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Chapter 501 It’s Clearly Two Apostles, But Wasn’t He Chased by Goblins?

Chapter 501 Apparently the Twelve Apostles, Aren't They Being Chased by Goblins

"What, specialize in hunting monsters, isn't that trying to steal monsters from us?"

Players heard this, it’s okay, the monsters are ours, experience is also ours, luck coins are ours, your NPCs should have NPC samples, squat aside obediently and wait for us to save, just like Sai Liya, obviously the Twelve Apostles, was chased by goblins, obediently waiting for us to save her.

Uh, it is also very likely to be Pengci, after all, she can always happen to be an adventurer.

"Listen to the NPCs below, the demons belong to us, for the sake of being good people, we won't break your legs!"

Malala, who felt that there was an army of players standing behind him, was immediately full of pride, and shouted at the big swords below.

The big swords were extremely nervous, and they didn't care about besieging Denisa. After all, the main goal of the big swords was to hunt monsters. Denisa just killed people and violated the organization's regulations.

"You guys, come down!"

To be honest, this is the weirdest thing the Great Swordsmen have seen since hunting monsters, because they have never seen a flying monster, or a monster that looks so human and can fly.

When monsters transform into human form, they cannot use their own power, and even if they are flying monsters, they have to grow wings. After all, although there is no Newton in the world of big swords, they still have to abide by Newton's law of universal gravitation.

It's just that although the great swordsmen are not afraid of life and death, they have the courage to draw their swords even when they see the awakened and the abyssal, but the problem is that they can't fly.

Denisa looked at the big sword that made the noise. It was a short-haired girl, and it was said that she was the No. 2 Priscia who rose up recently.

"Joke, if you tell me to go down, I'll go down. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? Come up if you have the ability!"

Malala carried the bone stick and pouted.

"Demon, come down and die!"

The little girl's eyes were red, and she leapt up a full dozen meters, stabbing at Malala with a sword, and Malala moved up another ten meters, so this blow... couldn't reach, little girl Can only fall down.

"Hahaha, you are stupid, I can fly!"

Malala said triumphantly.

Liu Xing subconsciously took a few steps away from Malala, bullying a little girl, why are you so proud, no wonder you are still single now that you are obviously not short of money, you really obeyed the words that the angel taught the old man, no single dog has come to you Early death at this age.

"Play while you play!"

Cui Dabing pushed Malala away angrily, and shouted to the bottom: "Hey, why do you have the breath of a demon?"

These words made the big swords feel a little confused. Their half-human and half-demon physiques are well known, even monsters know their existence, because monsters are also human beings before they become monsters.

And isn't the number of monsters in front of you a little too much?
"Do you know this person?"

Denisa took out a portrait, on which a middle-aged man in white clothes and glasses was drawn with charcoal.

"This is Aizen?"

Malala came over and said with emotion: "This guy is indeed an official, and he is messing around in the dungeon again."

Wait, isn't this woman another female NPC like Hestia and Estes who is not clear about Aizen?
The players looked at each other and nodded. Although Ai Ran is a scumbag, although he has a bad personality, although he runs around in the dungeon, although he doesn't treat them as human beings, although...

But he can issue missions!

Liu Xing rushed to Denisa like a shooting star, and said with a simple and honest face: "You are the sister-in-law, right? I am the younger brother of Big Brother Lan Ran, Big Brother Blue Ran said, we will follow your orders from now on, you told us to kill demons , we’ll go kill the demons, we’ll be there whenever we’re called!”

"Fuck, it's so shameless!"

"At such a young age, my mind is so deep, how can I get it when I grow up?"

"What Xiongtai said is true, why don't we cut the weeds and get rid of the roots?"

"It's too shameless!"

The players all snorted at Liu Xing's shamelessness, and then they all descended to the clouds, clasped their fists at Denisa and said, "See you, sister-in-law!"

The number of players coming was not many, only a few thousand, but the thousands of people spoke in unison, and the scene was already extremely shocking.

Of course, for the parties involved, it is extremely weird.

Denisa was still holding the portrait of Aizen in her hand, and she didn't know whether to throw it away or put it away. She was not afraid of being killed by the monster, but there were too many people in this group, and when they came down, they had already taken Clay away. Yawei was in the team.

She painted this portrait originally intending to find this guy who claimed to be the god of death. After Zhang Chen left, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Not to mention why the monsters attacked each other, but his attack method was very strange, not like a monster at all. .

"Well, can you back off?"

Denisa asked tentatively.

"No problem ma'am!"

"Good sister-in-law!"

The players immediately distanced themselves from Dinisha and retreated to the side of the big sword foursome.

Big Sword Four: ...

There is one thing to say, they are panicking now, even Priscia, who regards demons as enemies, is a little bit numb. In the past, they all hunted demons one by one, and occasionally there were more, just a few dozen It's amazing, but now, it's actually surrounded by thousands of monsters.


But even so, the great swordsmen didn't have the idea of ​​sitting still. Priscia's silver pupils quickly turned golden, and she slashed at Malala with a sword.


The giant sword collided with the bone stick, but there was a crisp sound of gold and iron.

"What are you doing, looking for trouble?"

Malala frowned. If I don't fight back, you really think I'm a soft persimmon?

The remaining three great swords also quickly released their demon power, ready to kill seven in and seven out among the demons.

"Tao Binding 61·Six Light Prison!" XN!

The four of them were immediately turned into sea urchins by the players. Maybe they could kill a few players one-on-one, but the base of the number was too large. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't kill Baiming, the players would be ashes when they went down with a round of red artillery.

Sure enough, it was the same kind of monster as that guy, or in other words, the same kind of creature.

Denisa frowned slightly, and she had already realized that this group of people really wasn't necessarily monsters, because just like a big sword would release demon power in battle, demons would naturally release it in battle.

She didn't expect that it was because she herself seldom releases demon power. Now that she saw other people releasing demon power with her great sword, she realized that this group of people had no demon power at all!
"You are not monsters!"

Denisa's affirmative tone made the four struggling swords stiffen, and they looked at her in astonishment.

"Can I see your blood?"

Denisa asked, the blood of monsters is completely different from that of human beings, not to mention the color, even the breath is different. As big swords, they can tell at a glance, but before she couldn't break Zhang Chen's defense at all, this time Only then mistakenly thought that the other party was a demon.

"That's too much trouble, here, this is my arm."

Liu Xing raised the knife and chopped off his left hand, throwing it to Denisa.

Denisa: ...

 The modification is complete, Sujue
(End of this chapter)

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