Restart the main god game

Chapter 502 As long as you bring yourself into the dungeon world view, then they are superheroes who

Chapter 502 As long as you bring yourself into the dungeon world view, then they are superheroes who travel through the world

The four big swords looked at Denisa strangely, that means you are not talking about demons.

Seeing that Liu Xing's left hand was reborn again, the four swords thought to themselves that if it wasn't for monsters, then there would be no monsters in the world.

"They don't have the aura of demons on them."

Although I don't want to admit it, just like animals in nature can distinguish the same kind of breath, the big sword has long been able to use the evil spirit freely, and what she is best at is reading the evil spirit. Picking up Liu Xing and breaking the hand, Di Nisha shook his head.

Although the player is the body of a heroic spirit, it will disappear after death. Liu Xing's broken arm was actually separated from his body and has nothing to do with him.

"That's right, sister-in-law, where are the demons, we will help you destroy them now!"

Liu Xing had a flattering expression on his face. It was one thing to have a relationship with Denisa, but getting information from demons was the key point. After all, they found the big sword out of nowhere, and now they are still at a loss.

Denisa: ...

The marked smile disappeared, and she said with a black line on her face: "I am not your sister-in-law, my name is Denisa."

"Okay, Mrs. Denisa."

She rubbed her temples with some headaches. Although Denisa didn't know what the group of mysterious people did wrong, at least she had to get some useful information. There are more organizations added up, which is terrifying.

"Can you tell me your history?"

Denisa forced her standard smile and asked softly.

The players immediately explained to Denisa, although there is no way to say that this is a game, but as long as they bring themselves into the dungeon world view, then they are superheroes who travel through the world, saving the world from the dire straits .

Anyway, Denisa didn't understand Reaper, One-Punch Man, and Aurora, but at least she understood one thing. These guys came from another world and were ordered to exterminate demons.

Not knowing that Denisa was confused, even the four swordsmen began to doubt their lives.

Denisa thought of an explanation suitable for their understanding: "Are you sent by the gods?"

Although there are no gods in the world of Great Sword, there are legends of gods. For example, the names of Denisa and Claire are taken from the twin goddesses of this world.

In addition, the middle-aged uncle claimed to be the God of Death. Although he was completely different from the appearance of the gods in the records, how could the gods be understood by human beings.

"This explanation is not wrong. It is indeed the Lord God who sent us here."

The players immediately agreed with this statement, and then asked impatiently: "Can you tell us where the monster is now, we are in a hurry to save the world."

Denisa glanced at the four big swords face to face, and for a moment didn't know whether to believe these crazy lunatics who behaved strangely.

"Help me take care of this little girl, and I'll take them to Isli in the North." In the end Denisa smiled at the four great swords: "If I'm really dead, then you don't have to chase me down .”

In the history of the great sword, there have been three extremely bad situations where the No.1 great sword awakened. Because of the strongest existence, it is also called the abyss, which means the awakened person whose strength is like the abyss, even if it is Dini Sha, also not sure to fight them.

The organization has always sent the Great Sword to the mission. Of course, this is what they say. In fact, they are the ones who created the monsters. Where there are monsters is not what they say.


Claire, who was still a loli, immediately threw herself into Denisa's arms. Compared with the four big swords that were determined to cut players, Claire hid obediently. Seeing that Denisa was about to leave, she ran away in a hurry come over.

Holding the little girl in her arms, Denisa smiled slightly: "Wait for me, I will definitely come back."

Claire shook her head, tightly hugging Denisa.

"It's okay, sister-in-law, it's no problem for our cloud to support you and take you flying!"

Liu Xing immediately called a white cloud and placed it beside the two of them.

Looking at this white cloud falling from the sky, Denisa's mind was shocked again. Although it was impossible for her to say that it was unscientific, she also felt that it was really incredible.

Seeing that Claire refused to let her go, Denisa, who knew her character well, said helplessly, "Okay, I'll take you with me."

She hugged Claire carefully, and stood on the white cloud, soft as if she was stepping on a layer of quilt.

Liu Xing pinched Fa Jue and took the two of them to the sky.

The players also showed their magical powers, some grew wings and flew directly, rode a Pegasus, and even drove a spaceship...

In the past, they were searching for where the monsters were, so they used the airborne flight method. Now that they had a target, they naturally had to arrive at the fastest speed, and then quickly hunted down the monsters.

"By the way, can you let them go?"

Looking at the four big swords tied into hedgehogs by the players, Denisa was speechless, you guys really care about killing but not burying them.

"This, whose ghost way, explain it!"

Liu Xing said helplessly.

Only then did the players remember that there were four other passers-by, one by one, they unlocked their own ghost ways, and the four people below regained their freedom.

It's just that the four big swords watched the group of demons dancing in the sky, and their brains almost went down. The organization didn't say in the scene before them, why do the demons have mounts, and they are creatures that represent purity like Tianma?
"What shall we do next?"

Priscia said weakly.

Although she wished to die with the players just now, after knowing that the players were not monsters, she became that timid girl again.

"do not know."

Yinili was also a little dazed, could it be that the gods really descended.

Although many of the Great Swordsmen were sold into organizations, the education they received was all for hunting monsters, so they became this kind of half-human, half-demon physique.

But no matter how hard they try, the monsters have not been reduced from the beginning to the end. They are either killing monsters every day, or on the way to kill monsters, without even a chance to breathe.

"If they are really gods, I really hope they can kill all the demons, no, they can do it, right?"

Priscia spoke with longing. She joined the organization after her father was killed by a monster, and she was full of hatred for monsters.

Of course, this is what she thought. In fact, after becoming a great sword, she sealed the memory of killing her father by mistakenly thinking it was a monster.

"It would be great if it could be done."

Yinili murmured, no one wants to be a monster. Even if all the monsters are dead now, they are still half-human, half-demon monsters, but at least, there will be no monsters like them in the future.

"Forget it, let's inform the organization first."

Yinili put the big sword back, turned and walked towards the town.

Obviously, Denisa's violation of the organization's rules is no longer the point. The point is that a group of guys who claim to be messengers of gods have appeared in this world.

 Chapter 2, you know, alas, uncomfortable, stuck again, I don’t know what world to write, it’s better to open a new book, but I have to look at the remuneration tomorrow, if the remuneration increases, then I will continue to write , Ahem, I racked my brains to think about the plot
(End of this chapter)

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