Restart the main god game

Chapter 152 To deal with this evil way, we don't have to talk about chivalry!

Chapter 152 To deal with this evil way, we don't have to talk about chivalry!
For players, teammates are always used as a tool for selling. If you can't beat them, you can sell your teammates. If you can beat them, you can kill your teammates to sacrifice to heaven.

What's more, there is only one winner in this Holy Grail War, so naturally the strongest one must be killed, and Hu Yifei, unfortunately, is the strongest one.

As for Leng Feng, since this guy is not as ostentatious as Hu Yifei, he has always teamed up with Xu Sanduo except when opening up wasteland. What's more, in everyone's impression, this guy is just an ordinary soldier, at most an artilleryman, not a legend at all King of soldiers.

Hu Yifei was not afraid, and fiddled with the dagger in her hand like turning a pen, and said with a smile: "Hehe, you are so brave!"

"Master Fei, you can't say that. After all, everyone wants the Holy Grail, right?" Because everyone called Lord Fei, Lu Ziqiao followed suit, and he also laughed: "After all, you are so strong, of course we have to deal with you first. .”

"That makes sense." Hu Yifei nodded, then clapped her hands: "So I also called for help."

stomping on...

A figure stepped out from the woods, it was Best, and on his shoulders, there was a little loli, it was Best and Karen.

"Do you want to do it now?" Hu Yifei asked with her hands on her hips.

"Hahaha!" Flip Flop suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, so scared that everyone couldn't help but move away from him, only to see Flip Flop pointing at BEST: "This is my brother, you let him deal with us? BEST, come here !"

Baishida saw the flip-flops and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Karen: "Wait, we form an alliance with her."

"Why, isn't it better to be with my brother?" Baishida was a little puzzled.

Karen explained: "Our strength is at a disadvantage now. If you pretend to fight with your brother, you can just force that Miss Feifei's real hole card."

Only then did Baishida suddenly realize that it stood in front of Hu Yifei and secretly winked at the flip-flops.

Brothers who have been friends for many years, flip flops immediately saw the meaning of Baishida's eyes, and immediately said in disbelief: "You, you actually betrayed our friendship?"

Baishida has no shame: "I'm sorry, my master won't let me go."

Everyone blinked and looked at Kallen, who was sitting obediently on the shoulders of Blockbuster, and suddenly felt a little envious. They looked at their masters, and then at their masters, all the brats, who were noisy every day, especially It was the new Tohsaka Rin who wanted to escape with his sister Matou Sakura every day.

It's just that Matou Sakura was unwilling to go with her, and even repelled her a little, which made Tohsaka Rin very puzzled. In the end, she thought that it was the players who forced Matou Sakura, so she dared not leave.

For this reason, she also persuaded other people to use the Command Spell to make the players commit suicide, but no one paid attention to her, especially Shirou, who thought that he was the son of destiny who could save the world after being limped by Dino. Tohsaka Rin strongly condemned this behavior, which is no different from murder.

In short, this group of little ghosts made people very worried. Matou Heye was almost becoming a nanny, watching them every day, for fear that something might happen to them.

"So, do you want to fight again?" Hu Yifei clenched his fists.

"Of course!" The flip-flops took the lead, and the horse under his feet neighed, and charged towards Baishida.

"Swastika! No sword!" Seeing this, Baishida was not to be outdone, and directly swastikaed, and an ordinary long sword appeared in his hand, and he rushed towards Renziduo.

Seeing that the brothers had turned against each other, the players naturally followed and rushed towards Hu Yifei.

"Let's do it, don't attack my master!" Hu Yifei also performed the swastika directly.

"Swastika! Invincible in the East!"

The red robe appeared on Hu Yifei, making the players subconsciously stop.

"Damn it, she actually knows how to swat it!"

"Isn't this nonsense? We all know it, and she will naturally."

"I've never seen her swastika before."

"It probably feels too weak."

"Then should we be proud?"

"Come on, shouldn't you be afraid?" Hu Yifei tickled the four players.

"Berserker, so strong!"

On the other side, Emiya Kiritsugu observed this side with a binoculars, and brought his little loli over here just in case, Illya looked at the domineering leak tester Hu Yifei, and said with some admiration.

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't speak, he felt as if he had heard some great words, these heroic spirits not only knew each other, but also seemed very familiar, as if they were playing together a while ago.

And from what they said, this group of people seemed to treat the world as a game.

But it's normal to think about it. For extraordinary creatures, isn't the weak human civilization just a game?

Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes flickered coldly, these are all his enemies!
Whoosh whoosh!
Hu Yifei raised her right hand, and three silver needles shot out from her sleeve.

Dangdang... puff!
With a flick of Leng Feng's long sword, he knocked down the silver needle.

Ling Lingqi also shot a throwing knife, and after knocking the silver needle away, she shot at Hu Yifei with unabated strength.

Dino directly vaporized the silver needle with Xuanyuan sword energy, and then came towards Hu Yifei.

Only Lu Ziqiao, because he couldn't dodge in time, his ear was shot and became an ear.

Seeing this, Hu Yifei immediately aimed at Lu Ziqiao's weakness, stretched out her hand, caught the throwing knife, turned over to avoid Dino's sword energy, and shot at Lu Ziqiao.

And Lu Ziqiao also knew his own shortcomings, so he rushed forward and wanted to play close combat. Although he was also inferior to Hu Yifei in close combat, at least he could do some damage.

Ling Lingqi knocked away the flying knife that was aimed at Lu Ziqiao with another throwing knife, and then continued to throw the hidden weapon.

Seeing the two men coming to kill, Hu Yifei took over a flying knife again, first used it to catch the iron sword swung by Leng Feng, so that Dino would not dare to use the sword energy to attack, and then kicked Fang Tianhua's halberd On the surface, Fang Tian immediately stabbed towards Leng Feng in the direction of the halberd.

Leng Feng had no choice but to dodge, but taking this opportunity, Hu Yifei shot at Lu Ziqiao's face with the flying knife in his hand.

Because of too much force, Lu Ziqiao was stabbed by Fang Tian's painting halberd with Xiang Lengfeng, and could only watch helplessly as the flying knife came.


At the critical moment, the flying knife was shot down by Ling Lingqi. However, no one noticed that there was an extremely small silver needle behind the flying knife.

Seeing the success of the scheme, Hu Yifei's eyes flashed a glint of complacency, Xiao Mian, a group of fighting scum, still fighting with sister?


However, at this moment, a man in armor exuding an ominous aura appeared in front of Lu Ziqiao. The silver needle hit him and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Lu Ziqiao took out her own shark tooth and handed it to Lancelot: "Kill her, Berserker."

"It's not appropriate, there are so many of us." Lancelot felt that it was a bit too bullying for so many people to besiege a girl, which was against his chivalry.

Lu Ziqiao said righteously: "This is a righteous siege. Just look at her, she killed Rider just now. We don't need to talk about chivalry morality to deal with this evil way!"

It seems reasonable.

Lancelot blinked. Although he felt something was wrong, he couldn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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