Restart the main god game

Chapter 503 My hands itch when I see a red name

Chapter 503 My hands itch when I see a red name

"Is that too little?"

In the northern land, the players stood on the ruins, a little speechless.

When everyone came to the direction Denisa was pointing at, their eyes lit up immediately, good guy, the whole mountain is famous, it took a lot of evil to become so popular.

Youdao makes your hands itchy when you see a famous red name. How can players bear such a big famous mountain, so there is no premise to inform each other. Drive the spaceship and throw missiles out.

Especially Lu Zhanbo, the entire walking arsenal, the bullets fired by the giant submachine gun in his hand are similar to missiles.

Thanks to this event dungeon, if there is damage and good luck experience, otherwise the players would not be able to grab Lu Zhanbo at all.

But if this is the case, the players also feel dissatisfied. Although the harvest is good, but with an average of more than 1000 people, each person only has a hundred luck coins, which is a good experience.

Denisa was completely dumbfounded. She watched a lush mountain being razed to the ground by the players. The process took less than a minute. She didn't even see the hapless abyssal being, and the players had already beaten him. It's time to call it a day.

Are they also worthy of being called Abyssalists?
For the first time, Denisa felt that this title was slandering the word abyss.

"Sister-in-law, is there any more?"

Liu Xing continued to flatter Denisa with a doggy smile.

Denisa looked weird. Although I don't know why these guys insist on recognizing her as a sister-in-law, but if such a good tool is not used by people, is it still human?

As for the real god of death coming to her at that time, anyway, after becoming a great sword, she has already had the consciousness of death. After all, after becoming a great sword, she has to fight against the demon flesh and blood in her body at any time. He will send a black letter, asking his friends to kill him, and let him die as a human being.

"Of course there is!"

Denisa smiled sweetly, which was an unprecedented brilliance, because she already had a premonition that the world would no longer be threatened by demons.

If Yisili in the north is dead, there will be Livru in the west, and if Livru in the west is dead, there will be Luciella in the south. As for the south, sorry, there is no one in the south.

"Are you kidding, shouldn't there be five of the Four Heavenly Kings? Why do you only have three?"

In less than an hour, the players wandered around in three directions and took away three unlucky guys who didn't even show their faces, and then found that Denisa said it was okay.

Denisa looked at the players with a fierce look on her face. If she said something wrong, she would throw her and Claire off the cloud. There are monsters, we will go and destroy them."

The players did not suspect him, so Liu Xing asked: "Where is the headquarters of your organization?"

Because Liu Xing took the lead in worshiping Dinisha as his sister-in-law, the players acquiesced that he was the spokesperson of everyone. After all, so many people chatted with Dinisha, who knows how long it will be delayed.

No one will know that the organization is actually the culprit of the monsters, Liu Xing and others naturally want to go to the organization headquarters to 'borrow' the distribution map of the monsters.

Denisa naturally didn't know, so under her command, the players turned around and headed towards the organization headquarters.

Then the organization was slaughtered!


Looking at the disfigured Denisa, Zhang Chen slapped his thigh hard, causing Hestia to cry out in surprise.

Well, it's very Q-bomb!
Regardless of the big sword or the monsters, they are actually the experimental products of the organization. The big sword is okay, it just acts as a scavenger for the organization, helping to hunt and kill the group of monsters, but it is the organization that creates the monsters. Who will take the blame?

Youdao is the way of heaven and good reincarnation, whoever is spared by heaven, everyone in the organization is so popular, killing one of them makes more money than killing an abyss, how can the players bear it.

As for sister-in-law?

Who is the sister-in-law?

Does she have luck experience Xiang?

Players are quicker to kill the abyssists, and of course they are even faster to kill the organization personnel. After all, these guys are weak chickens, they are just a big piece of fat walking. If you don't kill them, are you still human?

Before Denisa could react, the players had put their swords back into their sheaths, and asked happily, "Where are the people from the organization you're talking about?"

Denisa: ...

are you crazy!

Denisa's silver pupils turned golden. Although she was wanted by the organization for killing the bandits, she still had a sense of belonging to the organization and even felt a little guilty, so when the big swords chased her down, she never killed her .

At this moment, she felt that she was cheated. This group of people deliberately took her to kill three abyssalists, and then asked her to take her to the organization headquarters, but the actual purpose was to destroy the Great Sword Organization.

After all, although the great swords are very powerful, they are made by the organization. Without the organization, no matter how strong the great sword is, it is useless, because as long as the organization is destroyed, the great sword will die!
The famous detective Denisa has already seen the truth, she was red, ah no, she killed the player with yellow eyes.

Liu Xing, who was exchanging with Ma Xiaotiao how much money he had earned this time, hadn't realized it yet, and his head was hit by a sword, which was split in half and turned into a white light.

Denisa's hand stopped immediately, looking at Liu Xing's body that suddenly disappeared, she couldn't react, what about her?

"what's the situation?"

Ma Xiaotiao was taken aback, and immediately became one of the bound Taoist Sai, restraining Denisa.

Other players also gathered around and said dissatisfiedly: "I'll go, this guy is really Aizen's horse, he won't be famous if he kills someone."

"Demons, you demons!"

Denisa said angrily.

The joys and sorrows of life came too fast. Before, she thought that these guys who claimed to be the messengers of the gods would really help them wipe out all the demons in the world, but now, they are about to be wiped out by the demons.

"What is she crazy about?"

"I don't know, Liu Xing was killed suddenly."

"Why don't her limbs be crippled, so what if she can't be killed?"

The players were clamoring and didn't take Denisa's words seriously at all. It's not like they haven't seen the devil before, so they are not as handsome as them.

"Ahh! What a loss!"

Ma Xiaotiao was revived and reborn in the Main God Square, and immediately entered the dungeon, pointed at Denisa angrily and cursed: "Why are you so unreasonable, we all helped you kill the demons, and you even attacked me by surprise."

Denisa said angrily: "You killed the members of the organization, so I naturally want to avenge them."

Only then did the players react, you look at me, I look at you, did they kill the wrong person?
"Are you kidding? This group of guys is so popular, how could it be the organization you mentioned that specializes in hunting demons?"

The players said that they only believed in the red name mechanism in the play. After all, every good person in the red name, even Esthers back then, was still a red name, and they were killed only once before they were whitewashed.

The answers from the two sides were wrong. At this moment, Da Vinci held a pile of books and said happily: "Good things, good things. With these things, I can also create Captain America."

But Leng Feng shook his head and said: "You still don't mess around, what if you also create monsters?"

Just kidding, this thing looks anti-human at first glance, if Da Vinci could research it...

Uh, with Da Vinci's brain circuit, who knows what kind of weird things will be created.


  Damn, I must update steadily tomorrow!

  Well, the flag is finished, let's talk about it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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