chapter 112

"Boss Jing, after you left that day, Miss Xia wanted to leave the base, and we couldn't stop her. Besides, Miss Xia is very skilled, so we let her go. Miss Xia said she would come back before you came back but I don't know what happened, Miss Xia hasn't come back yet."

"Then have you gone out to look for them these days?"

"We searched, we searched everywhere, but we didn't find Miss Xia."

"Well, does Ke Juanba know about this, and how does she behave?"

"Miss Ke, oh, when we were looking for Miss Xia, she asked a question and then nothing happened."

"Well, ask the master to go out and look for it."

Jing Yiyu didn't know if this matter was related to Ke Juanbai, if it was really related to Ke Juanbai, he would definitely kill her.

Jing Yiyu didn't want to hide the news of Xia Xiling's disappearance at all. After so many days, everyone should know what they should know. Ke Juanbai is a woman who does everything without leaking. After so many days, even if she did it, there is no way to find out. The evidence came out.

Jing Yiyu was worried that Xia Xiling was dying of worry, and Xia Xiling's side, K, was also worried that Xia Xiling was dying of worry. It had been three days, and Xia Xiling still showed no sign of waking up. Ah K didn't dare to give Xia Xiling the zombie crystal. up.

Jing Yiyu searched for Xia Xiling all day without any results. He became very haggard. He couldn't imagine what he would do if something happened to Xia Xia.

Another day passed, and Xia Xiling finally woke up. Ah K was very happy to see Xia Xiling awake.

"Little Bailing, you have been in a coma for 5 days, and you finally woke up."

"What about me, hey? Why has my ability level increased again, and it has increased by several levels."

"Little Bailing, it's good that you're fine."

"Tell me, what did you do when I was unconscious?"

Seeing Xia Xiling staring at him with beautiful eyes, Ah K told the truth, besides, he never lied to Xia Xiling. "I, I used some zombie crystals for you, but there aren't many of them."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for you, I would have woken up early."

"Well, it's my fault, what do you want me to do."

"It's your fault, but for the sake of saving my life, forget it. You just said that I've been in a coma for a few days?"

"5 days."

"What, 5 days, is that someone looking for me?"

"Yeah." Ah K hated that man very much. He was clearly incapable of protecting Xiao Bailing, but Xia Xiling would not tell lies if he asked him.

"No, Ah Jing must be very worried about me, Ah K, I want to go back."

"I knew you were going back, let's go, I'll see you off."

"Well, thank you K."

Xia Xiling has also lived in the doomsday for a long time. She will plan to get rid of Coselaginaceae when she goes back this time. Now that the little vine is hers, it will be easy for her to kill Coselaginaceae, but if Jing Yiyu Just kill Coschini as well.

In fact, Xia Xiling was tricked by Ke Juanbai when she came out this time, but she didn't realize that due to her special physique, poison was useless to her. She herself was a master of poisoning and detoxification.Xia Xiling went out in such a hurry to get rid of the poison, but she didn't know what method Ke Juanbai used to poison herself.

The scourge of Ke Juanbai can no longer be kept, that is, the original owner hoped that she could taste the pain she had suffered, so a plan was needed, and it would be best to expose Ke Juanbai's true face and ruin her reputation.

Xia Xiling has lived in the apocalypse for a year, but this time the apocalypse is faster than in the previous life. Everyone's ability level has been improved faster, but the zombies have also been upgraded faster.

In fact, the person Jing Yiyu went out to pick up this time was the scientist who developed the antidote reagent for zombie virus in his previous life. According to the plot, this scientist should not have appeared so early, but Jing Yiyu has the memory of this scientist. He thinks If you want to save mankind as soon as possible, go to that scientist.

When Xia Xiling was about to arrive at the base, Ah K left again. Xia Xiling didn't know why Ah K didn't go in with her every time, but everyone had their own secrets. Since Ah K didn't want to tell, then Xia Xiling wouldn't go ask.

When Xia Xiling returned to the base, most of the people in the base had gone out, Xia Xiling knew that they were all going out to find herself, so she called someone to ask Jing Yiyu where they were now?

The person was also very pleasantly surprised to see Xia Xiling, so he told Xia Xiling that Boss Jing and the others had gone to the west. After walking for more than an hour, Xia Xiling left the base to chase after Jing.

Xia Xiling took out her off-road vehicle from the space, drove the position indicator and went to find the male god. She had already thought about this car. If everyone asked, just say it belonged to Ah K. Anyway, Ah K would not expose her of.

The moment Xia Xiling saw Jing Yiyu, she couldn't believe it. Is this still her handsome male god?With a decadent face, a green beard, and thick dark circles under the eyes, it looked like he hadn't rested for several days. Xia Xiling felt distressed when he saw it, and was very angry that he didn't love herself so much.

When Jing Yiyu saw Xia Xiling, he said to her, "You're back."

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 95."

Then he passed out in Xia Xiling's arms. Looking at him like this, Xia Xiling knew he was exhausted, so he brought Jing Yiyu back to the base without saying anything.

Xia Xiling didn't expect that Jing Yiyu, who was missing, would actually give him 5 favorability points, but Xia Xiling didn't want such favorability. These days, Jing Yiyu must have suffered a lot.

To say that Ke Juanbai is in a really good mood these days, Xia Xiling has been missing for 5 days, and she has been poisoned by herself, so she must not be able to survive. Thinking of solving Ke Juanbai's mood, which is a big problem in Xia Xiling's heart, is good However, it was Jing Yiyu's insistence on looking for Xia Xiling that made her a little unhappy.

What's more, what Jing Yiyu said to her that day obviously doubted her. Why, she was the one who met Jing Yiyu first, but why did Jing Yiyu still only have Xia Xiling in his eyes like in his previous life, Xia Xiling, Xia Xiling, Xia Xiling!I am sworn to death with you!
Because Xia Xiling visited the base in a hurry and saw only one gatekeeper, Ke Juanbai did not know that Xia Xiling was still alive and had returned.

So when she saw Xia Xiling appearing in front of her well, she was still very surprised. Xia Xiling also saw Ke Juanbai.

"Send Ah Jing back first. I'll have a word with Ms. Ke. I've been missing for such a long time. Ms. Ke must be very worried." Xia Xiling's words were meaningful.

Ke Juanbai was only distracted for a moment before he realized it. He immediately stepped forward to look at Xia Xiling, took Xia Xiling's hand, and acted like a sister. Xia Xiling only felt disgusted.

"Okay, Ke Juanbai, stop pretending, I look disgusting, I have to go back to take care of A Jing, I just came to warn you, don't think I don't know what you did, sooner or later I will return For you."

"Miss Xia, you..."

"That's enough of Cosjugne, put away your hypocritical face."

(End of this chapter)

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