Two-way secret love with the e-sports god

Chapter 236 Shifting Chapter Titles

Chapter 236 Change the topic
Zheng Zexu waved his hand, "Zhang Er, from now on, you just need to take care of your subordinates. The culprit this time is actually not your little brother. Here, the one at the door. Just teach him a lesson for me. His daughter and I took my wife away, and I was beaten by this beast every day, and when I saw me, I asked for money to pay off my gambling debts. You can figure out what to do here, and I leave it to you." He pointed at the man who was standing at the door and wanted to rub the soles of his feet with oil. Ning Wan's stepfather handed over the right to dispose of it to Zhang Er.

Zhang Er ordered someone to catch him, and after a closer look, he was not a member of the Qinglong Gang at all. After some questioning, he found out that he often had contacts with the younger brothers in the gang.Zheng Zexu pulled the mother and daughter who were still in shock to leave. Mother Ning wanted to refuse, but she thought that she would become the object of her daughter's concern and man's revenge, so the mother and daughter packed their bags and left with Zheng Zexu.


When they arrived at Zheng Zexu's apartment, Ning Wan helped her mother into the room and went to bed first. When she came out, she saw Zheng Zexu sitting at the dining table. She walked over and thanked her again. Weird reaction, why do you feel so strange when you see your business card, it seems extremely disgusting.

Ning Wan thought for a long time, frowned, and only said that she didn't know.Zheng Zexu simply opened up and asked: "Wan'er, your mother seems to hate the word Lan Qi very much. Did she have any grievances with our Lan Qi?"

"No, my mother never has conflicts with others. She has a good temper. But her reaction today is even strange to me, and I can't figure it out." Ning Wan fumbled for the teacup with her fingers, but she didn't know.

Zheng Zexu saw that she didn't understand, so he changed the subject, and the two of them talked about Ning Wan's stepfather with resentment, and he asked curiously: "Wan'er, you never mentioned your biological father, why don't you go to him, maybe He can read on your face and give you a little help."

It’s okay not to mention the biological father, but Ning Wan bluntly said that she had never seen the appearance of the biological father, not even a single photo, and her mother kept silent about the biological father. When Ning Wan asked, her mother always avoided it. Answer, it seems that he was heartbroken by his biological father, and he didn't want to mention that man.As for the stepfather, it was after the mother left her biological father that she found out that she had his child. Later, under the sweet-talking pursuit of the stepfather, the mother agreed to marry him. Instead of beating and scolding at every turn, she just reached the age of 20 with this precarious parent.

It turned out to be like this, Zheng Zexu felt more sympathy and love for Ning Wan in his heart, he asked Ning Wan softly: "Wan'er, if you still have a chance to meet your biological father in this life, would you blame him?"

Ning Wan shook her head, she didn't know, whether she wished she would only know when she saw herself.

She raised her head and smiled firmly: "Whether I hate him or not, at least I am very happy now. I am already very happy because you have been helping me out of trouble." She got up and wanted to go to the kitchen to help him refill a cup of coffee, but she couldn't help it. Be careful that the slipper was tripped by the chair, and the whole person fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zheng Zexu quickly grabbed her arm and brought her into his arms.
"Be careful, what are you thinking while walking?" Zheng Zexu helped her up, and inadvertently saw a pale pink peach blossom-like mark on her shoulder, and couldn't help but be fascinated.

Ning Wan reacted and immediately pulled up her clothes with a scream, and gave him a reproachful look, "Mr. Zheng, what are you looking at?"

He reacted and felt a little embarrassed, and asked her where the peach blossom-shaped scar on her shoulder came from. Ning Wan blushed and told him that it was not a scar but her birthmark, but the shape was born like this, like a peach blossom.

It turned out to be the case.


After leaving the apartment, Zheng Zexu received a call from Ji Yun, saying that he had something important to look for him.The car turned around and went to Ji Yun's house, and went straight to Ji Yun's study. He was reading the company's annual report. Zheng Zexu greeted him, and Ji Yun, uncharacteristically, did not talk to him about the company, but instead cared about his recent life.

Zheng Zexu smiled embarrassingly, "Uncle, I'm still the same lately, nothing special, what's wrong?"

Only then did Ji Yun get to the point, "Ah Zheng, you know, I only have one son, but unfortunately he is not as talented as you. I think most of the things that will happen to Lanqi in the future will depend on you, so I came here today because I want to ask you to do something."

Zheng Zexu nodded solemnly and agreed, "Uncle, don't worry about making arrangements, I will do it for you if I can."

"Ah Zheng, it all happened 20 years ago. I married your aunt 20 years ago, but I failed another woman who loves me. Her background is too low to be the daughter-in-law of the Ji family. , she disappeared from me after I married your aunt. I heard that she was pregnant with my child. I went to look for it, but I never found it every time. I only knew it was a daughter with a peach blossom on her shoulder. These are all the news I bought from the nurse who delivered the baby at a high price, and I don’t know anything about the rest. Ah Zheng, I hope you can find my daughter for me. I owe them two mothers and daughters. There are so many people, and there is no chance to make up for it these years. If my daughter is still there, she will be a beautiful girl in her 20s. At that time, I will decide to marry her to you, and you will be the son-in-law of our Ji family. How about taking charge of Lanqi?"

Hearing this, Zheng Zexu's heart was already turbulent and shocked, but he still pondered for a long time on his face, and agreed for the time being.

"Uncle, I'm not sure that I can find it, but I will try my best to find it. The pearl has been dusty for so many years, and I can understand your father's heart. Even if it's not for Lanqi, I will do it for you. "

Ji Yun looked at the young man in front of him with satisfaction, and he didn't miss it, as I said earlier, he would gladly accept it.So he patted Zheng Zexu on the shoulder, and the two discussed and settled the matter like this.After leaving Ji's house, Zheng Zexu finally understood why Mother Ning resisted the word Lan Qi so much. It turned out that Ji Yun was Ning Wan's biological father!Ji Yun cruelly abandoned her and the child 20 years ago, and chose the current wife who came from a wealthy family. That's why Ning's mother hated him so much, and even refused to let him see the child; no wonder he felt that Ning Wan was not It belonged to that shabby room in the alley, and in terms of generation, she was his cousin!Thinking of the peach blossom-shaped birthmark, Zheng Zexu felt that it was God's will. God arranged for him to save his cousin and let him bear the truth alone. Now Ji Yun means that as long as he finds his daughter, he is his Take the dragon to get a son-in-law quickly, and Lan Qi is at your fingertips, heh!

But he is not Zheng Zexu, as Tang Zhen said, he is Ji Nanxun!Ji Yun is his uncle, and if he wants to be his son-in-law, he is not worthy in the next life!
(End of this chapter)

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