Restart the main god game

Chapter 200 I Hid So Deep, You See It

Chapter 200 I Hid So Deep, You See It
This time the meeting was actually in a hurry, several days ahead of schedule, but the pure Hestia didn't care, now she walks with the wind, if it weren't for her impressive height, looking at people with her neck up, she would have turned her head ninety At this point, she is almost on her hips now.

Hestia has no reason not to be proud. She used to have problems eating. If she didn't work part-time, she would starve to death. But if she didn't live with Hephaestus, she could only sleep on the street. A god can become a In this way, it is simply a shame.

Now, it is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life!
If you don't know how to do business, you just play games with salty fish, so you can maintain your life like this.

The feeling in the family is much better than in Hephaestus's house. Everyone there is talented, and they speak nicely. I like it very much.

In the past, you all dismissed me, but now I want you to be overwhelmed!

Hestia, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, hooked Zhang Chen's right hand with one hand, took a bite of a pastry with the other hand, and then said with disgust: "Loki, the food at your banquet is too bad. "

The manor of the Loki family is very grand. Although it is not as good as Hestia's new home where the players almost turned the villa into a palace, it is not bad in this era.

Well, barely comparable to a three-star hotel.

No way, in the Middle Ages, you can expect these buildings to be high-end.

Art, although each has its own point of view, is still aligned with the concept of 'beauty'. Perhaps in ancient times, a group of artists created various amazing works of art, but the times are developing Yes, not to mention the modern world, which tends to be peaceful as a whole. With more idle people, there are naturally more people engaged in art. Although the art level of the sages may not be as high as that of the sages, the overall level has improved.

In fact, Rocky's banquet food is quite good, but who made Hestia like to eat fried food? It can be seen from her preference for fried potato balls that she is more inclined to stimulate the sense of taste, so Rocky's banquet food No matter how well done it is, it's not sweet enough, not crispy enough, and that's spicy chicken.

"Hmph, isn't this Hestia? Why didn't you bring a bag today?" Loki was not to be outdone, and took a vicious look at Hestia's tumor, wishing he could dig it out and put it on himself.

Hestia blushed immediately: "What bag, I can't understand what you're talking about."

"Are you the head of Hestia's family?" Loki leaned close to Zhang Chen's ear and said mysteriously, "Let me tell you, Hestia used to..."

" shut up!"

Hestia swooped and sat on Loki, pinching the cheeks on both sides of her mouth, preventing her from continuing.

Not to be outdone, Loki grabbed Hestia's vitals with both hands, and wrestled with Hestia.

In fact, there is no need for Luo Ji to say that Zhang Chen also knows that with Hestia's poverty level, when attending the God's meeting before, she must have eaten and taken. In this way, the food expenses for the next day may be saved.

"Hello, I'm Loki's team leader, Finn Timna." Finn ignored his godly face and reached out to shake Zhang Chen's hand.


After shaking hands, Zhang Chen stroked his chin, looked at Loki who was fighting with Hestia, and suddenly said, "Tell me, is your god, are you deliberately taking advantage of my Hestia? "

I didn’t think there was anything wrong when I watched anime before, but now I see Loki’s movements, it’s very subtle. I remember that in the original plot, she liked to sexually harass female members such as Ace, but she only swears at Hestia. That's weird.

Although Hestia is a little short, her body proportions are not bad. With her magnificent chest, she is more eye-catching than Aisi. Loki has no reason to hate her.

Finn was speechless, and he also knew that his Lord God was unreliable, but this inference was really hard to come to a conclusion, at least he didn't dare to say it out.

"I see, she deliberately provoked Hestia, and then took advantage of the opportunity!"

Zhang Chen hammered the palm of his left hand with his right hand and came to such a conclusion.

Hestia was shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly pushed Loki away, hid behind Zhang Chen, frowned and rubbed her own vitals, and looked at Loki viciously: "You damn flat-chested girl, you actually have that kind of feeling towards me? thought."

"As expected, I am the patriarch of the cannibal clan. I hid so deeply that you actually saw it."

Loki rubbed his numb cheeks, his tongue was a little rough.

The fight between the two finally caught everyone's attention, or in other words, that sentence about the patriarch of the cannibals caught the attention of the gods.

"Hello, cannibal patriarch."

Tall and tall, Freya walked out of the gods wearing a white deep V evening dress. As a beauty god, she was always the focus of everyone's attention no matter where she was.

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched, and he felt more and more that Lanran's vest must continue to operate, after all, he really couldn't bear the title of cannibal patriarch.

"Strictly speaking, our race is heroic spirits, heroic souls." Zhang Chen decided to help the players get a reliable name. After all, the three words "cannibal" will really stop children from crying.

"Okay, brave cannibals, I wonder if there are any members of your family who have not become Hestia's family." Freya stared at Zhang Chen closely, as if looking at another artwork.

Zhang Chen frowned, this woman seemed to be slandering her body!
In the original plot, it was because of the radiance of kindness in his soul that Bell focused on him, but he...

He has self-knowledge. Although he is not a big villain, he is not a good bird either. He tricked the whole world into working for him, and took in guys like Estes and Zhizi Yingyin who should go to hell. To say he is a good man is to insult the term good man.

Could it be because of the spirit body?

Zhang Chen thought of another possibility, that is, the heroic projection constructed by the Holy Grail system is actually a soul in a strict sense.

"Aizan's people are all my family members, don't think about it."

Hestia finally realized that something was wrong, this woman actually wanted to steal her family!
It's okay, like a calf, Hestia stopped Zhang Chen behind, trying to cover him, but his height was too impressive, Zhang Chen still looked at Freya.

Families are different from races, just like human races and other demihumans, you can join different families. Of course, there are more concentrated ones, such as Ishtar, her family members are all Amazons.

"I have to ask my clansmen. I am a person who listens to their opinions very much."

Zhang Chen ignored Freya's fiery gaze. Although she was glamorous, he didn't want to wash the dishes. The private lives of the two beauty gods in the world of "Ground Wrong" are extremely chaotic. It is to grab it directly and go up.

"No, I think you can decide, a person from another world." Freya looked at Zhang Chen with a half-smile and parted her red lips.

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes, then smiled and said: "It seems that you already know."

 I seem to have been owed the four chapters with more than [-] recommended votes. I remember that I seem to have added a few chapters later, but how many chapters have been added?Or is it done?


(End of this chapter)

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