Earth Immortal Righteous Path

Chapter 197 Movement and Yin and Yang, Induction between Heaven and Man

Chapter 197 Movement and Yin and Yang, Induction between Heaven and Man

"Practitioners, move in harmony with yin and yang, imitate the universe, behave and think, there is no exception, there are signs of good and bad luck. The more advanced the way, the more obvious. According to what you said, you didn't have a whim before or after the event, or A feeling of impending doom?"

Song Ying replied without thinking:
"No, even now, there is still no induction."

"That is someone with great supernatural powers, blinding your senses, causing you to lose your mind, lose your mind, and become confused, and you will die before you know it!"

"The self-destruction of the large viewing mirror is no small matter. You must know that it is recast from a broken fragment of a Taoist artifact. It has the ability to subdue demons and protect the body. It cannot self-destruct for no reason. It must be for you to prevent disasters!"

Usually, it is not uncommon for a magic weapon to protect the master by itself, but those that can protect the master with spirituality are all treasures that have been passed down for a long time, and the Grand Viewing Mirror is one of them.

After searching all over this monastery, there is no second treasure that can be compared with it.

"There are three levels of magic weapons in the world, magic tools, magic weapons, and Taoist tools, just like the distinction between Sanxian, Earth Immortal, and Celestial Immortal."

"The power of Taoist artifacts is enough to suppress qi and eliminate disasters. It is even more versatile when used on individuals. The predecessor of the big viewing mirror was a large group of Taoist artifacts in ancient times. When it fell into my hands, there were only fragments left. After recasting It has become this mirror, and it has the mystery of a Taoist weapon. Even the foreign demons that it can't dissolve, you know it's no small thing."

"...Think about it carefully, where did you provoke a powerful enemy and use evil methods to harm you?"

After speaking, seeing that Song Ying was still thinking hard, he patiently explained again.

"Generally, there are always some omens before or when such powerful spells occur."

"During the first warning from the large viewing mirror, was there any vision or omen?"

"Uncle, there was no sign. I was in a hurry at that time. Maybe there was one. I never saw it."

Song Ying thought, in a hurry at that time, it seemed that the mirror turned into green smoke in front of her, but she really didn't notice it.

Elder Song was so angry that he pointed at him with trembling hands.

"You didn't notice such a major matter that is related to your wealth and life!"

"Now there is no second big viewing glass to protect you from disasters!"

Afterwards, Elder Song sat down at the table in the room and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Think about it yourself, is it a little restless, lack of energy, or restlessness of the internal organs and gods? Or drowsiness, heavy limbs and the like."

After drinking a cup of tea, there is a cool breath, with lotus fragrance and sweetness. This is a spiritual tea given to the elders in the courtyard. Drinking it for a long time can clear away the poison of fire and has the effect of condensing the soul.

Sure enough, his anger subsided, and Elder Song regained his former composure.

"Uncle, if it's such an obvious feature, it really doesn't exist. I was practicing the several supernatural powers in the appendix of "Five Star Convergence Induction Chapter". If it was so obvious, I would have noticed it long ago."

"But, no. In fact, I didn't feel anything until the big viewing mirror warned and self-destructed, even now... It's as if nothing happened at all."

Song Ying's face turned blue, very ugly.

He was also from an aristocratic family, so naturally he would not fail to understand the meaning.

It only means that the other party's Taoism is far above him, and his supernatural powers are impeccable, easily blinded his instinct for the secrets of heaven, and in the next period of time, he lost his understanding of his own misfortune, fortune, rise and fall grasp.

However, he still took out a few polished ancient copper coins, applied mana, and calculated a hexagram.

"Qian hexagram."

Generally, one hexagram is enough to ask the same thing, and it is not allowed to ask for more than one hexagram, so as not to blaspheme the gods.

However, in the current situation, the divination of Qian Gua is still too outrageous, which can only show that there is a problem.

Unwilling to give up, he tossed the copper coin again, but it was still Qian Gua.

"I have a life-and-death disaster, and I actually got the Qian Gua twice in a row. The people behind the scenes are really teasing me."

Among the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes, the Qian hexagram is not particularly beneficial to the owner. There is not a single word "auspicious" in the entire hexagram and line.

Qian Gua, a special term for the theory of the Book of Changes, is the first hexagram of the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes.

"Zi Xia Zhuan" said: "Yuan means originality; Heng means enlightenment; Li means harmony; Zhen means steadfastness."

"Yuan" said: "Great Qianyuan, the beginning of all things, is the unification of heaven."Clouds and rains make things popular.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the six people were completed at one time, and they rode six dragons to control the sky at that time.The main road changes, everyone corrects their lives, protects Taihe, and is Lizhen.The first common thing to come out is Xianning in all countries.

The hexagrams reflect the current situation and development of the relationship between the subject and the guest from the perspective of the host.

"Heng" means accessible and smooth; for example, everything goes well. Both "tongda" and "smooth" can express the state of development and change of things. "Zhen", persist. "Yuan Heng", things are going well.

Whether the host can face the challenge and win depends on how to use its own advantages to overcome the difficulties caused by the guest.The host should strive to persist in the current state. It is neither appropriate to retreat before the challenge, nor to act blindly without considering the attitude of the client.

Of course, this hexagram is obviously not applicable to the current situation, it can only be used by the other party to spread the word.

"He is using the hexagrams to tell you that you are doomed this time!"

Elder Song also understood the meaning of the person behind him, and his attitude was obvious.

This is just saying hello, I'm going to run you over to death, I have already said hello before I run over you, this is not "killing without teaching".

"It's really arrogant, to deceive me that there is no one in the Song family?"

Elder Song stood up, his long white beard fluttering, and he didn't hide his cultivation anymore.

boom -

Under internal and external emotions, several thunderbolts sounded, and the clouds and mist that existed in the mountains gathered one after another, stirred above the Taoist temple, formed rain clouds, and began to rain.

The so-called earth immortals, when their minds think, the heaven and the earth have a feeling, and their own weather follows them.


Thunderbolt and lightning continued to roar, showing that Elder Song was really angry at this time. .

The unsuspecting disciples in the Taoist monastery, Taoists of Huogong, and Taoist boys all hid in the pavilions and houses nearby, and looked up at this wonderful scene.

Above the Taoist monastery, large patches of rain clouds piled up in the middle, forming a funnel shape, in which purple and cyan lightning flashed continuously, and thunder continued.

Those disciples who were not deeply cultivated only regarded it as a beautiful scenery, but the experienced disciples and elders changed their colors one after another.

"This is someone who has entered the realm of the earth fairy, moving and yin and yang, thinking of wind and thunder, this is a vision of the sympathy between heaven and man!"

"Look in this direction, where is the elder who preaches the law?"

"When did Song Ling pass the Earth Immortal Tribulation?"

 The first one is sent.I'm sorry, but I still ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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