Earth Immortal Righteous Path

Chapter 196 Song Ling

Chapter 196 Song Ling
The mountains stretching for three hundred miles are shrouded in clouds and mist, and there are few people.

In the shade of Shanyang and Shanyang, each has a group of temple buildings.

The setting sun is like blood, dyeing the sky red.

The distant bell, one sound, one sound, unhurried, echoed in the mountains, spreading far, far away...

What a leisurely, peaceful scene.

A sharp crane cry came from the air.

The Taoist who came straddling the white crane patted the crane's neck, and the crane, who received the signal, landed cleverly, behind the mountain gate halfway up the mountain, there was an empty field.

A Taoist boy had been waiting here for a long time. After the Taoist landed, he went up to pick up the white crane, took it aside, and gave him water as a reward.

"Thank you, Junior Brother."

After rushing all the way, Song Ying managed to pack up her mood, her mood also calmed down, and she had a rare smile.

The Taoist boy was overwhelmed with flattery, he quickly waved his hand and said.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, this is what I have to do."

"Senior brother, it's up to me, just leave this crane to me."

Nodding her head, Song Ying tidied up her appearance that was blown by the wind, and left calmly.

Dao Tong paid more attention and became more dedicated to his duties.

Flying three hundred miles in half a day, and carrying a large living person on its back, even though this white crane is a psychic beast that has been taking elixir for a long time, it is also sweating all over.

That Tong'er was also used to serving these spirit birds. While He'er was enjoying the elixir, he found a brush from the nearby house, and carefully cleaned every feather by a small stream left on the mountain. .

Breeding spiritual birds is also a great subject, it's not that the big sects can't have such attention.

"When can I go to the scripture building to listen to the Fa?"

With hopeful eyes, Daotong looked into the distance, the square bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun.


Jinglou is said to be a building, but in fact it is mainly a circular Temple of Heaven-style square paved with marble.

Elder Song sat cross-legged on the three-story high platform, and the disciples in a circle below sat in order. The outer disciples were in the innermost circle, the registered disciples were on the outside, and the unnamed disciples... Only the outstanding ones were allowed to attend. But only on the outermost side.

When Song Ying came over, Elder Song saw it and ignored him, just continued to talk about the secrets of the practice.

From time to time, some disciples got up to ask questions, and listed the questions they had in the course of their practice. Elder Song gave them advice one by one, and sometimes gave them rewards depending on the situation, such as scriptures, futons, or incense burners. small items on the

"I have three treasures, one is diligence, the other is frugality, and the other is not daring to be the first in the world."

"All disciples work hard in the morning and evening. Don't be tired for a day. You must know that the accumulation of a little makes a lot, and water drops through a stone. Be careful, be careful."

Finally, after the routine admonishment, Elder Song ended the teaching with a flick of his whisk.

"Thank you, Elder, for your advice!"

Qi Qi stood up and bowed down. The more than 100 disciples present, regardless of their identities, sincerely thanked Elder Song for his guidance.

During the practice, there are bound to be many unexpected hurdles, and each person encounters different problems due to personal opportunities and aptitudes.

If there is no one to point out, relying on self-enlightenment, I don't know how much time will be wasted, but with a few words of advice from the elders, you can often avoid detours.

This is the grace of guidance.

Not everyone is qualified to do the job of teaching elders, it must be someone with profound cultivation and a deep understanding of various Taoism in the sect.

In addition, you must be able to teach your disciples.It is not enough to just understand it in your own heart. As an elder teaching the Dharma, you have to make all kinds of stupid and unenlightened disciples understand it.

Probably because there are many disciples in the sect, the problems are also strange and strange. Even the disciples who practice the same Dharma sect encounter mostly different problems.

To clarify the doubts of these disciples, the requirements for the preaching elders are really too strict.

This requires the ability of the elders who teach the practice.

Elder Song himself has always been respected by the disciples of the lower court, precisely because he is used to using concise language, explaining profound and simple metaphors, and solving people's doubts.

Because of this, his status in this monastery is only under the head of the monastery.

After the show was over, Song Ying finally met her clan uncle Song Ling, Elder Song.

"Uncle, today..."

He organized his language, and then recounted the self-destruction of the mirror for no reason.

he asked a little uneasily.

"Uncle, isn't it..."


Song Ling interrupted him and looked at him sternly.

"Don't say it here, follow me."

Grabbing his arm, Song Ling waved the fly whisk, and the two of them disappeared in a flash of light.

After they left, behind a jade pillar in the distance, a figure turned around.

This man was wearing a jade belt and a scabbard with him. He was tall and thin.

"Elder Song has been a little mysterious lately, and he can't see anyone after evening class."

This person is also middle-aged, and he is the deacon elder of the Taoist Academy.

"Qin Feng, Ming He, these two boys have been absent from school for no reason. They haven't returned for three days, and they don't know where they went."

"A disciple said that he saw the two of them near Elder Song's residence three days ago. I want to ask Elder Song!"

"Why didn't they disappear! It's almost time for the exam, and they are all expected to be promoted to the inner sect!"

After muttering a few words, the elder deacon shook his head helplessly, and turned back again.

The deacon elder is in charge of general affairs and takes care of trivial matters. In fact, he is still a role similar to a housekeeper. His status is far from being comparable to that of the preaching elder, not to mention that his own cultivation is only mediocre.

Therefore, he didn't dare, and couldn't really come to ask Elder Song whether the disappearance of the two disciples was related to him.

Houshan, Jingshe.

Song Ling and Song Ying appeared at his residence.

This is a single-door detached house built in the shade of a mountain. Unknown chirping white birds jump on the courtyard wall. They are not afraid of people coming, they just move around a little.


Song Ying was a little puzzled.

"There was someone else there just now."

After a pause, he said again.

"Those two outer disciples are famous after all. Someone should have noticed that they disappeared for three days. Others are fine. Huang Kongming was a famous god catcher before he entered the Tao. He might find out something."

Song Ling had some scruples about the deacons and elders. He was not afraid of fighting, but Huang Kongming was a master of all kinds in the case investigation, so he didn't dare to say that what he did was really flawless.

"Then uncle, let's..."

With a trace of hostility on Song Ying's face, she made a gesture of wiping her neck.


Song Ling frowned and scolded in a low voice.

"I can still suppress the loss of two outer disciples, but if an elder disappears for no reason, it will definitely alarm the upper court!"

"Don't worry about him. Even if he really finds out about me, I have a way to keep him silent. This is not a mortal world. If you want to talk about my crime, it depends on whether he has the ability."

Song Ling is self-confident and authentic. In terms of fighting skills, ten Huang Kongmings are not his opponents.

"It's very unusual for you..."

Song Ling also frowned, pondering.

 Students who are still chasing this book, please give some feedback, comments are all good, at least don’t make me feel like I’m playing a single player...

  I always feel that you are so quiet... It's almost like I am talking to myself alone.

  The embarrassment of being confused......

(End of this chapter)

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