wan's mother seemed to hate him very much. No, to be precise, she hated Lan Qi's company very much, very much.Ning Wan didn't understand what was wrong with her mother, why she was swearing at the people who helped them, and when she was trying to persuade her, her stepfather's voice came from the door: "Hey, the house is so lively when I go out to buy a drink? Could it be Is my baby girl back?"

Zheng Zexu heard the sound and looked over, only to see a man with a swollen face walk in, he was carrying a bottle of wine, he was of medium build, a pungent smell of alcohol and tobacco came over him, making him frown.The man was a little surprised when he saw Zheng Zexu:

"Okay you little bastard, you didn't run out to make money, but you learned to seduce men? If I knew this, I should have sold you to our contractor Li, 20, his grandma's! I can spend long time!"

The fierceness and shrewdness in his eyes made Ning Wan tremble, and he bluntly said that he hadn't seduced a man, but he didn't care about it, and troubled Zheng Zexu when he came up: "Hey, brat! Since my daughter let you play, you can't either." Is it for nothing? One price, 10 yuan, this little bitch is yours, and I don’t want more, what do you think?"

As he spoke, he was about to put his hand on Zheng Zexu's shoulder. Unexpectedly, the whole arm was broken by Zheng Zexu in the next second. He held down the man's arm with one hand, raised his leg, and kicked him hard in the abdomen twice. The kick made the man beg for mercy, and he kept shouting that he was wrong; Zheng Zexu threw his hand away, kicked him to the ground hard, and said in a cold tone, "You are not as good as a pig or a dog, and you are worthy of hooking up with me? Let me tell you, your daughter is innocent, and she and I are just friends. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will take off one of your legs and make you crippled, do you believe it?"

After a warning, the man sobered up in an instant. He didn't expect this little slut to meet such a local ruffian. He was beaten even if he didn't get any money. What a damn bad luck!But I can't get any benefits, that's too bad, squinting at the mother and daughter in the living room, he opened his mouth to ask Zheng Zexu: "Boss, since you have such a bodhisattva heart, it's okay to take them away." Okay, as long as I pay back my gambling debts, if you don't pay me, call the police and say that you broke into private houses and kidnapped women. I know all the sheriffs in this area. If you want to offend me, today's matter is not right Good ending! Brat!"

"Oh? Really?" Zheng Zexu played with the fruit knife in his hand. The sharp blade and the light emitted by the dim light all looked so penetrating and terrifying.He thought, he has experienced life and death in such a big age, how would he still be afraid of such a weak threat?It's almost funny.

So he waved his hand nonchalantly, with a disapproving face, showing his indifference to the fullest, signaling that the man in front of him would use whatever tricks he could, and he didn't mind playing with him at all.Ning Wan was afraid that what happened to her would really affect Zheng Zexu, and she had countless thoughts in her head, so she hurriedly stopped him,

"Mr. Zheng, I know you have helped me enough, but my stepfather is really not joking with you. He knows a lot of local hooligans, and many of them are backed by the underworld and the law and order. You'd better go and do more. It's better to do one less thing. I will remember your kindness. Go away, you won't be able to leave when someone comes." The girl's eyes were anxious, for fear that he would be implicated because of herself.

Even the middle-aged woman who had a bad attitude just now came over to persuade him to leave quickly and not to go into this muddy water, but since Zheng Zexu said it, he was fully sure that nothing would happen to him, so he advised them not to be afraid, and deal with it by themselves .

Ning Wan's stepfather really called. Not long after, a group of hooligans rushed up, saying that the boss would be here soon, and told Zheng Zexu not to leave, and wanted to see him later.

About a cup of tea, a man wearing sunglasses and combing his hair back came in. He looked a little cool, and his walk was windy.Sitting down in the middle, he took off his sunglasses and looked around, asking, "Who wants to break ground in my territory? Are you tired of working?"

Ning Wan's stepfather stepped forward to add fuel to the story, and the boss of the gang immediately stared at the calm Zheng Zexu in the living room, and smiled.casually.

"It's you, why, you want to take away a woman from a good family for nothing? Are you brave enough? You want to make trouble without asking who is in charge here?"

As he said that, he was about to tell his younger brother to teach Zheng Zexu a lesson, but he never expected that Zheng Zexu would never be able to get up again when he opened his mouth: "It's really none of my business who controls the territory here, but I still know a little about who you hang out with. Zhang He of the Qinglong Gang is your boss, right? Of course, I heard that he is called Zhang Er in the world, and I have had little contact with him in the past two years, but it is still very easy for me to let him come to see me now."

I never thought that this person's face-changing speed is quite fast, which is really interesting.

What?This young man actually said that he knew Brother Zhang?A few boys still wanted to make a move, but the man in the sunglasses waved his hand to make them retreat first. He stared at Zheng Zexu suspiciously: "Boy, are you trying to cheat me? Do you think I'm a gangster? Unless Second Brother Zhang really appeared in front of us , otherwise why should I believe you?"

Zheng Zexu was polite, nodded and continued,

"Since you are allowed to code people, then I can do it too? But I don't call too many, I just ask one person to come up and sit down. There are still a few minutes, and it's not too late to wait."

The man in sunglasses and the gang just waited for a few minutes, until a voice came from the door: "Who made you bastards come here? Why, relying on the power of the Qinglong Gang, can they be lawless?"

This voice is not clear to others, but the man in the sunglasses knows it. Isn't this the boss of the Qinglong Gang, Zhang Er?
Turning around, it's really Zhang Er, it's over!Tai Sui is breaking ground on his head, I am afraid that I will have no good fruit today!Hurry up and explain: "Second brother Zhang, we didn't know this company knew you, misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding!"

"Fart!" Zhang Er slapped up, and the man in sunglasses stared at him with a slap. There was an extremely long scar on his face, which looked extremely ferocious under his angry expression, "You think I don't know, without my order Dare to be bossy and make trouble, all of you are fucking enough?"

Seeing Zheng Zexu, Zhang Er was very respectful immediately: "Mr. Zheng, I didn't manage well, and my subordinates attacked you. How should I deal with you? I, Zhang Er, will do as I wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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