The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 204 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 204 Preparations for Gongdou.
Then I heard the queen say, "The emperor is now accompanying Ming Shuyi to give birth, and he said that Bengong will host the draft. Okay, let's start now."

The empress began to give Xia Xiling a lot of hatred before the show girls entered the palace, but what the empress said was the truth, so people couldn't say anything.

In fact, the emperor didn't tell her anything, this servant belonged to her, he came and told himself that it was the empress Ming Shuyi from Weiyang Palace who started giving birth, the emperor was accompanying empress Ming Shuyi to give birth, the prince asked the empress to give birth Preside over the overall situation.

In fact, these words are all said by Wang Gonggong himself, the emperor is now accompanying Empress Ming Shuyi to give birth!Where is the time to take care of these unimportant things?

Wang Gonggong knew that the emperor had prepared the imperial decree to confer Ming Shuyi as Zhaoyi early in the morning. Be good, just give birth to a child and you will be promoted to the third level, and the emperor had already given Ming Shuyi the title when she was pregnant. After that, now in Jinfeng, he has been awarded the fourth level in a row. This is an honor that no one has ever achieved.

Although Wang Gonggong has made his own decision this time, the emperor will not blame him. Isn't the most capable person around him supposed to deal with the master's troubles?

Wang Degui knew that if he didn't tell the queen about it, the queen would delay the draft, and then put all the blame on Ming Shuyi, obviously this matter had nothing to do with Ming Shuyi, obviously Empress Shuyi is giving birth, what does she know, it's obviously the emperor's fault.

Cough cough cough, the old slave didn't mean that, the emperor didn't know, the emperor couldn't hear it.

Xia Xiling won't know what it's like in the draft. She is still working hard to give birth. Xia Xiling deliberately asked Mengmeng to seal her pain. She knows that giving birth is the world's most important thing. The most painful thing ever.

Hehe, it's a good thing that Mengmengda can seal her pain. Xia Xiling thinks this function is really powerful, and Xia Xiling also asks Mengmengda to show her the people she gave birth to. If there is a problem, Mengmengda will tell her.

But this time Xia Xiling's delivery was very important. The emperor actually changed a batch of midwives at the end. This was something that even Xia Xiling didn't know about, so it was relatively safe.

Xuanyuan Che was afraid that these midwives would have some problems, so he had already prepared this move. These things were done by his secret guards, so no one would know.

And on the bright side, he prepared a lot of midwives, and didn't tell everyone which midwife would be used in the end, just to confuse everyone.

Facts have proved that Xuanyuan Che's plan is really useful, and there is indeed no problem among these midwives, so Xia Xiling's delivery this time has no other problems except that it took a little longer.

Xia Xiling was born in the early morning of the next day. Xuanyuan Che just stood in Weiyang Palace for a day and a night. After Xia Xiling was born, he saw the child and Xia Xiling before returning to Zichen Palace to prepare for court.

After Xia Xiling gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus, Xuanyuan Che immediately decreed to promote Xia Xiling to Ming Zhaoyi. The news quickly spread throughout the entire harem, but Xia Xiling himself was the last to know.

Although Xia Xiling's pain was blocked by Mengmeng Da, Xia Xiling's body was still very tired, so after giving birth to the child, Xia Xiling was so tired that she fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, Xia Xiling heard Xuanyuan Che's voice. He asked himself how he was doing, but before falling asleep, Xia Xiling thought about why there were not many people who caused damage in her delivery this time. It's really unscientific.

If Xuanyuan Che could hear Xia Xiling's thoughts, he would probably be stunned.

By the way, after Xuanyuan Che saw the pair of dragon and phoenix twins that Xia Xiling gave birth to, he raised Xia Xiling's favorability, but it was only 9 points of favorability. I don't know why Xuanyuan Che's favorability didn't reach 90.

Xia Xiling has just passed out now, otherwise if she knew that she had worked so hard to give birth to Xuanyuan Che's two children, but she only had 89 favorability points, she would have passed out from anger.

Xia Xiling was in a coma for a day and a night, and she didn't wake up until the next morning. If the imperial physician hadn't said that her situation was normal, Xuanyuan Che would have gone crazy seeing her sleeping like this all this time.

Xia Xiling fell asleep for such a long time on purpose this time, she had been chatting awkwardly with Mengmeng all the time, she was thinking, how could she suffer such a big crime because of Xuanyuan Che, just to make him anxious.

Cough cough, Xia Xiling is a typical one who has been pregnant for three years and has been stupid for three years. How can I say that she is a little childish now!

When Xia Xiling woke up, the first thing she wanted to do was to see the child she had worked so hard to give birth to. In fact, Xia Xiling's delivery this time was not very smooth, after all, it was the first child, but the final result was good.


"Master, you are awake!"


After all, after sleeping for a day and a night, Xia Xiling was still very weak, feeling that her current body didn't have much strength.

"Master, you have been in a coma for a day and a night."

"Yuzhu, I want to see the child."

"Okay, master, servant girl, let the nanny bring the child over."

After Bai Zhi knew that Xia Xiling had woken up, she knew that the master must be hungry after sleeping for such a long time, so she went to prepare food early. I have to say that Bai Zhi was still very careful.

"Master, these are the two little masters. You gave birth to a pair of twins. The blue baby is the elder brother, and the red baby is the younger sister."

"Well, give me a hug."

"Yes, ma'am."

The two nannies who were holding the baby immediately came forward with the baby in their arms. Xia Xiling really didn't have much strength, so he just watched for a while and asked the nannies to carry the baby back.

Then, Bai Zhi brought the food, and Xia Xiling felt that Bai Zhi was really considerate.

"Wow! Bai Zhi, you are so considerate, I am not willing to marry you off like this."

Bai Zhi blushed, "Master, what are you talking about!"

"Yu Zhu, Bai Zhi is shy, but don't worry, your master will find a good man to marry both of you. Don't worry, you will have your master backing you up, and no one will bully you."

After Xia Xiling said this, she couldn't wait to drink porridge, yes, there was only porridge, white porridge, because Xia Xiling was about to start confinement now, and she gave birth to twins, so the confinement time had to be doubled.

Even if it was white porridge, Xia Xiling drank it deliciously now, she was really hungry!

(End of this chapter)

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