Restart the main god game

Chapter 197 You are insulting my faith!

Chapter 197 You are insulting my faith!

Su Mo leaned back slightly, avoiding the splashing blood, looked at Sonny's corpse expressionlessly, and frowned even tighter.

Ling Lingqi shook off the blood stains on Zhanyue, and snorted coldly, but quickly realized that this guy seemed to be the guy who caught Zhou Nianzhong's friend, if he killed him, where would he find that Xiaoli?

Should be here, right?

Thinking about it, Ling Lingqi pointed Zhanyue at Su Mo: "Boy, do you know where Xiaoli is?"

"Are you strong?" Su Mo asked without answering. In the eyes of gods, the strength of human beings is actually not obvious, just like human beings can't tell which one is stronger when looking at two ants.

"That's right, so you quickly hand over Xiao Li."

"How about this, you will be the head of the Sumo family." Sumo said lightly, "Since you want my wine, then you will sell my wine from now on."

Ling Lingqi blinked and told him to sell wine?
"Wait, you asked me to be the head of the Sumo family, that is to say, you are Sumo?"

Ling Lingqi was stunned, I killed your regiment leader, so you punish me as the regiment leader?
"That's right, as long as you can provide the raw materials, you can get the divine wine."

Is Soma an evil god?

Obviously not.

He is just obsessed with brewing wine. Whoever gives him the raw materials will give him some divine wine. As for what these people do with these divine wines, what does that have to do with him?
To put it simply, Sumo does not regard human beings as a race that can be treated equally. In his eyes, human beings are just a group of inferior races that can only degenerate.

Doesn't Sumo know what Sonny is doing?

No, he actually knew, but he was not interested. He looked coldly at the family members who were desperately fighting for the divine wine he brewed. Still being ignored by it.

The reason why they were let go was because Lily could bear the pleasure brought by the divine wine.

Looks like Lily is pretty good, doesn't she?
But if you replace the wine with flour, you won’t feel that everyone is happy. It’s like a drug maker who is calm and satisfied when he sees that a person can actually suck the powder.

Some people think it's just wine, it's not the same.

Morphine and its derivatives are also the raw materials of powerful analgesics. If you can use it, it doesn't mean that others can use it. What's more, I know there are problems with this thing, so why should I drink it?
In fact, not only him, but also many gods in Orario. On the surface, they call the family members children, but in fact these people are their toys, Apollo, Ishtar, Freya, Ares... …

Although there is no power, the gods hold the lifeblood of adventurers' upgrades. If they want to survive in the family, they can only obediently become their toys.

In "The Wrong Ground", adventurers in the world have filth, and gods also have filth. In order to train Bell, Freya released the vicious monsters captured by the Ganesha family from the dungeon for performances to hunt and kill Bell, and there were more than one.

Maybe she is beautiful and a god of beauty, but this kind of behavior is not beautiful. Although she was taken away by Chunqiu's brushwork, one can imagine the casualties caused by the escaped monster.

In order to prevent Aisha Belka from escaping from the family, Ishtar not only arrested her and abused her, but also destroyed her will through some indescribable behavior, making her obediently obedient.

Just because Ares wanted war, he sent soldiers one by one to Olalie to fight adventurers, and what awaited these ordinary soldiers was probably death...

Although it is cruel, the fact is that the lower realm is nothing more than a playground for the gods. The big deal is death, and after death, they will return to the heaven realm.

"Don't you understand? He asked you to help sell fans." Pheasant walked in and reminded.

After thinking about it, Ling Lingqi really meant that.

Wait, why are you making me a proletarian fan?
Ling Lingqi was furious, you are insulting my faith!

The long knife swung out, and this guy was about to be finished.

At this moment, an invisible coercion enveloped the two of them. Su Mo looked at Ling Lingqi, who was slashing with a knife, and paused in mid-air, with a slightly cold expression: "Are you going to kill me?"

Humans dare to attack the gods. This is unheard of in his cognition. You must know that the gods will return to the upper realm after death, and the same is true for humans after death. Therefore, if you attack the gods, what kind of miserable future will this person have? The encounter can be imagined.


Ling Lingqi circulated the spiritual pressure all over his body, resisting the divine will that oppressed him, and grinned: "Fan sellers, all deserve to die!"

Finger hooked the chain of Tiansuo Zhanyue, Ling Lingqi shook his finger, Tiansuo Zhanyue was turned into a big windmill, then let go slightly, Tiansuo Zhanyue turned into a black light, came out, passed through the Su rubbing the throat.

There was no fear in Su Mo's eyes, but it was incredible. Why did this human being resist his god's will, why did this human dare to attack him? Isn't he afraid of the god's revenge?
A piercing beam of light appeared in the whole of Olalie, and Sumo returned to the heaven.

"Bah!" Ling Lingqi spit on the beam of light, but it disappeared, but he still felt much better.

In fact, Ling Lingqi used to be a policeman. At first, he became an undercover agent in order to investigate guns. Later, after he cracked a drug deal and witnessed the tragic situation of those drug addicts, he joined the secret organization organized by the state. Agent, codenamed Ling Lingqi.

Anyone who has ever smoked knows that quitting smoking is very difficult, let alone quitting drugs. In fact, quitting drugs is not like in movies and TV dramas, where you tie a rope to your limbs and hold on for a while, you can survive.

This is simply farting. If it is really that simple, then why would someone continue to smoke after leaving the drug rehab center?

Don't they know that drugs are harmful?

Don't they know that if they continue to smoke, their families will be destroyed?
But they still couldn't control themselves.

When the toxins in the body of long-term drug users reach a certain dose, the secretion of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system is extremely unbalanced, triggering the production of "drug memory factors", which makes drug users strongly sensitive to all factors related to drugs.Once this memory factor is activated, it will induce the brain to have an uncontrollable strong desire for drugs, so that people who were originally drug addicts desperately look for drugs and take drugs again.

To put it simply, your association has been infinitely expanded, and you will think of sucking fans when you see real noodles, which is why drug addicts always relapse.

Everyone fantasizes that they have a will of steel, but there are very few people who really have a will of steel. After all, most people are just ordinary people, and it is really difficult to resist that desire.

Although it is a game, revisiting the scene of destroying drug caves makes Ling Lingqi feel like returning to the top.

The players searched the entire manor inside and out, and even under the leadership of Ling Lingqi, they decided to have a Sumen gunpowder. They set a fire and burned the whole manor.

Of course, the result was that as soon as they left the manor, they were blocked by the Ganesha family at the door, and they were almost burned by the fire they set.

 Thank you [book friend 20200211165214534] for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thank you [Tiantangshan Jushenfeng] for the reward of 500 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thank you [Ye Zibotao] for the reward of 500 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Let me make a digression here, I think the drug rehabilitation part of the TV series "Remaining Sin" is really ridiculous. Although the acting is very hard, it still feels too easy

(End of this chapter)

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