The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 225 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder

Chapter 225 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder
Xia Xiling's task this time can be said to be very easy to complete. The biggest obstacle in this task is Master Lu. This person was eliminated by the master for her. Xia Xiling didn't know why the master wanted to help her. It seemed that the master knew that she wanted to get rid of him. Master Lu, that's why we let her go there that time.

Speaking of which, she only had the only contact with the master, and the master is really a mysterious and powerful figure, thinking of this.

"Mengmengda, do you know who that master is?"

"do not know."

"There are people that your system doesn't know, Master can't be a bug."

"do not know."

Xia Xiling had a strange intuition, she felt that Mengmengda knew something, but she just kept it from her and kept her from knowing, what is the identity of this master?
Although this world was easy to complete, it was the one that made Xia Xiling the saddest. She "killed" the male god with her own hands, and that man still loved her.

For the rest of his life, he had never lied to himself, nor had he ever refused any of his requests, but as long as he thought that Yu Sheng would forget everything between them, Xia Xiling felt so heartbroken.

Yu Sheng, he is really special, right? I have met him in three mission worlds, but that’s all. Yu Sheng has already reincarnated, and as a missioner, I can’t interact with the target Too much involvement.

This time, she seemed to really fall in love with Yu Sheng, not because of the mission, but simply because of the quest, Xia Xiling didn't know why she had captured so many male gods, but fell in love with a man whom she had only met once.

This is probably why Xia Xiling didn't want to marry Mo Yusheng. After all, Mo Yusheng was also the target of his previous strategy, and there was nothing wrong with marrying Mo Yusheng, but Xia Xiling felt that she had betrayed Yu Sheng.

I only hope that the rest of my life will be well in the future!

"Host, you don't seem to be in a good mood."

"Well, the last world was a bit sad."

"Does the master want to extract feelings?"

Hearing this sentence again, Xia Xiling was stunned for a moment.

"Mengmengda, can I get back the feelings extracted by your system in the future?"

"Um, yes."

It seemed that she didn't expect Xia Xiling to ask such a question, so Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment.

"Then take it."

"Okay, host."

After extracting the emotions, Xia Xiling didn't have such sad emotions anymore, and felt a lot lighter, but still felt like something was missing.After all, I owe the rest of my life, so...

"Mengmengda, can I give my lucky value to the former target?"

"Ah? Host, why are you doing this?"

"Maybe, it's for compensation."

"Host, you can only share 10 points of luck with others."

"Yeah." Anyway, she accumulated a lot of lucky points on the map of the palace.

"Host, it's ready."

"Mengmeng, tell me the mission reward."

"50 luck points, deduct 10 points, now there are 40 points left, attribute points 30, points 1000, skill symbols."

"Mengmeng, there are so many rewards this time."

"Because this happens to be the tenth mission, so there are many rewards, and the host can turn the dial once."

"Then turn the dial first."

"it is good."

After turning the wheel, Xia Xiling saw that the reward was "Cultivation of Immortals", which should be very powerful.

"Host, this is an advanced exercise, and it can be learned in every world."

"That's really powerful."

"Host, the next one is the fantasy world."

"Well, then 20 points of mental strength, 5 points of physical strength, 4 points of appearance, and 1 point of charm."

"Okay, host." "Okay, Mengmeng, open the properties panel and show me."

"Okay, open the property panel, the property panel opened successfully."

Name: Xia Xiling
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: 95 (full score: 100)

Charisma: 62 (out of 100)

Intelligence: 70 (full score: 100)

Stamina: 80 (full score: 100)

Mental power 100 (full score: 100)

Lucky value: 240 (can be accumulated, no upper limit)

Skills: advanced cooking, elementary dancing, intermediate acting, elementary hacking, photographic memory, witchcraft, both medicine and poison, advanced martial arts, elementary wood ability, elementary fire ability, tea art, intermediate identification, ancient etiquette, hypnosis

Props: permanent positioner, sky-forcing sword, small space
Additional items: Small vines, Immortal Cultivation Technique

Points: 2300
Looking at the skills of tea art and ancient etiquette is really useless! (Have you forgotten the two certificates you just took in the last world?)

"Mengmeng, can I exchange that tea art and ancient etiquette for a water ability, and then upgrade my martial arts to a high level?"


"Well, let's do this, oh, and the identification technique has been upgraded to a high level."

"Okay, host."

"Cute, open the properties panel."

"Okay, the host is great."

I always feel that after completing 10 tasks, the system becomes very easy to talk about.

Name: Xia Xiling
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: 95 (full score: 100)

Charisma: 62 (out of 100)

Intelligence: 70 (full score: 100)

Stamina: 80 (full score: 100)

Mental power 100 (full score: 100)

Lucky value: 240 (can be accumulated, no upper limit)

Skills: advanced cooking, elementary dancing, intermediate acting, elementary hacking, photographic memory, witchcraft, dual skills of medicine and poison, intermediate martial arts, elementary wood ability, elementary fire ability, elementary water ability, advanced appraisal .

Props: permanent positioner, sky-forcing sword, small space
Additional items: Small vines, Immortal Cultivation Technique

Points: 2000
Well, looking at this skill panel is more pleasing to the eye now, so that I already have 3 superpowers, and I also have medical skills and a photographic memory, and the identification technique allows me not to miss any treasure.

Mmmmmm, very good, very good.

"Mengmeng, pass on the plot."

After watching the plot, Xia Xiling was in a bad mood, because this time she had 7 male gods to attack, and the original owner's wish would not be known until after entering the mission world and receiving the original owner's memory.

But because there are 7 male gods to attack, it is enough to raise the favorability of 7 of them to 90. This is still comforting Xia Xiling, but only a little.

Boom~ This is not the world of female gods, and she is not the heroine, how can she attack 7 male gods at the same time!In this way, the 7 male gods did not all fight.

She discovered that the integrity of the system is getting lower and lower, and the evil taste of the system is becoming more and more obvious. It used to be a taboo for siblings, and then it was a taboo to attack stallions. Now it is fine, ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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