chapter 111

Xia Xiling suddenly wanted to see if she could use her mental power to deal with this plant. If she put her mental power into the vine, would she be able to contract this vine.But she didn't know what to do, so she could only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Xia Xiling tried to use her mental strength, but Ah K saw what she wanted to do, so she stopped her.

"Xiao Bailing, do you want to contract it?"


"Okay, try to use your mental power to communicate with this ugly, cough, this vine." Seeing Xia Xiling glaring at him, Ah K immediately changed his words.

"Little vine, you'd better be contracted obediently, or I'll set you on fire." A K immediately threatened the mutated vine after speaking with Xia Xiling. I don't know if the vine understood, Xia Xiling trembled when she saw it.

Xia Xiling has wood-type abilities, so she can still communicate with plants. This is also the biggest difference between her and other wood-type abilities, but the attack power of other wood-type abilities is stronger than her.

Xia Xiling felt that Mengmengda was really kind to her. Although her attack power was a bit weak, she could make up for it in other places. Being able to communicate with plants just like that was great.It's just that spiritual power is needed to communicate with plants, so she can't communicate with plants all the time, well, she must improve her spiritual power in the future.

Xia Xiling tried to communicate, when she heard a baby's voice, "Sister?"

"Little vine, you are little vine."

"It's me, sister, it hurts so much that brother caught me!"

"Little Vine, are you willing to follow my sister in the future? If you agree, I will immediately ask that brother to let you go, and after following me, I will find delicious food for you and make you green and fat."

"Then, then I want that thing just now."


"You used it on me when I just woke up. It's very comfortable."

"You mean, wood-type abilities."


"But then, why did you attack me?"

"Well, I felt so painful that I attacked, I'm sorry, sister."

"You mean, as long as I purify you, you will be in pain."


"Okay, I see, do you agree to follow me?"

"Okay, sister."

It turns out that when Xia Xiling just came here, it wasn't Xiaovine's scheme at all but it was sleeping, embarrassing!

But as long as she contracts the little vine, the little vine will hurt and attack her, what should I do?
Xia Xiling withdrew her mental power, "Ah K, let go of the little vine."


"Well, it agreed, what should I do now?"

"You don't know how to make a contract."

"Yeah." Xia Xiling was a little ashamed, but she really wouldn't.

"You dare to come even if you don't know how to make a contract, and I won't either." Ah K said without a good temper. To be honest, he was really angry. If he didn't rush over, Xia Xiling would have died here.

Although Ah K saved her just now, Xia Xiling felt angry when she heard Ah K's tone. If you don't want to save me, then don't come here. Just say that you are wrong, and she will feel very angry.

When Xia Xiling got angry, she did things recklessly, so she directly hit the little vine with her mental power, and Xia Xiling fainted gorgeously.

And when Ah K saw Xia Xiling fainted, he didn't care about it and was still angry. He is still very powerful in the doomsday, but he can't make this contract.Seeing that Xia Xiling had fainted, he picked her up and prepared to go to a place where he could rest. He didn't care when he saw that vine entangled Xia Xiling's body. If Xia Xiling woke up, he would definitely look for this vine.

Zin, really disgusting, ugly, and made his little lark faint.Glancing threateningly at the vines, seeing the vines trembling in fear, Ah K left satisfied.

Ah K didn't know why Xia Xiling fainted, but it must have something to do with the vine, and Ah K didn't know how to wake Xia Xiling up, so he had to wait now.

Ah K took Xia Xiling to a 5-star hotel. The hotel didn't look too damaged, which should be because the building materials used in the hotel were relatively good.

Ah K found a presidential suite and put Xia Xiling on the bed.Ah K hugged Xia Xiling openly and aboveboard all the way, but the strange thing was that there wasn't even a single zombie.Moreover, this 5-star hotel is more than 10 hours' drive from the place where Xia Xiling was just now, but Ah K just hugged Xia Xiling and arrived here in a short while.

That is to say, there is no one on the street, but even if there are people, it is just a gust of wind.

Xia Xiling fainted, and Ah K didn't know what to do, so he went out to find some advanced zombie crystals.He crushed these zombie crystals and sprinkled them on Xia Xiling's body and helped Xia Xiling absorb them, but Xia Xiling's body still didn't respond at all.

He sprinkled all the remaining zombie crystals on Xia Xiling's body and let her absorb it again. This time Xia Xiling finally responded, her body began to turn red and hot. Ah K didn't know what was wrong, but he was very worried , Could it be that he used too many zombie crystals? He usually eats a lot more than this, and he didn't respond?

This time, he couldn't be doing bad things with good intentions, and Xiao Bailing should be fine.

Ah K waited like this, and finally after a day, the red color on Xia Xiling's body faded, and her body was no longer hot, but Xia Xiling still didn't wake up.

After Jing Yiyu finished his mission and returned to the base, he wanted to find Xia Xiling. He hadn't seen Xia Xia for three days, and he missed her very much.In the past, Jing Yiyu didn't have such a strong feeling, but now as long as he doesn't see Xia Xiling, he feels like his heart is empty.

When he came back to the base, he went to the place where Xia Xiling lived without listening to his subordinates' report on what happened in the past few days. He knocked on Xia Xiling's door, but no one was there. Jing Yiyu thought maybe Xia Xia just wasn't there.

Jing Yiyu returned to his place and called his subordinates to ask Xia Xiling how he was doing these days.

"Xia Xia, how are you doing these days?"

"Boss Jing, that, that."

"What's wrong, what's wrong with Xia Xia." Jing Yiyu saw him hesitating, and knew that something must have happened, and his nerves instantly collapsed into a rope.

"Boss Jing, Miss Xia seems to have disappeared. It's been 3 days since you left the house."


When Jing Yiyu heard that something had happened to Xia Xiling, he felt that it was a conspiracy. He almost subconsciously thought of Ke Juanbai.

(End of this chapter)

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