Restart the main god game

Chapter 232 Opening the Public Beta Era

Chapter 232 Opening the Public Beta Era

Fuxue's solicitation of players is doomed to be useless, and Zhang Chen is too lazy to care about it. He is now thinking about what to do in the next stage.

With Qiyu as a super thug, Zhang Chen can be said to be fearless now, as long as he is not the kind of god who grasps the concept of the multiverse, then he can completely punch and grab some luck coins before running away.

However, as a main god who doesn't like killing and pays attention to the peaceful development of cosmic polygonism, Zhang Chen still thinks that it is better to develop peacefully together.

After counting the 800 billion luck coins on his body, Zhang Chen began to think about how to spend them.

Of the more than 800 billion, more than half came from the world of "Resident Evil", and the other half came from the world of "Bad Pacific".

The world of "Resident Evil" is because he exterminated the T virus, and by the way, most of the earth creatures were wiped out, while "Pacific Rim" is because he destroyed the monster's lair.

"Demon Slayer: Blade", "Titanic 2", "Amateur Agent", "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains"...

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched. The former was easy to say, but what kind of ghosts are behind it?

These are all the different worlds he has searched in this short period of time. Because he once held the power of life and death, even if Zhang Chen comes into contact with these worlds for the first time, he can still deduce what this world is through some small fragments.

Well, the world is there, but it doesn't look like it's doing anything at all.

"Then we can only make a big wave!" Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes and directly invested 100 billion in the search.

With Saitama in hand, I will never give up again!
Cursors from hundreds of worlds appeared in Zhang Chen's hands. After making some selections, Zhang Chen fell into deep thought again.

It is obviously not cost-effective to send players to push horizontally. After all, the player's projection needs so many luck coins. It is okay to say that in a world like "Ghost Slayer: Blade", at least there are some ghosts for players to kill. Although they are pitifully few, but Those ordinary worlds can't let players kill people, can they?

The projection avatars of the players are the same as the bodies at the beginning. Every day in a different world, they need a luck coin. It doesn't seem like much, but when the players have nothing to blame, then wait and waste the luck coins in vain.

Zhang Chen is not a benevolent person, let players experience the 1:2 time without paying any price, these are his luck coins!

Therefore, only high-end players can launch these worlds, just like the original "Zhan!Crimson Eyes" The world is the same.

"This is a bit like a real infinite stream." Zhang Chen touched his chin, just like "Ghost Slayer: Blade", throwing five players is enough.

Wait, since you want to engage in a real infinite flow, can you be a guide?
The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. Low-level players continued to work part-time and practice their moves to adapt to their strength. High-level players played the real infinite flow, although this infinite flow can be revived.

"And you don't have to spawn monsters,"

Zhang Chen thought of another note, the so-called luck, refers to the love of the gods, just like the protagonist, who is born with extraordinary luck, and can escape from death every time.

He used to let the players fight monsters honestly and do good deeds in order not to cause resentment from heaven and earth.

But now he thought of another show operation, which is to do the protagonist's work, so that the protagonist has nothing to do!

This can be seen from the world of "Pacific Rim". Although he destroyed a small world, the world was actually so small that it was only worth a few hundred million luck coins, but the world of "Pacific Rim" gave him Tens of billions, comparable to the world of "Resident Evil".

"So, the reason why I got so many luck coins in the world of "Resident Evil" and they are still rising is not because I eliminated the T virus, but because I replaced Alice."

Zhang Chen's eyes flashed, it turned out to be the case, no wonder the main god wanted to engage in infinite streams back then, the feeling was to throw the reincarnated person on the spot as a real tool man into another world to grab luck, instead of pretending to be a game like him, because He didn't need it at all Do that.

Kill the protagonist, kill the supporting role, kill the villain...

The luck of the whole world was in chaos because of him, and he took the opportunity to seize the luck and resolutely escaped.

Zhang Chen murmured to himself, no wonder he was beaten to his lair by countless multiverse powers.

But he was different, although he also stole things, but the things he stole were all unnecessary things, and he would also help the owner tidy up the room by the way, is this considered stealing?

This is called cleaning!

"Cough cough, cleaning is too ugly. How about calling it the universe cleaner? It doesn't work either, um, the universe scavenger? This is not bad, domineering and appropriate!"

Zhang Chen gave his new profession a nice name.

Shaking his head and putting these messy thoughts to the back of his mind, Zhang Chen pondered for a while, kicked out the casual world players first, issued a system update announcement by the way, and then started drastic reconstruction.

Centering on the sphere of light, the main god in New York, all the surrounding buildings were demolished and rebuilt, and the pigeon houses were connected in a row to surround the sphere of light, just like the ancient Colosseum, except that the positions of the players became There are small rooms.

Zhang Chen looked at the huge Colosseum, then at the petty Lord God Light Ball, thought for a while, and directly enlarged the projection by ten times, turning it into a super big light ball suspended in the air.

From now on, the players will accept the missions here, and it will look very tall and powerful, and then put a small ball of light in a room, and the players' dark room will be done.

As for remodeling the room and creating humans, I'm sorry, no, do you want it? The reincarnated person's head is pinned to his belt, and he is fighting for his life. The benefits are normal. You players are just livers. What kind of bicycle do you want?
As for the newcomers, it is the same as the previous Infinity Stream. They will be screened in another world first. If they are unqualified, they will be kicked out immediately. If they are qualified, they will be introduced to the leisure world. If they are not satisfied, they will still be kicked out.

Everything is ready, Zhang Chen released a new system announcement.

[System Announcement: The internal beta of this game is completed, and the era of public beta begins!
1 The public beta server can satisfy [-] players online at the same time!

2 Open the new main god exchange list, players can exchange in front of the main god light ball!

3 The leisure world is fully open, and the time ratio is changed, the leisure world is 1:2, and the copy world is 1:4.

4 Every seven days you stay in the leisure world, you need to spend [-] luck coins. Every time you open the daily dungeon world, you need [-] luck coins. If the luck coins are insufficient, equivalent items will be automatically deducted. Once all the items are consumed, the account will be permanently deleted , or use the invitation code to resuscitate (the initial character will receive [-] Luck Coin activity funds.)
5. To open a one-time copy, players can spend more than [-] luck coins to complete the strategy. The guide will release some tasks for the players to act, and they can also trigger the impact tasks independently (the number of players will be limited according to the difficulty of the task.)
6 Every time a one-time copy world is opened, a number of novice players will be invited to survive until the end of the mission, and the team can get the same amount of X1000 luck coins. 】

(End of this chapter)

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