Restart the main god game

Chapter 500 What about the promised demon?Why are they all fairies?

Chapter 500 What about the promised demon?Why are they all fairies?

"Ma Xiaotiao, wait for me!"

At this moment, Liu Xing's voice came from behind, he looked back, good guy, a large group of people followed Liu Xing, they were the famous second organization: Dark Flame Envoy, Evil King True Eye, Thunder God Hammer Envoy, Lord Sen, Yu Zui, Bai Yaoyao, Malala.

Everyone in this organization is a talent, others pursue lethality, they pursue gorgeous moves, how to pull off the style, basically the skills are full of special effects.

"Is there any mistake, you also come here to gain experience."

Ma Xiaotiao complained that he had only been in the game for less than a month, and this group of guys had been playing for a year, and their levels were all forty or fifty.

"It's not like you don't know that the higher the level, the higher the level-up experience. After finally getting an experience book, we naturally have to come and join in the fun."

Liu Xing spread out his hands, expressing that I am also helpless.

"Then each finds his own."

Seeing that there were too many people in Liu Xing's team, Ma Xiaotiao didn't intend to join, and the four of them lowered their heads and entered through the gate of the city.

The NPCs in the dungeon are too capable. If they are seen flying through the clouds, they will either regard them as gods or monsters. In order not to cause commotion and waste time, they have long been accustomed to investigate first before talking.

After finding a hotel, Cui Dabing took a gold coin and began to ask about the monsters.

When the owner heard the word 'demon', his face changed drastically, but when he saw the gold coin on the table, he was blinded by the money and told the three of them what he knew.

"Then how do we find the demon?"

Ma Xiaotiao asked curiously.

The shop owner looked at Ma Xiaotiao with a mentally retarded face, looking for the monster, is this too much life?

Or are they actually demons?

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper suddenly felt his scalp tingle, that's right, who would inquire about monsters in a normal way, and tremblingly said: "I don't know, I heard, I heard that the big sword can sense monsters, I just came to town two days ago With a big sword, he killed a monster."

This is obviously a coat made of tiger skin, in order to scare off the three suspicious people who are suspected of being demons in front of them.

"I'm going, even NPCs are robbing monsters. It seems that this monster is very popular." Cui Dabing sighed with emotion.

Hearing Cui Dabing actually say that monsters are very popular, the shopkeeper's forehead began to break out in cold sweat. No matter how you think about it, this kind of statement is not what normal people should say, because normal people will become as cowardly as him when they hear monsters.

"Where is the big sword you mentioned?"

Ma Xiaotiao asked.

"No, I don't know."

The owner of the shop was almost crying, Dajian always left after killing the monsters, and the devil knew where they went.

"You should know what it looks like, right?"

Ma Xiaotiao said impatiently, what's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?
"Beautiful, with blond hair, and with a little girl."

The shopkeeper hurriedly replied, for fear of being eaten by the group of monsters in front of him.

"Little girl, is it actually a female NPC?"

Lu Manman was a little curious. According to her judgment, the one who came out to hunt the monsters should be a male warrior, after all, the inherent advantages are there.

"This is not the real world, can't you also fly into the sky and escape from the ground?"

Cui Dabing complained.

Fortunately, they still inquired about the place where the big sword killed the monster. As a result, they saw, my good guy, there was a long queue here like a station where the bus didn't come.

I saw that the one in the front row was Malala whom I had just met before. He squeezed the sword formula and shouted: "The world is boundless, follow it for thousands of miles!"

Strips of white spirit veins appeared from around. Malala grabbed it and sneered, "I found you!"


An empty bottle fell on Malala's head, followed by all kinds of rocks, axes, burgers, barbecue grills, which almost didn't bury him.

"Hurry up! Didn't you see the queue here?"

"You're the only one who knows how to tie your toes and chase sparrows! Get out of here!"

"You are still tracking for thousands of miles, you think you are a roaring dog!"

The players queuing up at the back yelled at each other, and everyone finally agreed to line up one by one, and no one can grab it, or God knows if it will become crowded like just now.

"You guys are jealous of my search speed."

Malala kicked the grill and complained.

"If you don't get out, we'll throw rotten eggs!"

Malala was taken aback. This game claims to be 100% virtual reality. Although it can turn off the sense of smell, if it really throws rotten eggs, it will be quite annoying.

In other words, who is so wicked, would carry that thing with him!

He flew into the sky in a hurry, and flew towards the distance following the breath of the demon.

And those who lined up at the back followed one by one, sensing the breath of the demon, they also chased after them.

It's not that they don't want to follow Malala directly, but that they want to lock the breath of the demon. After all, the heart of defense cannot be done. What if Malala leads them around like a mad dog?What's more, even if you can find it, you can only find one monster. The most important thing is to confirm the breath of the monster early.

Without Malala making trouble, the players in front moved very fast, and soon it was the turn of Ma Xiaotiao and others.

At this time, the residents of the small town were scared by these intruding flying men and hid at home one by one, not daring to come out, for fear of being eaten by these demon-like humans.

Of course, Ma Xiaotiao and the others didn't realize it at all. After locking on to the demon's breath, they also started flying through the clouds, keeping up with the large army...

At this time, Malala was the one who ran the farthest. After flying for more than ten minutes, he finally saw the source of the demonic aura, and there were more than one.


Malala looked at a group of women who were confronting each other with swords below, feeling a little dazed, where is the promised monster?Why are they all fairies?

"It seems that there is no red name, so it should not be cut off."

The players who followed were also speechless. They must not be deceived by the people in that town, right?

"what is that?"

The swordsman surrounded by a group of people suddenly looked up to the sky vigilantly.

"Di Lisa, this is not like you, do you think this trick can fool us?"

A female swordsman sneered.

Di Lisa suppressed her smile, and said solemnly: "I think you'd better look at the sky, there are a group of people flying in the sky."

However, the other female swordsmen didn't pay attention to her words, each of them held a giant sword and looked at Di Lisa vigilantly.

Di Lisha sighed unluckily. A few days ago, she inexplicably bumped into an existence similar to an abyssal being. She accidentally exposed her identity, and the people from the organization chased after her.

That's fine, but the words of that monster have been lingering in her heart. After all, even she can't hurt that monster, and her big sword is even more impossible. If a group of monsters like that really appear, then humans can really Will it survive?

And now, those monsters seem to have really appeared!

"I know who they are. They seem to be called Dajian, and they specialize in hunting demons."

Ma Xiaotiao rushed over panting, but his voice was a bit loud, and finally caught the attention of the group of people. They looked up in astonishment, and there was a group of monsters standing there in the sky.

Why do you say it is a demon?

Because they clearly saw that the humanoid creature at the head was holding a bone stick, which a normal person would use as a weapon!
 Chapter 2, you know

(End of this chapter)

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