Chapter 157

Qin Nuan looked at the place in front of her that looked like a group of palaces, and the corners of her mouth were twitching violently. When she looked down on the plane, she felt amazed, but that was equivalent to looking at a thumbnail, and now standing at the very beginning Looking at the place, the back is completely invisible, and this sense of vastness is even more profound.

What made Qin Nuan's eyelids twitch even more was that a car that could fit two people drove up, and Meng Yu said, "Because the house is too big and the main house is relatively inside, it's more convenient to get in by car." .”

Qin Nuan nodded, and sat with Xi Kun, while Meng Yu sat in the back one.

Xi Kun's eyes were filled with astonishment. For these more humanistic things, he had seen very little. The primitive society was more natural scenery, not these things, so he looked at it carefully. everything around.

Arriving at the place where the main house is, Meng Yu pushed open the door and led Qin Nuan in.

This is where the ancestors of the Qin family are enshrined. Qin Nuan needs to come here to offer incense and worship.

Looking at the densely packed rankings above, Qin Nuan felt that her eyes were blurry, but there were two names she was very familiar with. After receiving the incense handed over by Meng Yu, she knelt down on the futon and kowtowed three times earnestly. size.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Nuan asked: "Meng Yu, there should be photos of my parents in the main house, right?" She had been holding back before asking, but when she got here, she couldn't wait to ask.

Meng Yu nodded and said: "Of course there are, but there are only portraits and no photos. It has been like this throughout the ages, but the portraits can maintain a 90.00% similarity."

Qin Nuan was stunned and said, "I want to see, can you take me there?"

Meng Yu nodded.

At this moment, an old man nearly [-] years old rushed over. When he saw Qin Nuan, his eyes filled with tears, and he trembled for a long time without speaking.

Qin Nuan could feel that the old man's energy was relatively weak, he didn't look like a person with cultivation, he was just an ordinary person, and there was a lot of gray energy entangled in his body, and there were many lesions, that is, With her lifespan running out, she looked at Meng Yu suspiciously, to the effect of asking about the identity of this person.

"This is the butler who has been guarding the Qin residence. You can call him Steward Song. He has lived in the Qin residence for nearly 70 years. The person who is most familiar with this place is probably Song Steward. He watched your father grow up. Yes, Steward Song cannot cultivate, but he was one of the people your father respected most during his lifetime."

Qin Nuan called directly: "Grandpa Song, hello!" According to Meng Yu's introduction, Steward Song should be an old loyal servant of the Qin family, but it's not just that, he is also an important member of the Qin family.

Steward Song kept nodding his head, the tears in his eyes flickered more and more, he said in a choked up voice, "Miss, you are finally back." His voice was muddy and hoarse, and his eyes were full of kindness when he looked at Qin Nuan, even if he was The facial expressions are extremely soft.

This reminded Qin Nuan of her grandfather.

Meng Yu was the one who just notified Steward Song. He knew that Steward Song was in poor health, and he was afraid that he would notify him too early. If he was too excited for too long, it would cause great harm to his body.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Nuan said, "Grandpa Song, I'll help you heal your body." Before the other party could speak, a healing talisman quickly appeared in her hand, the spiritual power was activated, and it entered Steward Song's body .

Song Steward felt that there were bursts of warmth in the parts of his body that had been uncomfortable before. The expression on his face showed that he felt very good, so he didn't speak for the time being. Finally, there After the warm current gradually dissipated, he straightened up quite a bit, and said excitedly, "Thank you miss, thank you miss."

Qin Nuan smiled and said, "It should be, thank you, Grandpa Song, for all these years, you have been giving to the Qin family."

Meng Yu also felt the changes in Butler Song, his aura was much stronger, and he felt that the old man should be given time to communicate with Qin Nuan. He knew the old man best, because he came to Qin's mansion. Very often, every time he came, the old man would rush over as fast as possible, and then asked him if Qin Nuan was there, but he didn't, so he was considerate of the old man's feelings.

Meng Yu said: "Song Butler knows the Qin family's house best, how about letting Song Butler take you to the place you want to go?"

Qin Nuan also understood the meaning of Meng Mi, nodded and said, "Okay!"

After that, Meng Yu smiled and left.

Steward Song said with excitement still on his face, "Miss, where do you want to go, this old slave will lead you there."

"Grandpa Song, you don't need to be called that!" Qin Nuan felt very uncomfortable listening, and said seriously.

This can be regarded as a habit in this kind of inheritance family, but Qin Nuan felt that it was particularly awkward, because she had never experienced this since she was a child.

"Well, the old slave will take the liberty to call himself me." Seeing the unresisting in Qin Nuan's eyes, Steward Song had no choice but to compromise.

Qin Nuan nodded and said that she wanted to see the portraits of her parents, and Steward Song led her there.

During this period, Butler Song kept looking at Xi Kun who was beside him, and Xi Kun also greeted him with a smile.

Butler Song has always felt that Meng Yu actually cared about Qin Nuan, and that kind of caring is also extraordinary, but now it is obvious that Qin Nuan has obtained a high-quality partner, and he thinks this is also very good. , the whole person is full of vigor, and it is no worse than Meng Yu's. The most important thing is that the young lady's attitude towards him is very dependent and very happy. The relationship between the two is very good. Maybe the young man Meng is going to be disappointed.

But the relationship really can't be forced. He seems to have thought of the matter of Qin Nuan's father before. Back then, there was a girl from a subordinate family who chased the lord crazily. In fact, she was also very good, but in the end the two hit each other. I haven't wiped it out, so when I meet the right person about the relationship, the rest can only be a passer-by, and sometimes, it may not even be a passer-by.

He still sighed for a while.

The place he is taking Xi Kun and Qin Nuan to now is still a bit far away, so it takes a while to walk, because the Qin family is big, so the places where all kinds of things are stored are different.

If it was the past, he would probably be out of breath, but now he is very energetic.

Finally, at the door of a side hall, Steward Song stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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