Restart the main god game

Chapter 507 Plants vs Zombies

Chapter 507 Plants vs Zombies
"This world is interesting!"

Because business like system announcements has already been handed over to Red Queen to manage, so he spends most of his time playing, ah, no, monitoring the activities of players. If you are really busy, then search other World, no, he found a very interesting world: Plants vs. Zombies.

"Is the game world also available?"

Zhang Chen felt a little emotional. Strictly speaking, this world was the first game world he had seen. After all, even the world of "God Eater" was an anime based on the game.

The strangest thing is that this world cannot use supernatural power, and people in this world can only use plants to fight.

Of course, Zhang Chen can also forcibly tamper with the rules of this world, but that would take a lot of luck, and it's not necessary at all.

If there is any difference in this world, it is that all people in this world are dead, and there is only one madman.

That's right, that lunatic is the crazy Dave in the game, but this lunatic has no neighbors, and these plants are invented by him.

"Maybe, the player is actually what he came up with."

Zhang Chen shook his head, feeling a little emotional. If Plants vs. Zombies is a game, it is a very creative game, but if it is a reality, it is a desperate reality. No wonder this Dave went crazy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen used Zhang Jie's appearance this time, came to Crazy Dave's door, and knocked on the door.

The yard is surrounded by plants such as pea shooters and puff mushrooms, each with big innocent eyes, looking extremely funny.

It may be because Zhang Chen is a human being, the plants just glanced at him and did not attack him.

"Haha, hello, I'm your neighbor, Crazy Dave, but you can call me Crazy Dave."

A fat man wearing an iron pan opened the door, laughed when he saw Zhang Chen, and said something that didn't make sense.

However, Zhang Chen could tell from the other party's tone that he was very happy, after all, this might be the first of his kind he had seen in many years.

"Can you give me some seeds?"

Zhang Chen got straight to the point. He was very curious about these seeds. After all, these plants are biochemical weapons on a certain level, and the advantage of biochemical weapons is that they can ignore the differences in the rules of the world. After all, as long as their structure is reasonable, then they are some kind of biological evolution.

Just like the gods in the mythical world come to the world without fairy spirit, they are like fish without water, but the gods in the world like "Super Seminary" are like the gods who sanctify the flesh, and what they strengthen is the flesh.

It is hard to say which of the two methods is better. After all, few people can travel through different worlds like Zhang Chen, and the ultimate goal of both is to analyze the mysteries of the world. The former perceives the world, and the latter relies on dark matter to analyze things. It can only be said that Different routes lead to the same goal, and the gods of the "Super Seminary" world may not be acclimatized when they come to the mythical world.

But the advantage of gods like "Super Seminary" is that their abilities can be mass-produced without consuming mysterious substances.

"No problem, but you have to exchange money with me."

Crazy Dave laughed.

With a thought in Zhang Chen's mind, a gold coin appeared in his hand: "Is this okay?"

"Of course, go and check out my 'Crazy Dave's Fancy Gadgets' shop."

Crazy Dave saw the gold coin in Zhang Chen's hand, took it happily, and then took him to his backyard, opened the small shop, which was actually the trunk of a car.

Peashooter, Sunflower, Cherry Bomb, Wall of Nuts...

What’s in the game, it’s all here, even the price is the same, and what’s even more extreme is that compared to the half-crazy Dawenxi, the crazy Dave is more completely crazy, thinking that a gold coin represents 1, that is, Said that he would sell Zhang Chen 200 gold coins for a rake.

It was also thanks to Zhang Chen knowing that he was crazy, and there was no shortage of gold coins on hand, otherwise a normal person would have raked him in the face and snatched these seeds away.

"Just right, this world can be regarded as a real leisure world for players."

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin. The room the players lived in was a small dark room he built, but most players didn't like that small black room. After all, expansion required money.

In this world, due to the rules of the world, extraordinary power cannot be used. Although the physical fitness of the players can kill zombies, it is impossible to use various ghosts and other methods to spawn monsters.

Even Lu Zhanbo couldn't output all the time, after all, Transformers also needed ammunition to replenish.

Moreover, the fighting power of zombies in this world is not weak. For example, giant zombies can hammer tall nuts into slag when they go down a telegraph pole. There is even that doctor zombie who can drive robots. His intelligence is no less than that of humans, but they Behavior patterns are different from people.

In other words, the human beings in this world are different, because the whole world is already a world of zombies.

"So, let the players build houses here."

Do many players feel that they have robbed their house of the "Black Bullet" world?
Then he will return it to them now, and this dungeon will be open forever, but whether it can be kept or not depends on whether the zombies are willing.

[System announcement: The casual dungeon "Plants vs. Zombies" is open. This dungeon is permanently open. Players can build their own houses in this dungeon. The only thing to worry about is whether the zombies outside the house will eat your brain. 】

At this time, many players were eating barbecue in Tiga World, but they did not eat monster meat this time. There was no way, this time the monster was a bat monster, and the players felt cold hands and feet when they saw this thing.

No way, it was caused by the sequelae of the epidemic. I didn’t dare to get close to me. I just blew up the monster into flying ash. I thought that I couldn’t come in vain. Then I came to the cafeteria of the TPC headquarters, took a lot of things, and went directly to the TPC Inverted mountain crystals are set up on the sea in front of you, and you have barbecue.

"Come here a little bit."

Zhang Wei greeted warmly, everyone is a golden armored warrior, so you are welcome too.

I don't know how Yuan Dagu explained to TPC, anyway, in the end he was authorized by TPC to be the alien receptionist, responsible for managing this group of sand sculpture players.

The players did not regard him as an outsider, but relatively, they did not regard themselves as an outsider. In addition, they helped TPC deal with the monsters that ran out of their base before. Now, players entering TPC are almost like entering their own back garden , what you want to take.

Just kidding, at least we saved the world, what happened to your hundred pigs?
Your Feiyan is either under repair or on the way to repair, and the money spent is more than a hundred pigs.

Yuan Dagu was very speechless, he waved his hands and declined: "No need, I got angry today."

"Get angry, how about some soup?"

Zhang Wei scooped up a bowl of soup: "Try it, the soup made by the big bone has been boiled for a whole day."

Yuan Dagu looked stunned. It hasn't been an hour since you snatched the pig, why have you been up all day?

However, he sniffed his nose and had to say that the cooking of these aliens was really delicious, no matter what, he used to help them clean up the leftovers, but now it is not too much to eat them.

Yuan Dagu took the bowl and was about to drink the soup.

"New copy!"

The players suddenly stood up one by one, and then disappeared in place.

Yuan Dagu: ? ? ?

Seeing the disappearing players one by one, Yuan Dagu took the bowl and put it into his mouth subconsciously.

Really fragrant!

Forget it, the aliens can do whatever they want!

For some reason, Yuan Dagu suddenly wanted to eat noodles. Fortunately, the players left behind a lot of ingredients, put the noodles into the big bone broth, and then started to cook the noodles.

A new copy has appeared, and Dagu decides to continue eating noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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