Chapter 150
But the appearances of those people are imprinted in her bones, and she will never forget them. As long as she meets one of them again, she will find the others even if she digs three feet into the ground.

The goals of her life are always increasing, maybe God wants her to live a better life.

She is very grateful that she can have a chance to do it all over again. Someone warmed her heart and made her a different person, instead of following the original path.

She also knew why she hated Jiang Yu so much, which was completely different from how she felt about Jiang Yu before. It turned out that it was because she did so many things that bothered her after that.

This, she will also remember. If Jiang Yu offends her again next time, she will not let her off lightly. She will definitely settle the previous accounts together. In this life, she has carried out these things before. She had experienced it at the beginning, and she must have done something after that, but she hadn't investigated it. At this time, she suddenly remembered that she had submitted many resumes before, but she didn't receive any reply. This may be It was Jiang Yu's fault. In her previous life, she also did this.

She felt that there must be a lot of collisions with Jiang Yu in the back.

My own rebirth also changed the fate of the mentor, and he will not die now, because the disease has been cured, which is very gratifying.

And grandpa, she went back to visit grandpa, it's not like in her previous life, she didn't know everything, until she died, many things were kept in the dark, she knew, Xi Wei was not grandpa's own, and she did the same to him Apart from his own punishment, this hatred that has been brewed since childhood is heartily repaid.

However, she also has some doubts, that is, the black-robed man, why the black-robed man has never appeared in her previous life, and the mystery of her own life experience has not been solved.

But after thinking about it carefully, she felt that this was justifiable, because she really didn't have anything outstanding in her previous life. Maybe the other party felt that she didn't have the ability to take over the responsibility, so she simply didn't do anything.

If she was the other party, she might think the same way. After all, with great ability, comes great responsibility. If she is not capable, she can't do much by being brave.

But now the pressure on her is quite big, and it has increased again, but she will dispel all the confusion and walk out of her wonderful life.

Now there is no time to analyze in more detail. Those memories, when things have not been experienced, she is unwilling to recall, and some things are still temporarily sealed.

The greatest achievement in this life should be Xi Kun. She looked at Xi Kun who was busy in the kitchen with affection, smiling sincerely and contentedly.

After they were satisfied and had a meal, the two of them walked around the campus, clasping their fingers together, feeling like they had been reborn.

After walking for a while, Xi Kun said, "Girl, when you were unconscious, there was a person who helped you a lot."

Qin Nuan was staring at her feet and counting the steps, after hearing Xi Kun's words, she asked, "Is it the Sixth Master?" Normally, it was the Sixth Master who helped a lot.

Xi Kun shook his head and said, "No, it's Meng Si."

"It's him?" Qin Nuan exclaimed, but although she was surprised, she didn't feel particularly surprised, and she didn't know why.

Xi Kun nodded, and continued: "He really did a lot, and found a lot of ways to wake you up with me. I am very grateful to him!" After saying this, he said a lot in detail What Monty did.

He will never hide this. Whatever the other party has done, he has to say it. Although he poses a big threat to himself, he doesn't bother to suppress Qin Nuan's affection for Meng Yu by concealing it. He can This kind of sacrifice for Qin Nuan, Qin Nuan should have some good feelings, and good feelings are also the basis for becoming friends.

Girl, with more friends, he will only be happy.

Qin Nuan nodded while listening to Xi Kun.

Xi Kun said again: "When you rest for two days, let's treat him to a meal to thank him."

Qin Nuan squinted and replied, "Okay." She was still thinking about how to raise this matter with Xi Kun, but it would be great if Xi Kun took the initiative to say it. She felt that the number of contacts with Meng Yu should be reduced. If she brought it up by herself, she was afraid that Xi Kun would be angry, but if Xi Kun said it herself, it meant that Xi Kun could accept it. Moreover, if someone helped, she should really be grateful to him.

But she felt that Xi Kun had changed a little bit.

After resting for two days, Xi Kun called Meng Yu to make an appointment, and his tone was very polite.

And hearing some disappointment in Meng Yu's promise, he felt that the strategy of calling himself was very worthwhile.

The few people made an appointment at the Hunan restaurant in Gu Le. The reason why Meng Yu mentioned this place was also because he considered that Qin Nuan liked to eat here.

After greeting each other, Qin Nuan said sincerely, "Mr. Meng, thank you for helping me and Akun during this time."

From this sentence, it can be seen that Qin Nuan treats the close relationship between the two of them, Meng Yu felt a little bitter in his heart, but he didn't say anything, he just nodded and said: "I treat you as friends, this is what it should be. "

He is actually under a lot of pressure now. His selfishness is much heavier than that of Mr. Meng, so he wants to protect Qin Nuan more than put so many responsibilities on Qin Nuan. Still able to bear it.

But the old man did something that caught him off guard. He told all the families that he had found Qin Nuan, and now all the families are boiling. This is all because he has been looking for a way to wake up Qin Nuan. Time, so he really didn't know it, and when he knew it, the situation was already out of control.

Everyone was asking him about Qin Nuan's whereabouts. They had to confirm Qin Nuan's identity, and after confirming, let Qin Nuan return to the Qin family. They were excited and excited, because in this way, everyone could find the backbone .

If he keeps hiding Qin Nuan's whereabouts from everyone, or prevents this matter, everyone will only think that he wants to usurp power, so he has to grit his teeth to accept this matter, because after this, everyone will not If he doesn't believe him, he won't be able to help Qin Nuan shoulder the responsibilities she has to bear.

He was in such a forced situation, Qin Nuan's return was a matter of time.

He felt a little guilty, if he had taken care of both, Qin Nuan wouldn't be forced to come back so soon, at least he could relax for a while longer.

(End of this chapter)

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