Restart the main god game

Chapter 231 D!Definitely D!

Chapter 231 D!Definitely D!

"How is it? Is my acting okay?"

Baishida smiled, the laser lightsaber in his hand disappeared, and he lifted the swastika, holding the black iron epee, and walked in front of the King of the Deep Sea.

The monkey charm and the snake charm on the flip-flops shattered at the same time, and at the same time, the bronze long sword in his hand and the other self on the opposite side also disappeared instantly.

The plan of the two is very simple, use the monkey charm to turn an object into a flip flop, and then use the snake charm to become invisible, and give him a righteous backstab while the deep sea king is not paying attention.

"Beautiful!" Flip-flops punched Blockbuster, signaling to the other party to do it. After all, his brother has been so tight recently, so it would be easier for him to kill a few more weirdos.

"Aren't you heroes?" The King of the Deep Sea held his chest, blood spurting from his heart, feeling the passing of life, he was filled with grief and indignation. Are heroes so despicable these days?

It seemed that he felt the grief and anger of the King of the Deep Sea, and even the heavens and the earth began to mourn for him.

Baishida snorted coldly: "To deal with evil heretics like you, naturally there is no need to talk about heroism."

Flip-flops also said: "My friend Ling Lingqi told me that if you want to be a hero, you have to be worse than a villain, otherwise you will fall into the trap of a villain."

The Deep Sea King was speechless. He felt that what the other party said made sense, but seeing that it was about to rain, he decided to buy the following time: "Can you tell me your names."

"flip flops."


"Uh, what does the name mean?"

The King of the Deep Sea was stunned. Although he was a weirdo, he knew something about human beings. Otherwise, he would not have come ashore and wanted to rule the land. The names of heroes mostly explained the characteristics of this hero. What do you mean?
"Meaning, meaningless." Bai Shida shrugged. He has been called that way since he was a child. If he really wants to talk about meaning, does it count that he used to pick up bags on the bus?
Cough cough, this is his dark history, it cannot be said that it will damage his current superhero image.

"Since you know about it, I can only kill to silence it." Baishida narrowed his eyes, swung the Xuantian epee and slapped Deep Sea King on the head.

"and many more……"


The Deep Sea King's head was smashed into a flat shape, Besti smiled disdainfully, trying to delay time, think me stupid!

The raindrops finally fell and slapped on the body of the Deep Sea King, splashing countless water droplets, as if trying to wake him up again, but...

"See, the King of the Deep Sea, we killed him."

Baishida opened the live broadcast room and stepped on the corpse of the King of the Deep Sea, triumphantly.

"What's so great about the King of the Deep Sea, it's only interesting that the king of Lolicon is abused by Lolita."

"That's right, it's so old, it's all been driven into the ground."

"I heard that the owner of the house is Zhang Wuji's girlfriend, tsk tsk, my girlfriend's resentment, repeatedly whipping the corpse."

"There is also this kind of girlfriend, who is so cold and cold, I tipped 233 luck coins backhanded!"

"This kind of lolicon actually has a girlfriend? Is there any reason?"

Seeing that the barrage was still discussing Zhang Wuji, Bai Shida would rather watch the rebroadcast than watch his own live broadcast, and the topic got farther and farther away, and suddenly he was not convinced: "The king under my feet is the king from the deep sea. There are countless soldiers."

"There are countless soldiers?"

"There are strange people in the deep sea?"

The focus of players is always different from that of ordinary people, and they immediately reacted. Isn't this just like the world of "Pacific Rim"?

It's not every day that there are strange people in the city. Even if there are, players not only want to fight with their own people, but also with people from the Hero Association, and now they are told that there are a lot of weird people in the sea. Can this be tolerated?
Baishida also realized that he seemed to have slipped his mouth, so he hurriedly turned off the live broadcast, stopped bragging, looked at the flip-flops, waited for the water dragon to rely on, and jumped into the sea.

At this time, Stinger was crawling out of the ruins, looking at the body of the Deep Sea King, his face was full of bewilderment, what happened, how did I fly, and how did the Deep Sea King die?

However, soon, the two came out of the sea very disappointed. They couldn't find where the Deep Sea King's group was.

"How's the harvest?" a player asked.

"No, not a single one!" Blockbuster vowed.

The players immediately looked at Blockbuster suspiciously. Could this guy be lying and want to take it all for himself?
So they jumped into the water one by one, looking for the deep-sea monster.

Baishida snorted, I wasted effort, and you have to work in vain too!

"How is it? Have all the weirdos been solved?" Stinger asked hurriedly when he saw the two comrades finally appeared. In his memory, the King of the Deep Sea still had quite a few younger brothers.

Seeing the two nodding, Stinger breathed a sigh of relief, and asked curiously, "I heard that you superheroes don't get paid, so why are you so diligent?"

When he was still in a daze before, a group of players jumped into the sea together and hurried forward to stop him, but he was almost beaten up by the players instead. If he hadn't said that he knew Blockbuster and flip-flops, he would have been beaten by the players together Dragged into the sea.

I have seen heroes desperately trying to improve their rankings, but Stinger has never seen this kind of turn against others for killing monsters.

"That's because of the justice in my heart!" The flip-flop said solemnly.

There is no way, the world of "Bad Pacific" has a bug and collapsed. Players are afraid that if they accidentally reveal the truth and cause bugs in other worlds, then it will be too late to cry.

Stinger is also in awe, hero!
"Just for the sake of justice, you can't survive." At this moment, a beautiful woman in a dark green dress and a white velvet robe appeared in front of Baishida.

Bai Shida squinted her eyes, and the beautiful woman in front of her was not only tall and well-proportioned, but also fair-skinned and extremely beautiful, at least 90 points.

"I heard that your superheroes also have their own levels. What level are you?"


Blockbuster blurted out, definitely D!

Chuuxue frowned lightly, is it D-rank?

The emergence of players, the most affected ones are not C-level heroes. After all, except for a certain bald head, C-level heroes are all doing work like catching thieves. B-level heroes, especially B-level heroes with ideals, will be miserable. , these days there are basically no weirdos who can make them do it.

Therefore, as the leader of the Fubuki group, Hell Fubuki naturally wanted to investigate this group of so-called superheroes.

In the end, I didn’t know if I didn’t check it. I was shocked when I checked it. This group of people is not a rich second generation at all, but a group of ordinary people.

But in this way, Fuxue had another idea, which was to subdue this group of guys!
Because when the players fight monsters, they either cut their opponents like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, or swarm up and beat them up violently. Therefore, although most people know that these guys are very strong, they don't think that these guys are S-level heroes. This is also the source of Fubuki's self-confidence.

What's more, she heard that her sister also joined this organization. If she emptied this organization, wouldn't she be able to win against her sister at last?

It's just that the whereabouts of the players have always been erratic. I don't know why this group of guys can fly. As for going to the Justice League, Chuuxue thinks that it is not only provocative, but also likely to be discovered by her sister, so she can only sit and watch.

And this time, she also heard about superheroes jumping into the sea collectively, so she came to take a look, but she didn't expect that the guy who looked quite strong in the satellite live broadcast was actually just a D-class superhero.

"Ahem, do you have anything to do with us?" Flip-flops glared at Baishida, you are fucking married and still flirting with girls, I will tell your wife when I log off.

Baishida smiled disdainfully, what's so great about my wife, if she dares to show her teeth at me, I dare not let her get out of bed.

Then I'll tell Karen!

Baishida's face froze, and he gave his brother a hard look, counting you as cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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