Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 160 No, I will go by myself

Chapter 160 No, I will go by myself
Along the way, Qin Nuan was very nervous. This was her only relative who was still related by blood. The anxiety was indescribable.

She has been holding Xi Kun's hand tightly, which has become her conditioned reflex action.

When we arrived at the parking lot on Miao Jiang's side, there were already people waiting there.

This is what Qin Nuan saw at today's meeting.

He didn't know the purpose of Qin Nuan's visit, and he was still a little worried, whether he came to inspect the work.

After getting off the plane, Qin Nuan said, "Old Tang, can you send a car to this place called Pi Yuzhai right away?"

"Young master, it's already eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Are you sure you want to go now, the car can be dispatched immediately, but it's quite inconvenient to walk at night." Elder Tang said respectfully.

Qin Nuan nodded for confirmation: "Send a car over immediately."


Immediately afterwards, Qin Nuan got into the car at Qupi Fishing Village. It would probably take six to seven hours to drive there. Because Miaojiang is mostly mountainous, the car is particularly difficult to drive and often has to turn around. , Moreover, this village can't really go to it, at most it can go to the town, which is a particularly remote village.

The following road needs to be walked by yourself.

Sitting in the car, the tension in Qin Nuan's heart became even worse, her eyes were wide open, in fact, she was a little penetrating, she looked out of the window, at Qin Nuan, and at the driver again.

Xi Kun hugged her into his arms. He could understand Qin Nuan's emotions very well, and he said soothingly, "Girl, why don't you close your eyes and rest for a while, and rush over like this. If your grandparents see it, they will be very distressed." Yes, it has to be considered for the sake of the two old people." Only by persuading him from this perspective, would Qin Nuan listen to his advice and let her rest directly, and she would never agree.

Sure enough, Qin Nuan's expression was tangled for a while, and then he nodded in agreement.

Lying down, pillowed on Xi Kun's lap, eyes closed, not falling asleep.

Xi Kun stretched out his hand and gently massaged her temples, gradually, Qin Nuan fell asleep.

Xi Kun didn't press randomly, but coordinated with acupuncture points and energy, so Qin Nuan fell asleep.

After Qin Nuan fell asleep, the driver felt a lot less stressed. Before Qin Nuan's piercing eyes, he could hardly hold the steering wheel with his hands. That's the young master.

Due to his identity, he didn't have much feeling for Xi Kun.

Xi Kun stroked Qin Nuan's smooth cheeks, his expression was very soft, and after a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I heard the introduction before, there is a long section of winding and steep mountain road to go, and we must maintain good physical strength.

In fact, the journey was quite bumpy. Qin Nuan might have relaxed because of high mental tension. She was really tired. After all, this news was extremely shocking to Qin Nuan, something she had never even thought about. The driver deliberately drove a lot slower, so he was still asleep.

After arriving in the town, Qin Nuan also woke up and quickly got out of the car.

A total of three cars were sent over, and a man in his 30s got out of the car behind him. He was leading the way for Qin Nuan and Xi Kun. Pretty good looking.

It's like three o'clock in the morning.

It may take more than an hour to walk across the mountain road, that is, after four o'clock, and they can reach the village at the fastest speed.

Qin Nuan decided to leave immediately, she really didn't want to delay for a second.

On Miaojiang's side, every village is extremely tightly closed, and they may not be allowed to enter the village if they arrive after four o'clock.

She looked at the guide and asked, "Can you lead the way now?"

"Yes." The man replied very respectfully.

"Okay, let's go now."

Mr. Tang had thought very carefully before, and the lighting equipment was prepared by people. In order to ensure Qin Nuan's safety in Miao Village, he even took a few good hands to follow, and Qi Nuan also acquiesced.

After hearing a lot from Mr. Tang, she was also afraid that there would be a conflict.

The mountain road is really extremely rugged, and it is very difficult to walk. Fortunately, it is not summer, so walking on the mountain road will not scratch the skin or anything.

Xi Kun kept pulling Qin Nuan forward, they were walking in the middle, someone opened the way in front, and someone behind took care of them.

The guide in front said, "Miss Qin, there is a relatively wide ravine ahead, be careful." After he finished speaking, he strode over with some difficulty, but Xi Kun picked up Qin Nuan and stepped over steadily. past.

The guide was silent for a moment, feeling that his reminder was a bit redundant.

Then, even though Qin Nuan's physical strength improved a lot, she couldn't help being a little out of breath all the time when she was going over mountains and mountains. She propped her left hand on her waist and put her right hand on her forehead. Looking forward, she had already walked for an hour. This is still going very fast, Qin Nuan has been cooperating with the speed of the men.

previously estimated

The guide said at this time: "Miss Qin, there are about three or four mountains."

She looked at the mountain in front of her, it was much higher than the mountain she was standing on now, she didn't know what the front ones were like, but she could only climb the mountain, Qin Nuan felt a little dizzy, she felt all After being washed by sweat, I forgive her for being so tall and strong, she does not do much exercise, at most it is just running on flat ground.

Before she left, her feet were still a little cold, but now she has a fever, and even Xi Kun, who has good eyesight, can clearly see the two blushes on Qin Nuan's face, and her lips are also quite rosy.

Xi Kun said: "The road behind is much more difficult than the road ahead, so let me carry you behind my back!"

Qin Nuan shook her head and said, "No, I'll go by myself."

She would also feel sorry for Xi Kun's hard work, so she naturally refused.

Then Qin Nuan continued, "Let's continue."

Several people walked forward in silence, the light of the flashlight was actually particularly obvious in this deep mountain.

When there was a mountain in the back, Xi Kun could clearly feel that Qin Nuan was already in a very weak state. It was really exhausting to go up and down the mountain, so he walked in front of her without consulting Qin Nuan. He squatted down, and with a small exclamation, he picked her up on his back.

Although she knew that Qin Nuan could go on even if she persisted, but seeing Qin Nuan sweating like rain, he was reluctant to let her continue to go on so tiredly.

Even though the girl is strong and not squeamish, he still has to offer his thick shoulders for her, so as not to let her suffer the slightest bit.

Qin Nuan had no choice but to lean on Xi Kun's back, feeling warm in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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