Restart the main god game

Chapter 499 Actually, I'm Not Your Father

Chapter 499 Actually, I'm Not Your Father

Here Zhang Chen is arranging new dungeons for the players, and the players over there are also very busy.

The cause of the incident was the TPC base that Zhang Chen complained was similar to a public toilet. They discovered a strange coral-like life form in Antarctica, and then took it back to TPC as a matter of course.

Of course, they still took protective measures, and then all the personnel in the laboratory were poisoned by oxygen.

So Hori Masami and Munekata Seiichi of the victory team entered the laboratory fully armed and found this strange creature.

And when this strange creature got into the computer, Hori Masami's first reaction was not to control it, but to communicate with it happily. The members of the victory team also felt that this thing can produce oxygen, which is harmful to human beings. It's a good thing.

But the problem is that people only want to live in a world full of oxygen. As for humans, it doesn't matter at all.

After the players killed the monster, they found that it was inedible. It was a slime-like object. Although it had a hard skin after turning into a monster, it completely softened when it died. The players came back cursing. Main God Square, ready to find the bad luck of other wild monsters.

[System Announcement: Open the time-limited experience dungeon "Big Sword". Players can enter this dungeon to hunt monsters and villains. Every time you kill a monster, you can get rich luck coins and experience! 】

Hearing this announcement, the eyes of the players immediately began to light up. Experienced dungeon, this is not a brush, is it still a human?

Immediately, a large number of people were teleported into the game. Because of the first crossing, the coordinate anchors were at the same position, so...

"Fuck, don't squeeze!"

"Who the hell stepped on me?"

"Make room!"

On the barren ground, a group of people you press me, I press you, piled up into a mountain of people, plus some people struggling desperately, countless hands and feet are waving, the scene is extremely Cthulhu, I guess If it is seen by the big sword, it will definitely be chopped with the sword.

Ma Xiaotiao and Lu Manman entered the dungeon for the first time, and then were squeezed away by other players. He immediately realized that something was wrong, and pulled Lu Manman straight into the air, avoiding a catastrophe.

"The ones above, hurry up and get out."

The one at the bottom was a middle-aged player whose ID was [Yuan Tiangang], his level was only over 40, and he had to bear the weight that his level should not have.


Ma Xiaotiao blinked and looked at the middle-aged man, when did his father enter the game, and the level was already over 40.

The middle-aged man blinked, looked blankly at Ma Xiaotiao who somehow called him father, remained silent for a while, and responded, "Well, son, save me!"

Ma Xiaotiao didn't doubt that he was there, so he descended together with Lu Manman, and it took him a long time to pull the middle-aged man out.

"Dad, when did you play games, and you kept hiding it from me?"

Ma Xiaotiao was a little dissatisfied, his relationship with Ma Tianxiao was more like friends, so when he saw Ma Tianxiao actually playing games without telling him, he immediately felt betrayed by his friends.

The player above [Yuan Tiangang] fell silent again, and finally said: "Actually, I'm not your father."

∑(っ°Д°;) っX2!

Ma Xiaotiao: Although I have always regarded you as a brother, you really have to be my father!

Lu Manman: I always feel that I have heard great news. Should I tell Aunt Ding Rui? No, Aunt Ding Rui should have known about it long ago. After all, the father does not know whether the child is his own, but the mother For sure.

Ma Xiaotiao didn't notice Lu Manman's weird expression, and said speechlessly, "You haven't changed your face, so try to trick me into making another face."

"No, I can tell you with certainty that you have identified the wrong person. I am not your father."

Cui Dabing looked at the two young people helplessly, saying that there are so many people who bump into each other these days?

In fact, this is also understandable. In the past, the Internet shortened the distance between people. As long as you are free enough, you can find a lot of people who look similar. For example, there was a variety show called "Superstar Face" a long time ago. A lot of star faces, there was no plastic surgery back then, but they were real star faces.

Now that they directly enter the game to communicate with real people, naturally there will be more confrontations.

But speaking of star face, flip-flops look very similar to a Kung Fu star. It is said that he once participated in a similar show and won No.3, and No.2 is that Kung Fu star.

There are too many slots, everyone thought it was a joke at first, but later found out that it is actually true.

Seeing his father, Ma Xiaotiao said, ah, it's [Yuan Tiangang] who didn't seem to be joking, and asked suspiciously, "Then why did you agree just now?"

"I need someone to save me!"

Cui Dabing pointed to the crowds of people who were still crowded, and spoke confidently.

Ma Xiaotiao was speechless, no matter whether the person in front of him was his father or not, his upright look was exactly the same as Ma Tianxiao's.

"Look at him, I'll go offline and have a look."

Lu Manman, who was wondering how many boyfriends Aunt Ding Rui had before, reminded Ma Xiaotiao.

Only then did Lu Manman come back to his senses: "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him and won't let him abandon his wife and children!"

Ma Xiaotiao: ...

Cui Dabing: ...

I always feel that something is wrong, but forget it, I want to go offline to confirm first.

Ma Xiaotiao got up from the bed and knocked on the door of Ma Tianxiao's room.

"What's the matter, Xiaotiao?"

Ma Xiaotiao nodded as he looked at the bunch of raised hair on the back of his father's head. I said why his father looked a little out of place, and my feeling was that his hairstyle was different.

Seeing Ma Xiaotiao leaving in a hurry, Ma Tian smiled and scratched his curled hair, feeling baffled, thinking to himself, maybe I forgot to get a haircut again, when was the last time I got a haircut, three months ago?Or four months ago?

Ma Xiaotiao went online again, and Lu Manman immediately reported: "He hasn't gone offline, I've been watching him."

Cui Dabing spread his hands: "Are you sure? I'm really not your father."

Ma Xiaotiao said: "It's confirmed, but brother, you really look like my dad."

Cui Dabing smacked his lips and didn’t know how to answer for a moment. He called me Dad just now, but now he calls me Brother. You are not afraid to get used to it. When the time comes to call you Dad, what will your mother think?
On the other side, the mountain of people began to slowly descend, not because no one came in, but because the people above found a random direction and flew away.

Only then did the three of them realize that this is a time-limited dungeon, there is only so much to blame, if someone snatches it up, it will be over.

"We're about the same level, let's form a team together!"

Ma Xiaotiao suggested.

After thinking for a while, Cui Dabing agreed to Ma Xiaotiao's invitation to form a team, soared into the sky, and began to look for cities with people.

"found it!"

In fact, it wasn't them who found it, but other players. Such a group of people flying in the sky is too conspicuous. Ma Xiaotiao only needs to look at the direction they are flying to know where there is a city.

 Wrong memory, it was Chaplin who participated in the Chaplin Imitation Contest and won No.2, embarrassing

(End of this chapter)

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