Restart the main god game

Chapter 153 She Will Not Blame Me When She Dies

Chapter 153 She Will Not Blame Me When She Dies

"I'll go, what the hell is this?"

Hu Yifei counted the remaining players, six of them were just right, but where did this guy come from now?
"This is the Berserker I summoned, Yifei, die!"

Lu Ziqiao laughed loudly, and Lancelot clenched the shark's teeth tightly in his hand. The red lines spread to the sword in an instant, and they were shrouded in black mist together with Lancelot.

Hu Yifei hurriedly pulled out a spare Zanpakuto, but it was cut in half by Lancelot in just an instant, and then, the long sword cut through Hu Yifei's body and fell from it.


The grass was instantly blasted into a big hole by the shark's teeth, and Hu Yifei's afterimage dissipated.

Dino narrowed his eyes, and a sword qi slashed towards Lu Ziqiao's right. Hu Yifei, who had just turned around, bent his thumb and middle finger, and flicked the incoming sword qi in the void, and a black-red energy ball defeated the sword qi.


Although weaker than false flash, the speed is 20 times faster than false flash, saving the time of false flash release.

Although all players know this trick, since the virtual bullet is only the size of an egg, this is not a hot weapon. At least there is a sniper scope. As long as you are not blind, you can still hit it if you aim it. Players, ordinary people can't shoot at all.

"Hmph! Stop!"

Ling Lingqi snorted coldly, and used a virtual bullet in front of him, which was like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong. He picked up a cigarette and put it in his mouth, stretched out his index finger, and used the fourth of the broken way: Bai Lei.

Stab it!

The lightning flashed, and the cigarette was instantly lit. Ling Lingqi took off her hat and threw it aside: "Are you playing fake bullets in front of me?"

"Can't you?"

"Then I'll let you see what the real false ammo is!"

Ling Lingqi threw away the flying knife in her hand and clenched her hands into fists.

woohoo hoo...

I saw the thumbs of Ling Lingqi's hands and the other fingers quickly touching, separating, and touching.

An overwhelming number of false bullets shot at Hu Yifei in an instant.

Boom boom boom!
Hu Yifei is not to be outdone. Although she can't be as flexible as Ling Lingqi and can only use her middle finger, her advantage lies in her swastika plus speed, which can hold her up.

In the open space, black and red lights flickered, and the virtual bullets collided with each other, and the sound of explosions continued one after another.

"This beauty, do you want some popcorn?"

Lu Ziqiao lifted the swastika, bowed slightly towards Alice Vier, and handed Alice Vier a popcorn bucket in a gentlemanly manner.

Ling Lingqi and Hu Yifei singled out, the players are so happy, anyway, they don't think Hu Yifei can beat so many people, Ling Lingqi died just one less person to grab the Holy Grail.

As for Blockbuster and Flip Flops, these two are brothers, let them love each other and kill each other, they are not easy to disturb outsiders.

"Uh, are you really okay with this?" Irisviel looked at this group of heroic spirits who were fighting together just now and now turned into a one-on-one fight, and felt that their brains were not enough. Here, don't you intend to do something to me?

"It's okay, Yifei and I are old acquaintances, we live in the same apartment, and I won't blame me for her death."

What do you mean you won't be blamed if she dies? Also, why do old acquaintances want to kill each other!
Irisviel was completely messed up, although Berserker often said these messy things, but she was Berserker, wouldn't it make sense for her to have an abnormal head?Why are your heads not normal?

Looking at the popcorn handed over, Irisviel didn't know whether to take it or not.

"It's not poisonous!" Lu Ziqiao grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, expressing that he didn't eat anything.

"It's okay, that thing can be eaten." Hu Yifei turned around and said.

Alice Phil:  …

Aren't you fighting each other?Why are you talking back to me?

Subconsciously taking the popcorn bucket from Lu Ziqiao's hand, she sniffed it slightly, and it seemed to be quite fragrant.

Stretching out her slender fingers, Irisviel picked up one and put it in her mouth, her eyes lit up immediately.

Although Irisviel seems to be gentle and elegant, but because she is an artificial human and lives in a castle all year round, although she has enough food and clothing, she doesn't know the outside world at all, and she has never eaten popcorn at all.


Emiya Kiritsugu's worried voice came from the earphone.

"It's okay, Kiritsugu, Berserker won't harm me."

Tables and chairs were set up, popcorn was served, and a bottle of Fat House Happy Water was opened, and the players watched the blockbuster movie with special effects.

"This spinning virtual bullet is fine!"

"This one-point-three false bullet is amazing!"

"This won't work, it's crooked."

The players were all the kings with hidden weapons and mouths. Watching the two shooting each other and commenting on whether they should eat some popcorn and drink happy water, they almost made Illya who was following Emiya Kiritsugu cry.

"When Berserker comes back, I want to eat these things too." Illya mumbled, following her father on the roof at night to blow the wind, while her mother was eating, drinking and having fun opposite, she was so envious, obviously she was the master of Berserker.

The corner of Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth twitched, always feeling that since the appearance of this group of chaotic heroic spirits, the painting style of the Holy Grail War has changed, which made him unable to bear to look directly at him.

"Have you found it?" He couldn't help asking.

"Sorry, I didn't find the master of the other heroic spirits." Hisu Maiya's voice came from the headset.

The master and the servant are generally not too far away, because sometimes you need to use the command spell, and you don't know what command to use if you can't see the servant, not to mention that the servant still needs the magic power of the master to maintain.

So from the very beginning, Emiya Kiritsugu and the others started searching for where the player's Master is.

"This trick is a bit fake, kick him down!"

"This monkey is good at stealing peaches!"

On one side, Ling Lingqi singled out Hu Yifei, and on the other side, Blockbuster and Flip-Flops fell in love with each other.

"I found you, you group of miscellaneous cultivators!"

At this moment, a voice interrupted abruptly, and a man in golden armor stood with his chest folded on a streetlight not far away.

"I said, why do you keep pestering me?"

Everyone in the field stopped immediately, Hu Yifei looked at Gilgamesh on the street lamp, and asked curiously: "Who is this guy, why is he standing on the street lamp?"

Although the players wanted to get rid of Hu Yifei first, but Hu Yifei's speed was too fast to kill him in a short time. During a period of time, the players thought of another idea, which is to be like Iskandar , Through fighting, attracting NPC heroic spirits, this is how Ling Lingqi singled out Hu Yifei.

Hu Yifei was also so happy. Anyway, her task this time is to test, and she is protected by Emiya Kiritsugu and others in the dark.

Gilgamesh's eyelids twitched, and he snorted coldly, "You are not worthy to stand at the same height as me."

"Hey, do you feel taller when you stand on the street lamp? Then let's compare who stands taller." Hu Yifei was happy, stepped on the Reiatsu, stood in the sky above Gilgamesh, and looked down at Gilgamesh: "Come, come, come up and show me."


 Speaking of which, Irisviel's actual age is only 9 years old, and Illya is only [-] years old.

(End of this chapter)

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