chapter 113

Xia Xiling directly interrupted Ke Juanbai's words and left. She didn't see Ke Juanbai's distorted and vicious face after she left.

"Xia Xiling is a doctor herself. When she returned to Jing Yiyu's residence, she first took a look at Jing Yiyu's residence. She found that she was malnourished due to long-term lack of rest and lack of food, but overall there was no major problem."

Xia Xiling knew that Jing Yiyu would definitely want to see her when he woke up, so he stayed by Jing Yiyu's bedside to take care of him. When he felt that Jing Yiyu was about to wake up, Xia Xiling went to cook a bowl of porridge.

When Xia Xiling came back with the porridge, Jing Yiyu looked like he was about to wake up, but this time Jing Yiyu had been lethargic for most of the day, so he must be very hungry.

"Ah Jing, you're awake!"

"Xia Xia."

"Yeah, it's me, Ah Jing, I'm fine, I'm back."

"Xia Xia."

"Ah Jing, you've been in a coma for most of the day, let's have the porridge first, and we'll talk about this after the porridge is finished."


Then, Xia Xiling fed Jing Yiyu two big bowls of porridge, and Jing Yiyu felt that his stomach was much more comfortable and his body had strength.In fact, he still wants to eat. Xia Xia's cooking skills are great, but he also knows that he can't eat too much now that he just woke up.

"Xia Xia, what happened to you?"

"Ah Jing, I don't want to hide it from you. Believe it or not, Ke Juanbai poisoned me."

"It's really her."

"Well, Ah Jing, have you suspected Ke Juanbai long ago?"

"Well, I heard you said that Ke Juanbai wanted your life before. I think your disappearance this time is probably caused by this woman. If she knew that she dared to harm you, she should have killed her in the first place."

"Well, it's like this. I'm a medical student. I know the changes in my body. I suspected that I was poisoned. I wanted to go out to find a way to detoxify, but something happened."

"Xia Xia, you said that Ke Juanbai poisoned you, are you well now?"

"A Jing, don't worry, you know that my medical skills are the most powerful, and this little poison can't trouble me. Fortunately, Ke Juanbai didn't know that I could detoxify, otherwise she didn't know that she would How can you figure out how to deal with me?"

"Xia Xia, I failed to protect you this time, don't worry, there will be no next time."

"How can I blame you! Ah Jing, don't worry, I will be fine in the future, and I won't worry you any more."


"Well, actually this time I went out and met a large group of zombies, but I was saved by Ah K."

"It's him again."

"Well, but Ah K didn't want to come over, he sent me to the gate of the base and left."

"The next time you meet us, thank you very much."

This Ah K is definitely not a good person, at first glance, he has no good intentions for Xia Xia of their family, that is, Xia Xia is innocent, and has not seen his intentions for her, Jing Yiyu thought a little sourly.

"Well, it's a must. By the way, Ah Jing, I've gained a lot from going out this time."

"What is it?"


Then Xia Xiling took out the small vine from the space and showed it to Jing Yiyu, but Jing Yiyu only saw a small vine, but what Xia Xia said meant that there must be something different about this vine.

"Ah Jing, this is a mutated vine. It is mine now, and I was in a coma for 3 days because of the contract. Otherwise, I would have come back to see you a long time ago."

"Well, this will give you another layer of protection around you."

Jing Yiyu doesn't know much about the contract, but it seems that it is good for Xia Xiling, so that's good.

Xia Xiling didn't expect that Jing Yiyu would avenge himself the next day. He drove Ke Juanbai out of the base, which was really gratifying.

And Jing Yiyu's reason was that Ke Juanbai attacked the people in the base, and the person who was hurt was Xiaoyue. Xiaoyue hated Kejuanbai very much, so she cooperated very much.

Although there is a lack of physical evidence for this matter, there are witnesses (Jing Yiyu would find it easy to find a few people to testify) and Jing Yiyu is the most powerful and the boss of this base, he has already spoken , unless you don't want to stay in the base anymore, otherwise you can only watch Ke Shuibo being driven out.

Although I usually see Ke Juanbai's popularity is very good, but at this critical moment, no one came out to speak for her. This is the case in the end of the world. People will always care about themselves most.

Surprisingly, Wang Yu, the man who likes Ke Juanbai wants to go out with Ke Juanbai, Xia Xiling is surprised. Is this Wang Yu such a man of backbone?

Not to mention what it was like for Ke Juanbai to be kicked out of the base, Xia Xiling was very happy. She and Jing Yiyu had been living in the base all the time. Now I can't bear Xia Xiling leaving him for a second, Xia Xiling said that I will throw away this wave of dog food.

The two of them lived in the apocalypse every day, and occasionally dealt with zombies. They were mainly researching the antidote to the zombie virus. Scientists had already found it. Xia Xiling was also a medical student, so he helped to research it.

Soon, three years passed, and the drug was about to be successfully developed. Xia Xiling felt that she was about to complete the task. Ke Juanbai had a very bad life these years. This was told to Xia Xiling by the people who met her. The position meter was not afraid of not being able to find her at all, so she waited until she reached the male god's favorability and then went to kill Ke Juanbai. In this way, her mission was completed.

However, she did not expect that such a Coschini would give her a fatal blow, and she also regretted that she did not kill her directly, but tortured her for a few years first, if she knew that this would make her lose Ah K, it would not be very good If she could fulfill the original owner's wish without hesitation, she would kill Coschinba without hesitation.

I just remember the day when the potion was finally developed, and everyone was very happy. Jing Yiyu also added 4 favorability points to himself, and it was almost 99 already.But before they could celebrate, a large group of zombies appeared outside the base. It was so dense that it was impossible to tell how many zombies there were, but Xia Xiling thought that it must be all the zombies in the doomsday.

She had an intuition that this was the work of Cosniba. Sure enough, she saw Cosniba appearing in the crowd of zombies, but these zombies did not hurt her. There was a man beside her, no, this is a A senior zombie, his eyes are gray.

The higher the level of zombies, the more they look like humans, but their eyes are always gray.

Xia Xiling couldn't remember what happened in this battle. She only remembered that Ke Juanbai was killed by Jing Yiyu in the end, and she was killed by that high-level zombie.

But I don't know why she came back to life again, she fell into a coma for 4 years, but when she woke up and listened to Ah Jing, she had completely forgotten about Ah K.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 1, and the favorability is 100."

 Ah K is not dead, his ending will be written in the episode, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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