Restart the main god game

Chapter 508 When Will Female Zombies Stand Up?

Chapter 508 When Will Female Zombies Stand Up?
"Permanent residence?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was delighted when he heard it. Recently, because of the stable relationship, he and Hu Yifei have been thinking about getting married and buying a house. Well, it is definitely not because he dare not break up.

Speaking of this, he admired Young Master Shen for being able to break up peacefully with Hu Yifei alive.

Cough cough, this is not the point, the reality is not like a game, the players have great powers, they can build a house as they want, in reality, not talking about the price of the house, just talking about the decoration problem is enough to make people scratch their heads.

After all, compared to the houses that players want to change, no matter how rich they are in reality, they can’t make such a fuss. Although they have a double master’s degree and a female doctorate, they are located in a high-priced location like Shanghai, and Hu Yifei wants to buy a school district. house, so the savings of the two cannot withstand random tossing.

Although it is possible to sell luck coins, the official has not suppressed it, but if you want to maintain your level in the game, the luck coins consumption is not small. After all, this broken game has to collect money even for resurrection. Buckle grade.

In order to surprise his girlfriend, Zeng Xiaoxian decided to decorate a house by himself, so he was the first to click on the copy of "Plants vs. Zombies"...

In the blink of an eye, Zeng Xiaoxian appeared in a wasteland.

It was desolate, but he was not surprised at all, and then he started to find a place, measured the location, took out the shovel very skillfully, and started digging.

Edman alloy shovel, who knows.

Because the Marvel Zombie Universe is controlled by death, the materials there are equal to Chinese cabbage to Zhang Chen. After all, death is only interested in death. Although everything will eventually perish, compared with the entire universe, Zhang Chen's possession is like a drop in the ocean. Not worth mentioning.

Only an hour later, Zeng Xiaoxian had already dug the foundation, and then took out the building materials that had been prepared a long time ago, and was about to use Shunpo to quickly turn his head, but he fell into the mud.

Zeng Xiao Xian:? ? ?

[System announcement: In order to prevent the casual copy from being destroyed by the player, the player cannot use extraordinary power. 】

Zeng Xiaoxian blinked and realized immediately, isn't this the safe zone?

Many games have the concept of a safe zone, and some games even cannot compete with other players at all, unless both parties agree to do it.

Although he understands this statement, Zeng Xiaoxian still feels very uncomfortable. After all, without Shunpo and other skills, the speed of players building houses will definitely become very slow, or even impossible to build.

After all, they can't even fly now. It's okay to talk about the first floor, but if it's the third or fourth floor, it must be put on airs.

Don't look at them building houses in the past as if they were playing games, but they were all formed quickly by using the ghost way, and some people even directly used the ghost way to shape the wall. Although it looks a bit simple, as long as the facilities inside are luxurious enough, then Just a treat.

"Just think of it as getting used to it in advance."

Zeng Xiaoxian sighed. Fortunately, although he lost his extraordinary strength, his physical fitness was still there. It is not a problem for one person to outnumber ten people.

Soon he laid the foundation. Since there was no ghost way, he could only wait for the foundation to solidify naturally. When he was about to leave, zombies came from a distance.

"Why do these zombies feel weird?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little puzzled, and then realized that the clothes of these zombies were exactly the same!
"This is too lazy, just copy and paste, what is the original intention of the game plan?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was heartbroken. As the first batch of players, he had participated in the dungeon of "Resident Evil". He still remembered that each zombie in that dungeon had its own costumes, but now, they were all wearing suits with haggard faces. Like a skull.

The most annoying thing is that these zombies are all men. When will the female zombies stand up? What about the nurse female zombies, swimsuit female zombies, and sailor suit female zombies that I have been thinking about?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Zeng Xiaoxian pulled out his Zanpakutao, and directly charged into the group of zombies, seven in and seven out.

Although the energy system skills are restricted, the auxiliary system is still there. After playing for so long, I still have such a little sense of combat. Maybe I can't deal with the boss, but I can still torture miscellaneous soldiers.

Soon, he wiped out the rushing zombies, waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, and left gracefully...

The next day, Zeng Xiaoxian started to build the wall while the foundation was solidified. He had just surrounded it with bricks, but before he could build it up, the zombies came up again.

"Damn it, it's a mess!"

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian threw away the block knife in his hand, he picked up the Zanpakuto and came seven in and seven out...

Day three...

Day [-]...

a week later……

"Don't come here!"

Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to cry, but even though he returned to the Main God Square after work, his breath still remained in the room, and the zombies would naturally come back by smelling it.

Looking at the zombies swarming over, Zeng Xiaoxian scolded his mother in his heart. The leisure area that is always open is a lie. There are so many zombies, how can we guard it.

In desperation, he had no choice but to use himself as a bait to lure the zombies to another direction, retreating while killing, and thus temporarily kept his house.

"Oh, this house is not easy to build!"

In the bar, Zeng Xiaoxian sighed.

"Didn't some players share how to quickly build a house on the forum?"

Lu Zhanbo clinked a glass of wine with him, he was in a good mood, Lin Wanyu agreed to live with him, um, not in reality, in reality they had already lived together, but there was a light bulb surnamed Hu who did not want to be named in the middle, I wish I could Directly teaching them to have children made him and Wan Yu still holding hands.

Although there are virtual characters in the game, at least the two of them have a private space. At that time, he can do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants, for example...showing Lin Wanyu the structures of various Transformers.

"I mean zombies, those zombies are too troublesome!"

Zeng Xiaoxian complained that although Lu Zhanbo couldn't use unlimited ammunition, but with such a large size, he could crush a large number of zombies by just rolling around.

Players these days don't know how to build a house. After all, the game dungeon does not give offline positions, and they have to sleep in the game from time to time. Naturally, they have to make it more comfortable.

The players even held a building contest, but because some players made a black ice cream building to their death, they were mobilized and attacked by the crowd, but it ended up being nothing.

After all, these rooms are intended for people to live in. Once people live in them, they will inevitably eat and drink. Maybe people who live in ice cream can't feel it, but as neighbors, if you glance at it while eating, it will make you collapse.

"No, those plants are very powerful, especially machine gun shooters, da da da..."

Lin Wanyu stretched out his hand and put it on his head, as if he was wearing a helmet, and then stretched out his fingers to make a gun shape, facing Lu Zhanbo like a hail of bullets.

Lu Zhanbo's sensible body twitched, as if he had been shot to death, which made Lin Wanyu laugh.

Zeng Xiaoxian, who was caught off guard by a mouthful of dog food, looked bewildered, plant?Why grow plants, also, what role is the machine gun shooter, follower?

 It’s really hard not to be inspired, why don’t you take a break for a month or two before writing?

(End of this chapter)

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