Restart the main god game

Chapter 512 Lu Ziqiao is indeed what everyone expects

Chapter 512 Lu Ziqiao is indeed what everyone expects

No matter how strong the people in the world of martial arts are, they are not as strong as those in the world of xianxia. Players know this, but unfortunately Helian Ba ​​doesn't know it.

Although Ren Qianxing is the final boss in "Devil Sword, Life and Death Chess", uh, as for Wushen, he is the final mental retardation, not counting as a boss. It's not too funny to blow yourself up to death.

Ren Qianxing's current strength is not strong, in this world he can only be said to be a second-rate peak master, maybe he can barely reach the first-rate, but compared to a veteran first-rate master like Helian Ba, ten of him are not enough to beat Helian Ba.

Therefore, Helian Ba ​​was not surprised that Ren Qianxing died tragically under Lu Ziqiao's sword, at most he thought that the opponent was a top-notch expert, and even the opponent could kill Ren Qianxing only by relying on the magic weapon in his hand.

He did the same, his figure turned into afterimages, but his real body was moving towards Lu Ziqiao's back. This time, his target was Lu Ziqiao's head, and he slapped it down, that would be the real immortal.

Lu Ziqiao was not stupid, so he turned around, drew a big circle with his long sword, and wiped out all these afterimages. After realizing that the enemy was not in front of him, he immediately realized that there was a problem behind him, and disappeared in front of Helen Ba in a blink of an eye. before.

"I'll go, if you really kill me, where will I save my face?"

Lu Ziqiao appeared behind Helian Ba ​​with lingering fear, and did not attack, but felt a little emotional. I didn't expect that the NPC in the world of martial arts is so powerful, and they can play the clone technique.

Helian Ba ​​hurriedly looked back, looked at Lu Ziqiao in surprise, wondering how this person disappeared from his eyes just now, and he couldn't even notice it with his strength.

The people present were also quite surprised. Although Lu Ziqiao's fighting method before had no rules, it still fell within the scope of their understanding, but the way Lu Ziqiao disappeared in an instant just now made them completely unresponsive, and they couldn't help feeling jealous.

As the owner of this place, Jian Zun took the lead and said: "I don't know what your Excellency is talking about here."

Whether Helian Ba ​​dies or not is none of his business, the only thing he cares about now is the Frost Sword, as long as he owns the Frost Sword, he will be invincible in the world.

The thinking of martial arts people is so simple, but they don't know that a magic weapon is a real magic weapon only in the hands of the strong. Although he is very strong, even if he holds the Lingshuang Sword, he is not the strongest.

Not to mention that a guy like Helian Ba ​​who is proficient in palm and body skills is not proficient in swordsmanship at all, and he can only stick the Lingshuang Sword in his back as a flagpole to prove that he is invincible.

"Of course I'm here to kill you."

Lu Ziqiao told the truth that he was not targeting anyone, but that everyone present here is famous, and it would be a pity not to kill them.

Helen Ba said coldly: "Are you still planning to watch?"

Everyone said so, if it were him, he would definitely not be able to bear it, ah no, he could not bear it long ago, but Jian Zun and Murong Hua were more able to bear it, and wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Lu Ziqiao shook his head. Helian Ba's methods were too weird, so he decided to make a quick decision. Whether the other party could bear it or not was their business, and he was going to magnify it anyway.

Instant step!

Appearing behind Helian Ba ​​again, the long sword slashed at Helian Ba.

Helian Ba ​​reacted very quickly, his palms filled with black air, and turned around to catch the sword with his bare hands, but after a moment of stalemate, his face changed drastically. After all, Lu Ziqiao's strength was too strong, and he couldn't bear it at all. living.

Pushing the shark's teeth vigorously, Helen Ba quickly stepped back, his hands were already bloody.

Jian Zun and Murong Hua were shocked when they saw this, they all knew that Helian Ba's strength was not inferior to theirs, the white-haired young man just swung his sword lightly, Helian Ba ​​fell into defeat, they couldn't help but be surprised.

The two looked at each other, without any nonsense, and joined the battle group.

