Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 156 Negotiation

Chapter 156 Negotiation
There is a reason why Qin Nuan chose to do this. She also saw their reaction and understood very well. No matter how Meng Yu said it, he was only an agent. When the rightful master returned, it was inevitable for him to step aside. The others naturally wanted him to hand over this position to Qin Nuan, which originally belonged to Qin Nuan, and the Qin family behind Qin Nuan was the real guiding family.

When Qin Nuan made this decision, she didn't tell Xi Kun, nor did she tell Meng Si, she made this decision after careful consideration.

After being silent for a while, realizing that Qin Nuan was not joking, everyone looked at each other, Meng Yu was also very surprised.

Qin Nuan then said, "If you have any opinions, you can put them up now! In fact, I have a new idea."

"Young master, please speak!" Several people said in unison.

Qin Nuan nodded and said, "It's very rare for the Qin family to be living outside like me. Usually, they grow up in the Qin family, so they directly take over the responsibilities and missions of the Qin family from the previous generation."

The others nodded in approval when they heard her say that.

Qin Nuan continued: "I found that Yutian Palace has always relied on its own strength to fight against the Rentian organization, and has never considered using external forces, is that so?" She thinks this may be out of a kind of protection The sense of mission, what the Qin family is guarding, he feels that this should be his own responsibility, so he has always been responsible for it, and has never thought of relying on any other strength.

The others continued to nod, with a faint sense of superiority on their faces, a kind of affirmation and pride for their family's protection.

"But have you ever thought that we and the Rentian organization have been in a state of stalemate these years. Even if one side has the advantage, it will be equal in the end."

The others were gradually attracted by Qin Nuan's words, and nodded involuntarily while listening, everyone's reactions were seen by Qin Nuan.

"So I think we can consider using external forces in our dormitory. I don't know if you know that the Rentian organization is secretly carrying out a special plan. We haven't figured out what purpose they have, but we have been able to hide it." After so many years, it is not easy to prove the determination of this plan, if we only rely on our own strength, we may not always be able to win until the end."

"We might as well make a big one, unite Xuanjie, and wipe out the Rentian organization in one fell swoop. It is not a good thing to delay without limit. If we can solve them, then the Qin family and all the families can also unload their burdens." , to relax physically and mentally."

"We should all know that the mission of our Yutian Temple has always been glorious. This is indeed very good, but also, every generation must inherit this mission. Most of the efforts of life are for this, In this way, it is actually a kind of shackle, if we can solve it, then our descendants will no longer have to bear so much."

"It's like, if we take the initiative to do good deeds, then physical and mental pleasure is inevitable. If we have to do something every day, it's okay for a while. If it's like this for a lifetime, there will always be times when we get bored, but it's out of our own will. These are all suppressed by force, but it is undeniable that these emotions exist.”

"The final showdown will always come."

These words really speak to the bottom of your heart. They feel that even if they have endured it in this life, it is nothing. But if their offspring continue to endure it, then there is no hope.

All of a sudden, everyone was silent. This was really a shock. They had never thought of it like this before.

After the silence, you look at me, I look at you, they all saw the emotion in each other's eyes, they really didn't expect that just after Qin Nuan came back, he came back with such a big knife, and it was hard for them to resist This temptation.

In the end, everyone turned to Meng Yu, wanting to see what his opinion was like, at least in these years, all the families that he commanded.

Meng Yu said: "What the young master said is not unreasonable, I respect the young master's opinion."

He really said this out of objective considerations.

Everyone looked at Qin Nuan.

Qin Nuan then said: "I think the affairs of the Yutian Palace will still be managed by Meng Yu, I believe he can handle it well, and I want to break through, condense the power of the mysterious world, and add more power to the Yutian Palace." A strength."

"Okay, then we will obey the young master."

Qin Nuan's idea is quite possible to realize, so everyone is still looking forward to it.

After a long period of discussion, preliminary consultations reached a consensus.

Qin Nuan also introduced Xi Kun's identity.

All the people rushed back secretly. After all, every place has its own affairs to be busy, so it is impossible to stay here all the time.

When the three of them were alone together, Meng Yu asked, "Why did you do this?"

Qin Nuan replied with a smile: "There is no reason, I just think it is the most reasonable to do so. The confrontation between the Yutian Temple and the Rentian organization will eventually end. I have a kind of intuition that maybe we can end it after so many years." Don’t you want to work hard together? Do you want to continue this way from generation to generation?”

Meng Yu didn't say a word, maybe he always likes to take the safest way to deal with things and balance various factors, but after falling into a certain limit, he doesn't have Qin Nuan's ostentatious thinking and vigor , maybe what she said is right, young people need to be impulsive.

He nodded and promised: "I will help you take care of Yutian Palace, you can do anything with peace of mind."

"Thank you!" Qin Nuan's mouth twitched for a while, and finally just said this sentence.

"This is what I should do. I'll take you to the Qin family's old house to have a look! It belongs to you." Meng Yu turned and said.

"Okay!" Qin Nuan agreed.

The Qin family's old house is naturally not in Yancheng, but in Kyoto, but it is very convenient to go there, as long as you go to the airport of Yutian Temple here in Yancheng, then fly directly there, and then stop at the Qin family's old house. The area is very large. After all, it has been passed down for so many years. Although not every generation expands so much, but every few generations, some new houses will still be built.

There are a large number of people who take care of the sanitation, but this is essential. Apart from being a residence, it is actually a cultural heritage, so it needs to be treated carefully.

In just over two hours, they arrived at the Qin family's residence.

(End of this chapter)

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