The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 203 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 203 Preparations for Gongdou.
In this way, until Xia Xiling was nearly 9 months pregnant, beautiful girls from various places began to enter the palace one after another, which also indicated that the harem, which had been calm for a long time, was about to start to be turbulent again.

Xia Xiling's pregnancy this time was really difficult. At the beginning, everyone didn't know that she was pregnant. At that time, it was okay, and there was no big reaction. But after everyone knew that she was pregnant, Xia Xiling's pregnancy reaction became more and more serious. all out.

This is Xia Xiling's first child, and it's twins, so it was extremely difficult to conceive. At 3 or 4 months, she suffered from morning sickness.

It's nothing, but after getting older, she often suffers from leg cramps, and because of this cramps, Xia Xiling's temper becomes particularly bad, but Xuanyuan Che treats her better and better.

Because her legs started to cramp after the month got older, Xia Xiling would often wake up with pain at night, so Xuanyuan Che who was sleeping with her naturally couldn't sleep well either.

But Xuanyuan Che was very patient with her, he would massage her every time Xia Xiling woke her up, and Xuanyuan Che would not sleep with her until Xia Xiling stopped cramping.

But Xia Xiling felt that this was what Xuanyuan Che should do, how could she be pregnant with his child, it was all this damn task, otherwise would she have to go to this palace to suffer, and fight with a group of women for the same man.

Especially after she became pregnant, even though Xuanyuan Che was with her every day, Xia Xiling still felt that her anger was a little out of control.

If it weren't for her confidence in her own strength, Xia Xiling would have thought that someone had drugged her. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Che might have been pregnant because she was pregnant, so she wasn't impatient at all and kept coaxing herself.

After Xiunu entered the palace, the empresses of various palaces began to summon Xiunu. Of course, Xia Xiling, who is not the lord of the first palace, has no chance, and her belly is so big now, she may give birth at any time Even Xuanyuan Che wouldn't let her see others at ease.

To say that the showgirls this time are all well-known, not worse than they were at that time, the most famous of them is the empress dowager's niece, um, another cousin of the emperor.

The Empress Dowager probably felt that this cousin in the palace was not liked by the emperor, so she sent another cousin in. Xia Xiling felt that Ning Guirong definitely didn't know about the fact that the Chang family was going to send someone into the palace. If she likes the emperor's temperament so much, how could she intend someone to come into the palace to compete with her for the emperor.

Xia Xiling was right about this matter again. After Ning Guirong found out about this matter, she went to find the queen mother, but when Ning Guirong came out of the queen mother's palace, she was not in a good condition. It seemed that something unpleasant had happened with the queen mother .

Hehe, dog eats dog, Xia Xiling likes to watch it the most.

Among the beautiful girls who entered the palace this time was Concubine Fu's younger sister, Xia Xiling felt that this was a bit strange, according to their family, they should not send another daughter to the palace.

Unless, unless this daughter wants to enter the palace by herself, um, as Concubine Fu's younger sister, she should have the opportunity to see the emperor. It is possible that she saw Xuanyuan Che at that time, and fell in love with Xuanyuan Che at first sight. Well, Xuanyuan Che's coquettish peacock-like man is indeed more popular with women, especially the fact that he has a noble status gives him extra points.

The cuteness is almost unbelievable, because Xia Xiling guessed that the score is not bad, um, well, the system is uneducated, so please don't be offended.

"Host, host, why are you so powerful, why do you know everything."

"Well, it's a trifle."

"Wow! Host, you are so saucy!"

"Cough, I have learned some calculations before. At that time, people in the Jianghu gave me the nickname "Xia Banxian". Now I have almost forgotten those skills, so I only have this level now."

"Wow! Host, you are really amazing! From today onwards, you are their idol."

Let's ignore the [-]-character praise and admiration of Mengmeng's omniscient host.

Here, Xia Xiling would like to tell everyone who is studying, if you don’t study well, you will be like this stupid system called Mengmengda.

In fact, where did she learn any calculations, she just fooled Mengmeng casually, she didn't expect this stupid system to believe it, this kind of thing can be guessed by reading a few more Gongdou novels, okay?

And Zuo Xiang's daughter is old enough, so she was also sent to the palace. These are the three most controversial candidates in this year's draft. Oh, and there is another beauty who is Jiang Nan, um, she is in the same place. .

And that show girl is the most beautiful among the show girls in this session. According to our emperor's urination, ahem, hobbies, and according to Xuanyuan Che's hobby of liking beauties, it is very likely that this show girl will be kept.

Zuzu, I don't know what happened to the people in these families, it's because there are no favored people in my family, and no one is pregnant and has children, so I can't wait to send everyone into the palace.

It's really not easy to be a woman now, not only you have to be able to bear children, but you also need to be a boy, and you also need to be favored, if you are not favored, it will not work.

Really, Xia Xiling wanted to make some complaints when I said this. Only those with a little knowledge would know that it is the father's role to give birth to boys and girls, so why is it all the woman's responsibility?

Really uneducated!
Xia Xiling could give birth at any time now, so Xuanyuan Che stayed by Xia Xiling's side most of the time, just in case something happened.

The previous rounds of screening were naturally carried out by the queen and others. After the emperor had seen the portraits, this time apart from the most beautiful girl, there were also the three women with backgrounds mentioned above. Everyone needs to stay.

The queen knew it well, but she still had to choose a few helpers. Although the noble dancer was quite favored, but her status was too low, and her status would not be raised, so she would have no chance to fight Ming Shuyi.

According to the past rules, the last day of the draft is to be visited by the emperor in person, so all the show girls seem to have been beaten with chicken blood on this day. Those who are worried that they will be envied by others are not hiding themselves. On this day, everyone All in top condition.

But after they all arrived, the emperor still didn't come. After waiting for more than half an hour, the emperor still didn't arrive. Some beautiful girls became anxious, but there were also those who were very calm.

After waiting for a while, an official came up and said something to the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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