Lu Ziqiao made it so clear that if he wanted to kill all of them, he would join forces to kill Lu Ziqiao first. Could it be that he killed Helian Ba ​​and then killed them one by one?

"Good time! Watch me drive Wushuang!"

Lu Ziqiao snorted coldly, and the shark's teeth in his hand turned into a Fangtian painting halberd. He put the long pole horizontally on his waist, and spun wildly, like a terrible meat grinder.

Ding Ling Dang!

Sword Master's long sword just touched Lu Ziqiao's Fang Tian's painted halberd lightly, and it was smashed into a broken sword. You must know that the long sword in his hand is the Sword City Blood Sword, and only one or two can be cast in a year. It's not the legendary Lingshuang Sword, but it's still a precious sword.

When Murong Hua saw Sword Master's Fierce Blood Sword break instantly, he backed up a few steps in shock. Although the three of them planned to fight Lu Ziqiao together, they each had their own thoughts. Lingshuang Sword.

On the one hand, it was because Lu Ziqiao, Fang Tian's painted halberd, danced too fast, and on the other hand, it was naturally because Lu Ziqiao's long sword suddenly turned into Fang Tian's painted halberd, and their first reaction was black magic.

How to do?
The three of them peeped at each other, seeing Lu Ziqiao who was killed like a spinning top, they felt a headache. Where did this mysterious person's entanglement come from? It's too strong!
Whoa whoa whoa!
Fang Tian's painting halberd gradually stopped, Lu Ziqiao leaned on Fang Tian's painting halberd, shook his head, and said angrily, "Don't run away if you have the guts!"

The three of them looked at each other again and confirmed their eyes. This is a mental retardation.

However, what is even more unfortunate is that they seem to be unable to defeat this mentally handicapped person.

Seeing that the three were silent, Lu Ziqiao thought that the other party was overwhelmed by his own arrogance, and immediately said triumphantly: "Stand up obediently, and today I will watch Lu Xiaobu shoot a halberd at the gate."

After all, a longbow appeared in his hand, aiming at Helian Ba.

Helen Ba: Why target me?

"Tao Binding 61·Six Stick Light Prison!"

Lu Ziqiao chanted the ghost way while aiming, fixed the poor Helian Ba ​​as a target, and shot out the halberd.

Encountered by the mysterious force, Helen Ba was restrained on the spot, unable to even use his best avatar phantom, and could only watch helplessly as the halberd was shot at his head.


The halberd pierced the skull, and the scene was extremely bloody, but Lu Ziqiao only saw a burst of colorful light, and then gained [-] points.

Lu Ziqiao pouted, feeling that it was a bit small, but considering that this was a low-level dungeon, it was not bad to be able to give so many luck coins.

Murong Hua's eyes lit up when he saw this, he stepped forward and pulled out Fang Tian's painted halberd, and said with a sneer, "You actually used your own weapon as a hidden weapon, I don't know whether to call you arrogant or naive."

"You can call me handsome."

Lu Ziqiao tossed his white hair and said triumphantly.

Murong Hua: ...


The Ningshuang sword was about to take shape, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the sand sculpture, and decided to take this magical weapon to kill the sand sculpture in front of him.

Lu Ziqiao didn't take it seriously, and looked at Murong Hua with malicious intent.

Murong Hua was secretly vigilant, wondering if there was something strange about Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, he was about to drop it, but his right hand loosened, he looked at his right hand in astonishment, and saw that Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly turned into a ball of black Mucus covered him.

"What the hell is this?"

Murong Hua was shocked, and wanted to use his internal force to disperse the mucus in his hand, but the black mucus was not harmed at all, and kept spreading towards his body until it was swallowed up.


The sword master swallowed involuntarily, and suddenly bowed his hands to Lu Ziqiao in a very respectful manner: "As the saying goes, the sharp weapon of a magic weapon is for the virtuous. I see the young hero with a righteous face, and he is the master of the Lingshuang sword. Who wants to say that the young hero Not worthy, I, Sword Master, will be the first to object."

The sword pool was very quiet. It seemed that Lu Ziqiao was indeed favored by everyone, and no one objected.

(End of this chapter)

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