Restart the main god game

Chapter 196 Who Touched Labor's Butt?

Chapter 196 Who Touched Labor's Butt?
Although the NPCs in the game are very real, players generally subconsciously regard them as background boards. In addition, except for some red names with red lights on their bodies, it is not only useless for players to attack them.It will also deduct luck coins, so players have little interest in NPCs.

But it's different first, they are now in 'justifiable defense', as long as they pull the unlucky Zhou Nianzhong into their team, then they have a reason to attack the Sumo family.

"What are you doing?" The guard was stunned, but before he could make the next move, a golden scabbard hit him directly in the face, bloody and bloody, and then he just felt that he was kicked to the ground, another sword Sheath called and finally fainted.

Dino groped on him, took out a bag of Wallis, and a small wine bottle, stuffed it into his arms, kicked it aside, and cursed: "Poor ghost!"

The guard who was sleeping in the shadow heard the commotion and wanted to open his eyes in a daze, but suddenly felt his head uncontrollably looking at the wall, the pain came, and he lost consciousness again .

Flip-flops took out a purse from his pocket, counted it, a thousand Wallis, felt that this wave was a bit of a loss, and took his long sword away.

The movement here finally attracted the people in the manor, and a group of people gathered around.

"Who are you? This is the Sumo family."

However, the players were not in the mood to talk nonsense with them at all, and rushed forward screaming.

In fact, there are quite a lot of Somo's family members. After all, ordinary people can't resist the pleasure brought by the divine wine. Even if the divine wine is mixed with water, it still makes people fascinated.

But success is also Xiao He, failure is also Xiao He, adventurers who are too obsessed with divine wine exchange all the Wallis they get for divine wine, and have no money to improve their equipment strength, so how can they be opponents like wolf and tiger.

Not to mention that there are thousands of players, each of them can be killed by spitting.

More than 100 adventurers were beaten to pieces by the players. Those who didn't have a red name were stripped off directly, and those with a red name were stripped off first, and then they took down their knives to earn some extra money...

Sonny counted the magic stones in his hands, feeling very bad. The disappearance of the two magical weapons made him feel that he had lost a hundred million, so he deprived Lily of the right to distribute the magic stones on the grounds of miscalculation. Then use the divine wine mixed with water as a reward, and tell the other family members to leave.

"However, cannibals are really rich."

Sonny estimated that the magic stone in his hand should be worth about [-] yuan. Generally speaking, this deal is not a loss.

"But what is this?"

He picked up a piece of green paper with a man with a touching hairline printed on it, thinking to himself, could this thing be a fire tool for cannibals?
It was found from the clothes of the cannibals after they died. He thought it might be useful, so he brought it here. After studying it for a long time, there was no response.

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door, Sonny frowned, very dissatisfied, these guys are getting more and more presumptuous, it seems that it is necessary to increase the price of the divine wine next month, let them know, who He is their real master!

Slowly putting away the magic stone, Sonny opened the bedroom door and asked impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"It's not good, Captain, someone has broken into our headquarters!"

Sonny said impatiently: "Then get out, why do you still ask me about this kind of thing?"

"But, there are too many people."


Sonny picked up the knight sword hanging on the wall and walked out the door, but when he arrived at the hall, he was completely dumbfounded.

"I want this sofa."

"I want this statue!"

"No, I've taken a fancy to this!"

"Then let's fight!"

"Come on, when I'm afraid of you?"

Players are like locusts entering the country, taking what they see, not to mention how happy they are.

In the past, before the world of "Resident Evil" became a casual world, they could take whatever they wanted, but after the system was updated, they couldn't take things that belonged to them. .

Playing games, regardless of whether it is useful or not, is it still a human being to put something when you see it, but not to take it?
Nearly a hundred players blocked the hall, and Sonny's legs were shaking. He is only a second-level adventurer. How can he be the opponent of so many people? Looking at everyone's eyes, he still doesn't understand, cannibals Here we come!
There are only a small number of players here, and other players have spread towards the entire manor, eager to evacuate this place.

Sonny turned around and ran, he was going to ask his God for help, otherwise he might really die here today.

"It's him, he's the one who kidnapped my friend."

Zhou Nianzhong happened to see the two people in the corridor and shouted hastily.

With this shout, nearly a hundred pairs of eyes looked at Sonny in an instant, good guy, big name!
So the players swarmed up and blocked the corridor...

"Fuck, don't squeeze me!"

"Ah, be careful, there are people underground!"

"Who touched Laozi's ass?"

A group of players pushed and shoved each other, but no one caught up.

Ling Lingqi rolled her eyes, sweeved directly, turned into a paper airplane, and flew over the gap above the player's head.

This house is not big, only two floors. Sonny is a second-level adventurer anyway, and with the desire to survive, he pushed Sumo's wine shop away. He subconsciously sniffed his nose. As a member of the Sumo family, he naturally has an irresistible addiction to these divine wines.

"It's not good, Lord Shangshen, someone broke into our headquarters!"

What caught his eyes was a man with a slightly thinner figure. At this time, he was holding a glass tube to mix the liquid in the glass tube, and he turned a blind eye to Sonny's words.

"My lord, they killed your family!" Sonny said anxiously.

Sonny's words finally caused the god to react, and he frowned: "Why did they do this?"

Sonny was speechless, how to explain?Said that he murdered and robbed, and was approached by someone?
"They, they are attracted by your divine wine, they have no money to buy it, so they can only grab it by force." Sonny rolled his eyes and thought of a reason.

A trace of disgust flashed in Su Mo's eyes, and he finally picked up a wine jar, handed it to Sonny and said, "Is this enough?"

The relationship between him and Sonny is actually very simple. He provides the divine wine, and Sonny provides the materials for him to develop a better divine wine.

As for his family members, Su Mo didn't care about their lives at all. From the moment he discovered that human beings couldn't bear the pleasure brought by the divine wine, human beings were just a group of degenerate guys in his eyes.

If in the past, Sonny would have felt that he had made a lot of money if he had spent such a pot of wine for nothing, but now when he is not making money, his life is almost dead now!

Although the gods have no fighting power in this world, their deterrent power is there. Regardless of the friction between the gods, if any human being dares to disrespect them, they will definitely erase this person together.

"Got you!"

But before he could open his mouth, the paper plane flew into the wine shop, Ling Lingqi changed back to his original appearance, a zhanyue appeared in his hand, he raised the knife and dropped it, blood spattered...

 It's cool to be lazy for a day ()

(End of this chapter)

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