Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 159 News from Relatives

Chapter 159 News from Relatives
"What about the back?" Qin Nuan asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly."

"At first your mother was very afraid of your father, but later she gradually realized that your father actually has such a personality, so she relaxed a lot."

"As long as your father is busy with all the things every day, he will run to your mother and stand there without saying a word or giving any gifts. He just looks at other girls like that. Thanks to your mother's good temper, no I think he's a pervert or something." There was a bit of blame and humor in Song Butler's words.

Qin Nuan laughed out loud, she didn't expect Grandpa Song to say the word pervert.

"The old master and the old mistress also know that your father must have taken a fancy to your mother, otherwise he would not have brought her back so recklessly. What I told you, I also knew from your mother's gossip. of."

"The old master and the old mistress knew your father's character, so they never got along with girls. They were afraid that they would scare away the only girl they liked. After all, feelings are consensual, so they treated your father several times a day. The training of love thoughts and tricks to please girls are taught to him all at once, but your father was stunned that all the tricks were useless, which made the two of them very anxious."

"Although I didn't do any romantic things, I still lived in your mother's heart in the end, just by sticking in front of your mother every day."

Qin Nuan was a little stunned, this is okay, then she thought about the appearance on the portrait, and then nodded in her heart, the main reason is that she is good-looking, so it is not annoying to stand in front of people, then she looked around Xi Kun, she picked him up because he was good-looking.

"I found out later that it's because your mother's parents are away all the year round, and they have very little time to take care of her. She spends most of her time playing with snakes in the mountains, so your father's method just touched her heart. What she needs most is companionship."

This is really... a coincidence... Qin Nuan clicked his tongue a few times in his heart.

"Your father's love for your mother really hurts to the bone. Even if your mother staggered while walking, your father's heart would be frightened. A cough is an earth-shattering event, but there have been many jokes."

"For example, when your mother was pregnant with you, she passed out due to lack of energy, and your father was almost buried with her. During the period of morning sickness, he was by your mother's side all the time, with a serious expression like the world. The end is coming, and the whole house is frightened by him."

"During the time your mother went to Yicheng, your father kept a dark face all day long. He only had a slight smile on his face when he was talking with your mother on the phone."

"Your mother is also an exceptionally good girl. When she first came to the Qin family, she didn't understand a lot of things. After all, she grew up in the countryside. She has passed the test of character and culture. But in terms of management Then I really don't understand the slightest bit, but behind, she and your father supported the Qin family together because of the death of the old Patriarch and the old mistress."

Speaking of this, the smile on his face faded away.

"The old Patriarch and the old mistress left early. I didn't expect the Patriarch and the mistress to go earlier. They didn't even have time to raise you, leaving you alone and wandering outside." His voice was already trembling. .

"This should be the worst time for the Qin family in the past few hundred years, and you are left in this world, miss."

Qin Nuan comforted her, "Grandpa Song, haven't I come back? The Qin family will get better in the future."

Steward Song was silent for a moment, and then said, "Miss, your grandparents may still be alive." This may be the last relative of Miss.

Qin Nuan trembled and looked over in shock, she still has relatives in this world?

Xi Kun held her arms and looked at her expectantly. If the girl really has relatives, it would be a very joyful thing for her.

Steward Song nodded and said, "It's possible. Back then, your grandparents disagreed with your father and your mother's marriage and severed ties with your mother. But after your mother had an accident, they came to worship at the grave. Your grandma Crying heartbroken, your strong external skills also wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes. After standing there for a long time, it can be seen that their affection for your mother is very deep. I am afraid that they do not agree to the marriage just because they do not want their daughter to marry into such a big family. , you have to bear so many things."

"Your mother didn't tell them the news of your birth, and I didn't tell them when your grandparents came to worship later, because at that time we didn't know when we could find you, and if we could find you, if we said It's just adding a heavy concern to the two old people, it's better to hide it and tell you when I find you."

"Thank you, Grandpa Song!" After listening to Qin Nuan, she thanked her earnestly. Grandpa Song's actions were indeed very reasonable.

Butler Song continued: "I asked for their address and kept it all the time. If you want to find them, I can write it down for you right away." He already knew that address by heart.

Qin Nuan nodded heavily. She couldn't wait to find news of her relatives who were still alive. Calculated according to their age, they are also 70 to [-] years old. They don't know how they are. The sooner you go, the more peace of mind you will have.

At this time, there is no reason to hesitate.

Originally, she planned to take a closer look at the Qin residence, and then go to pay homage to her parents' graves, but now it is obvious that the living are more important.

"Then I'll write it down for you right away."

Unexpectedly, Butler Song still had the good habit of carrying a pen and paper with him, so he wrote it down and gave it to Qin Nuan.

Qin Nuan took it with both hands, and said gratefully again: "Grandpa Song, thank you so much!"

"This is what I should do, Miss, you should hurry up!" Butler Song hurriedly urged.

The topic before and after is a bit big. Originally, Butler Song had been thinking that he would tell her the news when he saw Qin Nuan, but he forgot about it because he was too excited. Qin Nuan was mentioned just now. Her mother thought of this again, and immediately told Qin Nuan.

The reason why Steward Song urged him so much was because Qin Nuan's mother didn't raise Gu, but Qin Nuan's grandmother did. Gu insects actually suck the essence and blood from the human body to survive. Raising Gu often affects lifespan. It's late, I really don't know if I will be able to see it again.

Qin Nuan nodded, and immediately contacted Meng Yu. After talking about this matter, Meng Yu adjusted the plane and sent her to Miaojiang.

(End of this chapter)

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