Chapter 151
When ordering food, most of them follow Qin Nuan's taste, this Xi Kun and Meng Yu all understand it clearly.

During the meal, she didn't talk much, but after eating, she still chatted for a while. Meng Yu planned to tell Qin Nuan her identity every time, but she still couldn't say it when the words came to her lips, and she still felt that she could delay The last day counted as a day, and in the end I didn't talk about this matter.

After dinner, I took a friendly farewell.

Qin Nuan pondered for a while, then said to Xi Kun with some doubts: "He seemed to want to say something to me, but he didn't say it."

Xi Kun also nodded and said, "It seems to be like this."

"He hasn't told you now, and maybe he will in the future, so there's no need to think too much now. What you should know will be known sooner or later."

Qin Nuan nodded.

This spiritual flushing is also good for Qin Nuan. Her spiritual consciousness has improved a lot. In those ten days or so, she has made rapid progress, and now she still maintains a stable growth rate. This is very gratifying. Yes, so the next day she happened to be stabilizing her spiritual consciousness at home, when there was a knock on the door.

Qin Nuan ran to open the door. When she saw someone coming, her pupils shrank and she didn't ask any questions.

Li Yan said somewhat cautiously: "Hello, Miss Qin, my name is Li Yan, and I took the liberty to visit you."

"Are you here to look for me?" Qin Nuan asked with some doubts. Logically speaking, only she knows the memories of her previous life, and there is at most one Akun. Why did this person suddenly come to her.

"Yes." Li Yan replied, still a little nervous. She was nervous because she might know Qin Nuan's identity, so she didn't dare to treat him lightly.

"Please come in!" Qin Nuan turned sideways to let her in.

Li Yan came in with her head slightly lowered, put the gift in her hand in the living room, and stood there in embarrassment.

Qin Nuan closed the door, then greeted: "There is a sofa, please sit down."

Li Yan sat down, she came today for two purposes.

"What's the matter, please tell me!" It must be something to find yourself.

"Miss Qin, the last time you fainted, does it have anything to do with me?" These days, she was always thinking about the look in Qin Nuan's eyes before she fainted, and felt that it had something to do with her.

"Why do you say that?" Qin Nuan asked tentatively, could it be that she knew something and had memories of the future?

In fact, when she looked at Li Yan, her mood was very complicated. Li Yan should have endured the things she endured in her previous life. She suffered it on her behalf. This feeling is really indescribable, and I always feel it is very strange. , Looking at Li Yan, she couldn't be happy, because those memories were surging.

"Yesterday you just looked at me and passed out." Li Yan replied.

Qin Nuan was silent for a while, and said, "It has nothing to do with you, you don't need to think too much." She just had a complicated mood, but she didn't blame Li Yan or anything. Compared with ordinary people, that feeling was still a little worse , These are not caused by Li Yan, it can only be said to be good luck.

Li Yan hummed and said: "That's good." She didn't know why she always felt that she owed Qin Nuan a little, she couldn't explain the guilt, she wondered in her heart, maybe she owed her something in her previous life.

She raised her head and looked at Qin Nuan seriously, but she didn't see anything profound, but the curiosity in her eyes was still very obvious.

This made Qin Nuan feel that Li Yan's appearance was also very strange, and there seemed to be some other reason.

After a while, Li Yan said, "Miss Qin, if a big accident suddenly happened to your life, would you be able to bear it?"

This question is asked a bit confusedly.

Qin Nuan thought for a while and asked: "How big of an accident? I think I have experienced quite a few accidents in my life. If there is something else, it probably doesn't matter too much to me." She She felt that what she had experienced was really not a trivial matter, and she had really stabilized her mentality, so she felt that she could still bear what happened.

Li Yan paused, lowered her head and thought for a while, and then said: "If it is a big responsibility that has something to do with you, would you choose to take it?"

Qin Nuan replied, "I will take over." If it is his own responsibility, then he must be obliged to take it over.

Li Yan felt relieved, but Qin Nuan asked her a question, and said, "Why did you suddenly ask me these things?" She was somewhat surprised.

"It's just that I ran into it myself, so I asked someone to ask. It happened that I remembered it just now, so I asked." She replied in a hurry, and her tone was not natural.

Qin Nuan replied: "So that's the case." She didn't believe it.

At this time, there was a sound of opening the door outside. It was Xi Kun who had gone out to buy vegetables and came back. In the past few days, they didn't call Qi Yun to come over to help.

Li Yan was a little surprised to see the dishes in Xi Kun's hands, and asked, "Mr. Xi did the cooking?" The last time Qin Nuan passed out, Xi Kun was full of aura, and looked very scary Yes, there is a fight with Meng Yu, but she is familiar with Meng Yu, and that kind of aura is relatively gentle, while Xi Kun is particularly cold, so she is quite timid, never expecting such a person , There is also a time to gently lift the vegetables.

Qin Nuan nodded and said, "Yes, he is a better cook."

What should be asked, she has already asked, now that Xi Kun is back, she really doesn't dare to disturb her at all, Qin Nuan looks softer, but because of Qin Nuan's identity, she still has some dissatisfaction Those who dared to get in touch, so they said goodbye: "I'm bothering Miss Qin, then I'll leave."

"Okay!" It wasn't a familiar relationship, so the other party said they were leaving, but she didn't keep her.

When they walked to the door, Qin Nuan lifted up the nutritious food with a slight smile and handed it to Li Yan, "I've accepted the fruit, but Miss Li, you can take these nutritious food back! It's a waste to put them here." Li Yan The appearance of is indeed somewhat inexplicable,
So of course she won't accept things.

"Okay!" Li Yan nodded and accepted, the resistance on Qin Nuan's face was too high.

Carrying the things, Li Yan left. After listening to Qin Nuan's words, she felt that Qin Nuan had a great possibility to return. In this way, the degree of cohesion of these families could be improved a lot. My confidence will become stronger and stronger, because the backbone is back.

She felt that she could communicate with the family about this news.

(End of this chapter)

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