Restart the main god game

Chapter 201 The Experiment Was Successful, This Hestia Has Been Abandoned

Chapter 201 The Experiment Was Successful, This Hestia Has Been Abandoned
It may be taken for granted in the eyes of players to play games to explode materials. Isn't this the case for all games?
But the problem is that this is a real world, not a game. The world of "Ground Wrong" is real.

So the question has been bypassed, why do monsters in dungeons drop magic stones and materials?
The answer is the gods!

The dungeon was either directly created by the gods, or the gods participated in the creation.

So what is the end of the dungeon is even more interesting.

Legend has it that the reason why the gods descended was because they were too bored in the heavens, so they began to interfere in the lower realms with a game attitude.

But is this really the case?

Hestia was reluctant to descend to the bounds at first, but in the end she had to.Because the heavens are empty!
There are not many gods, but they are still a huge system. The gods of Norse mythology and Indian mythology can find their prototypes here. There are quite a few of these gods. I dare not say tens of thousands, but there are still hundreds of thousands. Maybe they will Some gods are idle and boring, but it is impossible for all gods to come down.

So obviously, poor Hestia, excluded by the gods, didn't tell her about the plans for the dungeon.

Rubbing Hestia's little head, Zhang Chen decided not to tell her this cruel reality, and let her continue to be a carefree salted fish.

"Hmph! Did you see that my family members are touching my head."

Hestia immediately turned her nose up, proud of herself. She is very confident in her head. When she was working in the past, customers liked to touch her head.

Likes touching her head = won't leave her!
For the perfect closed-loop logic, Hestia gave herself a thumbs up.

Freya ignored Hestia's self-confidence, but asked, "Can you tell me how you all appeared in this world?"

"Racial talent. Our souls are amazing. Although our lifespan is short, we have immortality. As long as our lifespan is not up, we are immortal." Zhang Chen said nonsense seriously.

Does this have anything to do with traveling through other worlds?

Freya was very dissatisfied with the answer of the cannibal patriarch, but she also knew that this was a secret and it was impossible to tell them directly.

Of course, these words have another meaning, that is, the patriarch of the cannibals knows that the gods are secretly watching them.

"Wow, so you cannibals are so powerful?" Hestia turned around and asked in surprise.

Hestia, who doesn't hear anything outside the window and only wants to play games, only has games in her mind now, and she has almost evolved into a fetish. She doesn't know how players live. Anyway, she only needs to throw a drop once in a while. Blood, just let a player join his family.

Xianyu's life is so dull and boring, so she can only play games to relieve boredom.

"We don't care where you come from." Loki also stood beside Freya, staring at Zhang Chen and said coldly: "You are too strong, and it will make our family feel uneasy."

"so what."

"So you want to join us." Loki quickly changed his face, pinched Freya's two vital points, and said triumphantly: "See, Goddess of Beauty, she has superb skills, much better than that little dwarf!"

Zhang Chen: ...

The car drove so unexpectedly that Zhang Chen almost believed it.

"Damn it, you're too despicable, Aizen wouldn't be like this!"

Hestia swooped down, straddled Zhang Chen's shoulders, and covered his eyes. She finally remembered that Freya possessed the ability to charm, and humans couldn't bear it at all.

Very good, the dry fetish has evolved into a face hugger, the experiment was successful, and this Hestia is useless.

Let Hestia blind his eyes, Zhang Chen continued: "Freya is not from your family, you are sure she will agree."

Freya patted away Loki's mischievous hands, smiling gracefully: "If you want, you can also join my family."

"Okay, since we want to cooperate, let's talk about the treatment." Zhang Chen lifted Hestia off his body, touched her head again, and gave her a reassurance: "Don't worry, we are I won't abandon you, be good, let's play."

Only then did Hestia nodded contentedly, and then realized that her tone seemed to be fooling a child.

"Are you kidding, cooperate? Humans, figure out your status!"

The one who spoke was a man, wearing a gray tuxedo and a red shawl, looking at Zhang Chen with a proud face.

Apollo, the sun god, is said to be a god with countless male harems, but he doesn't like Zhang Chen, because of Zhang Chen's attitude on the one hand, and on the other hand, he prefers men who are less sensitive, such as Bell. , he likes it very much.

"Can this mental retardation represent you?" Zhang Chen squinted at Apollo, and decided to wait for Lily to become a god before sending this guy to the sky, and let Lily hitch a ride to the heaven.

Anyway, the heavens and the lower realms do not have the ability to communicate, so no matter how miserable Somo's death is, the gods in the lower realms will not know.

A wavy sword slashed at Zhang Chen's clothes, making the sound of fine iron clinking.

"It seems that I need to show my strength before I can negotiate properly." Zhang Chen reached out and grabbed the attacker by the neck, and lifted him up.

Hyacinthus, the head of Apollo's family, has a deep love for Apollo, and when he hears someone slandering his God, he naturally raises his sword and goes up.

If in Orario, his strength is lv. 3, although not high, but he can be regarded as a master, but in the world of "Reaper", he is probably not even as good as an officer who can understand.

Yacintos desperately swung the wavy sword in his hand, and slashed at Zhang Chen's head, but there was a sound of crackling iron. This kind of attack, for Zhang Chen's spiritual pressure body, could not even hurt a single hair. .

Except for Hestia, all the gods looked at Zhang Chen and did not stop him. They really wanted to see what this so-called heroic spirit could do.

"I said long ago that our family has a very special research on souls."

Zhang Chen punched Yacintos, and Yacintos' soul was instantly shaken out.

Yacintos' body fell to the ground and lost his breath. Zhang Chen grabbed Yacintos again and strangled Yacintos' neck again, but what he grabbed was his soul.

"Maybe I don't have your authority as a god, but it's not impossible to kill you." Zhang Chen crushed Yacintos' soul and smiled slightly: "Perhaps, you can also call us by our names in other worlds. :grim Reaper."

"Aizen, you killed someone again!" Hestia was a little unhappy.

Zhang Chen said helplessly, "Hestia, can you be quiet, I'm negotiating."

"I don't care. You killed someone and threw up the ashes. They don't like you anymore."

"Really? That would be really nice... what a pity!"

Zhang Chen was overjoyed. After all, with Hestia's relationship, he was really embarrassed to attack the gods. Without her name before, he really couldn't find an excuse to kill Sumo and get the divine fragment soul.

But now it seems that the face has been torn apart, so there is no need to be polite, maybe after killing the gods, you can still gain control of this world.

"Damn it, even you bully me!"

The face-hugger went online again, Zhang Chen's plan to push the gods went bankrupt, and he could only reach a preliminary cooperation with the gods...

 Originally, I planned to do the third shift today, but it turned out that the fox demon little matchmaker has already published a new chapter. I can wait, let’s go to the third shift tomorrow, let’s slip away ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
(End of this chapter)

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