Chapter 114 Extra Story

My name is Selaginella. Selaginella is also called "the rose of Jericho". It is a desert plant.It is famous for its ability to "resurrect" after being almost completely dried out.The origin of Selaginella is in the Chihuahua Desert in Mexico. When the dry season comes, its stems will be tightly coiled into a ball, as if dead; and once there is moisture, it will stretch the stems and leaves, Try to absorb the rare water, so Selaginella is also called resurrection grass.

I lived a new life just like my name, but my two lives were not happy, and I died young and painful.

Because I am a girl, my parents don't like me, even the name is just a silly name.Since my younger brother was born, my parents didn't like me even more. I still remember that when I was young, my mother often said that I was a loser.

In fact, I like my younger brother very much. I watched him be born, so small and soft, it looks cute.But my brother doesn't like me either, he always makes me work, but I put up with it.

Every time my younger brother does something wrong, he will blame it on me. At this time, my parents will not listen to my excuses, and say that I blamed my younger brother to avoid punishment, and they will beat me up. .

Gradually, I don't like my younger brother anymore. I know that no matter what I do, they won't like me. I am so young, but I still do a lot of housework every day, mopping the floor, washing clothes, cooking, washing Bowls, etc. All these housework are done by me as a child.

I hate winter the most. In winter, I can only use cold water to wash clothes. They won’t let me use hot water, saying that it wastes electricity. Why don't the lights waste electricity?My hands were soaked in cold water and all had chilblains, and it was itchy and painful when the weather was warmer.

Finally I have reached the age of going to school, I can finally leave this house, because there are 9 years of compulsory education, they dare not let me go to school, even if I go to school, I see the mocking eyes of my classmates looking at her wearing old clothes , she also felt nothing, she just wanted to escape from that "home".

But I am still too naive, they will never let me go, even if I go to school, I have to get up early at 4 o'clock in the morning to prepare breakfast and clean the room. But it was getting late at this time, and they wouldn't let me light the lamp.

I could only finish all my homework when I was in school. When I was in elementary school, I could barely finish my homework at school, but after entering junior high school, I couldn't do it. Slowly, my academic performance also declined.

My parents beat me again because of this, they blamed me for smearing their faces, I have been numb, from childhood to adulthood, no matter what I do, they are not satisfied.

I have given up studying, and I have worked hard on other aspects. My popularity at school is very good, and everyone likes me very much. After a long time, I don’t remember what I was like, so I bring This mask faces other people.

Gradually, my parents saw that I made money for them, and their attitude towards me was much better than before, but only a little bit, and this attitude was completely useless in front of my younger brother, but I also saw It's off, don't care anymore.

I've grown up and it's time to go to college. Although my grades are not very good, I can still be admitted to a similar university. Most importantly, by then I will be able to leave this world full of childhood nightmares. place.

However, I never thought that my parents would not let me go to university. No, it should be said that I thought of it, so after they rejected me, I was not surprised.However, I really didn't expect that they would destroy the volunteer form I secretly filled out.

I was so angry that I only got a slap and abuse when I asked them to argue. My parents said that I was not filial and that I went against their wishes. I really don't want to admit that I have such a pair of parents.

Later, I found out that they just didn’t want to pay my tuition fees, and they felt that if I went to college, there would be one less housekeeper in the family. She is such an obedient and free nanny.

Nanny, she was conceived by her mother in October, but now she is just a nanny in their eyes. Her parents ruined her future, and she never hated her parents so much for a moment.

When they beat her before, she was just angry, but now she really hated them, they cut off her future hope, which was her only hope for so many years.

Later, zombies appeared suddenly, and everyone was afraid, but she was a little lucky, so that the starting point of them was the same, and no one would care about her lack of education.

She fled with her parents and went to find a place to live. For a piece of bread, her parents sold her to many men, but they would not give her a bite of food. How precious is food in the end of the day? Give it to her, if it weren't for seeing that she was still useful, I'm afraid I would have left her long ago.

That day, the zombies attacked, and in order to survive, her mother pushed her into the group of zombies with her own hands, and fled for her own life.Fortunately, she activated the ice ability at that moment, otherwise she would have died.

Later, she personally killed her parents and younger brother, oh, no, she just pushed them into the crowd of zombies, just like her mother treated her.

Later, I met a man, he was very powerful, he was very indifferent to others, but he was very kind to a woman named Xia Xiling. I wanted to get him, but I used tricks, but he drove me out of the base and was bitten by zombies died.

I still remember the pain of the zombies biting me, but I was reborn, the day before the end.Since God wants me to live a new life, I need those who bully me to die. I personally killed my parents and younger brother with a knife. Anyway, tomorrow is the end, and no one will investigate.

Everything went smoothly, but something happened to that woman Xia Xiling. She was not by Jing Yiyu's side in this life, but it was a good thing. After rebirth, I discovered that my blood could attract zombies. He killed Xia Xiling, but he didn't expect that Xia Xiling was still alive.

The second time, I poisoned her, but Xia Xiling came back intact, and Jing Yiyu actually kicked me out of the base because of this.

The third time, I made a deal with the Zombie King. I knew that the zombies wanted to eat supernatural beings to improve their level. I also used blood to attract all the zombies in the doomsday, but in the end I died. In the hands of Jing Yiyu, he died in the hands of the man I love.

At the moment of my death, I saw another self. That self framed Xia Xiling and succeeded. After that, I was with Jing Yiyu. They managed the doomsday together. Everyone respected them very much. I think that should be my original self. life, but now, I am dying.

When I died, I still thought of a person, Wang Yu, that is really a stupid man, I don’t know what he likes about me, and he followed me out when I was kicked out of the base, but so what, I will definitely I will not be soft-hearted.

When I met a zombie, I withdrew him to block the zombie, and he was bitten to death. I saw his surprise before he died, haha!This stupid man, now he finally knows that he is a bad woman, but why is his face full of tears?

(End of this chapter)

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