Restart the main god game

Chapter 198 1 Accidentally Killed a God

Chapter 198 Accidentally Killed a God
God has returned to heaven!
In Orario, the god who sealed himself is worse than the most ordinary adventurer, and his physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary people. He will be injured and bleed.

But this does not mean that Ling Lingqi can kill the gods in the true sense. As long as they want to, they can use their divine power at any time, and the price is to be sent back to the heaven by the power of rules.

Therefore, a beam of light will be projected from the upper realm, leading this god away from the lower realm.

Such a big commotion naturally attracted the attention of people living in the city of Olali, especially the Ganesha family, who are half of the city's managers.

The gate was blocked, and the players could only fly up, and then dispersed in a crowd. After the benefits were taken, the players would naturally break up.

However, there are some players who don't want to fly away. After all, it seems that they are afraid of these Ganesha family members. The pheasant villain first complained: "Why are you stuck here? Didn't you see the fire inside?"

The Ganesha family looked at the burning manor behind them, and then looked at the players, and suddenly felt that what the other party said made sense. After all, no matter what the other party did, it was on fire inside, so people had to come out.

The people around retreated, giving way to the players.

"What did you do? Why did you set fire? Why did the gods return?"

The leading Ganesha family asked a series of questions, so that everyone didn't know where to answer, you look at me, I look at you, and finally looked at Zhou Nianzhong.

Zhou Nianzhong wanted to cry, although he knew the players were unreliable, but he was not so unreliable, what do you think I am doing?
We are here to help you out!

The players are confident and confident, and they all feel that they are a hero who sticks to both sides of the brother. As for why the brother came here, I'm sorry, I don't know, anyway, we are just fishing in troubled waters.

While the players were pushing each other, Zhou Nianzhong was pushed to the front with a look of despair.

"The people from Sumo attacked us, so we came here to take revenge." Zhou Nianzhong told the truth.

The leader's complexion is a bit ugly, but in Olalie, this kind of revenge thing is really nothing, just like Lucy Leon of the Rich Mistress Tavern, who was originally a family member of the Goddess of Justice, and her family loves Being fair and just, he was hated by many adventurers, and was later framed and led to the destruction of his family.

So, in order to get revenge, she alone slaughtered the hostile family members through their own assassination methods.

It's just that although Olalie is dark inside, it still has its own order. The cannibals who disagree with each other and destroy their families, and they still make a big splash. Although they won't be attacked by the crowd, they will still be disgusting. After all, there are some family members with thousands of people, and the ghost knows whether there are a few scum in their family members.

"Then what happened to the return of the gods?"

Speaking of this, Ling Lingqi couldn't help feeling complacent, he put his waist down, pretended to be nonchalant and said: "That guy sells fans, and I stabbed him to death with a sword, haha, it's a little trick, he killed a god by accident .”

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then the onlookers exploded.

"He said he killed God?"

"Is he crazy?"

"How dare you be so disrespectful to God?"

Including the Ganesha family who stepped forward just now, subconsciously took a few steps back, pushing back the adventurers who had rushed over to watch the fun, leaving a distance of ten meters again.

Killing God!

Although they knew that the god hadn't died at all, the Olali people didn't even dare to dream about such a thing, and now, how dare someone do such a thing?

So, something unexpected happened to Ling Lingqi. Not only did the adventurers around him not look at him with admiration, but they looked at him as if they were looking at a staff, and they were also a little frightened, as if they were afraid of being infected. generally.

"It's over, it's over, if we talk to him, shouldn't we be disgusted by the gods?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like waking up someone in a dream, and the adventurers around immediately dispersed and ran away without a trace.

For atheists, even if God does appear, it is just a higher life form, but for these theists, especially Olalie, who lives in relation to the gods, it is not just a higher life form, it is The god who can control their life and death and even their souls.

The revenge plan of the players was very successful. After success, all adventurers dared not contact them. No one dared to risk offending the gods to contact the players. They were completely isolated by the adventurers. Even in Euler Li consumption has become a little difficult.

Fortunately, the players have nothing else, they still have the ability to be self-sufficient, and it's not that there are no monsters outside the city, just catching a few of them is enough for them to eat.

And the leisure world can also buy food, which can be brought directly into the soul-bound space ring, so there is no need to worry about food and clothing.

So the adventurers were surprised to find that after killing the gods, the number of Hestia's family members not only did not decrease, but increased.

The world of "Faulty Earth" is actually the highest level of the world Zhang Chen searched. After all, even in the world of "Reaper", there are no gods.

Of course, the rules of the world are different. The gods of this world master the rules of this world. Therefore, in the world of "Reaper", the souls of Liuhun Street can teach them to be "humans" again.

"Bacchus?" Zhang Chen twisted the soul fragments in his hands, his eyes flickering.

The real name of Zanpakuto held by the players is "Swallowing Pakuto", so when Suo Zhanyue pierced Somo's throat, it devoured a small piece of Somo's soul.

Although this part of the soul is like losing a piece of dead skin to a god, it is enough for Zhang Chen.

With this thing, he was able to create a real Dionysus, or even a substitute for Dionysus.

The blood of a god can certainly create a god by Zhang Chen, but such things as the soul cannot be created out of thin air, so in the end he can only get an ordinary person with a body that is empty of a god, just like giving a three-year-old child a god. Take a gun and fight an adult, and the adult probably can knock him down without even using a gun.

In fact, when Su Mo used divine power to repair himself, the Zanpakuto stuck in his throat vaporized in an instant, but it didn't matter, the main god had already analyzed the devoured divine soul fragments, and now he was able to piece together a divine soul. soul.

Of course, Zhang Chen didn't dare to rashly replace his soul with a spliced ​​divine soul, who knows what it would look like.

"So which lucky one should we use?" Zhang Chen rubbed his chin and looked at his lackeys, ah no, they are subordinates, and I feel that these people are quite useful, what if they are useless?
"Then you decide for yourself!" Zhang Chen decided to let them sign up by themselves.

"Not interested in."

Estes just wants to enjoy the battle, and has no interest in becoming a god or anything, let alone this kind of Dionysus.

"I don't want to be a drunkard."

Claire and Alicia also shook their heads,

"After becoming Dionysus, don't you want to stay in Olalie forever?"

Tiantongmu even asked an extremely important question. Zhang Chen frowned. It is true. After becoming Dionysus, he has to be bound to the world of "Earth Wrong", which is a trouble.

But it doesn't work without reincarnation, because only by analyzing the soul of the real Dionysus, can he make his soul have divinity, instead of a patchwork divine soul.

"So, I still have to find someone local."

Aizen opened his eyes, looked at Bell, and then shook his head. There was Zeus behind Bell. Will not attack Sumo.

"However, if it's an enemy, then there's no problem." Zhang Chen thought of a little girl, a Dionysian who didn't like wine, and thought it was very interesting.

 My neck is twisted, so uncomfortable╥﹏╥
(End of this chapter)

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