Chapter 224
My name is Yu Sheng, I am a beggar, no parents, no relatives, no name.

Yu Sheng, this is the name given to me by her, Xia Xiling. She told me that she hoped that the rest of my life would be well. Since then, my meaningless life began to have light.

At that time, I was young and didn't know how to love. I just liked this big sister very much based on my feelings. To my big sister, I was just her casual help, but to me, my big sister was everything to me.

I have been working hard, living hard, I want to find my big sister, but then what?Why are you looking for Big Sister?What can I do if I find my big sister?I don't know anything about these.

I have been looking for her, Xia Xiling, for a lifetime, but I have never found her. Finding Xia Xiling seems to have become a kind of obsession of mine.

Later, after I died, I found that I did not enter the underworld. When I saw the King of Hades, I didn't know what I was like now. Then I didn't know how many years later, I accidentally entered the body of a child.

As "I" grow up, I also know all the rules of the modern world, I don't know if there will be the Xia Xiling I am looking for in this world.

Then I really saw a "Xia Xiling", but I don't know if she is what I'm looking for, she probably likes me, and keeps appearing by my side.

But I don't think that's the case. She seems to like another person instead of me. It should be said that what she likes is this body, and she doesn't belong to this body.

Then, before I figured out how this "Xia Xiling" felt about me and what my feelings for "Xia Xiling" were, she died trying to save me.

At that moment, I was shocked, and at that moment I didn't want to find out whether she liked me, but soon I lost consciousness, as if the master of the body came out, this is the first time in so many years secondary situation.

I was in a coma for a long time, and after waking up, I changed back to the original. The owner of this body has never come out again, and I am living in this special situation again.

God has treated me kindly, and I met Xia Xiling again. It was still in such an embarrassing situation. It was obviously the first time I saw this Xia Xiling, but inevitably I had a good impression of her.

When she thought that I would be responsible for her when I touched her breasts, I actually agreed, um, agreed to be my girlfriend with a girl I had known for less than 3 hours, and it was she who bumped into her , but the deal seems to be pretty good.

This is the little girl, is she an adult?Then I knew this little girl, the little girl that should not be said now, this girl is an adult, and she is 25 years old, um, it’s good to be an adult.

What happened after that made me even more unexpected that a girl whom I had known for less than three days was about to live with me, and I felt very happy.

Then I knew the reason for my emotions, because after having a girlfriend, it was really wonderful.

She will say "good morning" to you every morning, and then let you have a hearty breakfast, and then there will be a love bento made by her girlfriend at noon, and the evening is the time for the two of them to be alone.

Although I hadn't known Xia Xiling for a long time, I didn't feel awkward at all. Getting along with each other felt very natural and comfortable, as if the two of them had known each other for a long time.

I think I like Xia Xiling more and more. We go shopping together, go shopping together, go shopping together, and cook together. This feeling is addictive.

I was forced by Xia Xiling to put on the couple pajamas she bought, childish pajamas, but she could do whatever she wanted, and then we took our first group photo.

It was a photo of Xia Xiling gently biting my ear, and my expression in the photo was helpless and doting. I inevitably admitted that my heart was moved at that moment, and I had the idea of ​​wanting to live with her for a lifetime, but I I don't know if my idea can be realized.

Later, when my mother came to visit me, I happened to meet Xia Xiling face to face. They had a good conversation, but I could feel that Xia Xiling was rejecting my mother. I just thought she was not ready to face her mother-in-law.

From that day on, Xia Xiling began to seduce me, but I didn't want this, I wanted to marry her, so I endured it until...

Xia Xiling told me that day that her master asked her to go to a certain place. I knew she always listened to her master's words very much, so I didn't stop her.

Xia Xiling never mentioned her master, her job, or where she lived before, but as long as she was by my side, I didn't care.

After Xia Xiling's departure, I haven't seen her for more than a month, not even a phone call, a text message, a WeChat message, or any contact. It's as if this person has disappeared from my life, just like The big sister from before disappeared from my world after she gave me her name.

I was afraid, hesitant, fearful, faint despair forced me, I felt like I was going crazy, but fortunately, she came back.

On that day when the sunset filled the room, she came back and fell asleep on the sofa tiredly. I wanted to send her to bed, but she woke up, and then I said I would cook for her and let her Sleep a little longer.

I don't know what she is doing, but I can see that she has been working hard and tired for more than a month, so I let her sleep for a while, but I am afraid that she will be hungry if it is too long, so I still put her woke up.

After the meal, I went to wash the dishes, and then Xia Xiling asked me to help her take a bath, which was a hint, and then I agreed, and then we happened.

I desperately hope to use this method to know that Xia Xiling is mine, and she is by my side now, I find that I cannot leave her, and after that day we stick together almost all the time.

Then one day, she asked for a baby, I was pleasantly surprised, then I proposed, she said yes, we started preparing for the wedding, I am very happy, she is finally going to be my wife and they will have a baby .

But all the good things came to an abrupt end the day before the wedding. She showed her yin and yang eyes. At that moment, I knew that she was a ghost hunter. That's why she didn't mention her job to me.

Then I heard something, "Yu Sheng, may you be well for the rest of your life."

She is... She actually is... But why is she so cruel and didn't tell herself this until now, but as long as it was what she wanted him to do, he would never refuse, so he followed her idea and reincarnated as a human being.

It is also to forget her and forget all the good things between them.

(End of this chapter)

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