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Chapter 513 My Eight Dollars!

Chapter 513 My 800 Yuan!
Because everyone is dead!

Lian Chixue, who was lying on the ground, roared wildly in her heart. The only people brought by Helian Ba ​​were Ren Qianxing and her, while Murong Hua brought a group of men in black, but seeing this frightening scene, how could normal people dare Showing his teeth to Lu Ziqiao, this guy is obviously a monster!

Lian Chixue rolled her eyes and stood up secretly. Although Lu Ziqiao slapped her on the leg, it did not cause any serious injury. After the pain passed, she regained her mobility.

She wants to keep her useful body and wait to avenge her master in the future.

Lu Ziqiao was triumphant, and had completely forgotten about the 800 yuan face-hitting monster. Instead, she looked curiously at the so-called Lingshuang Sword. It was shining with gold, and it was indeed a powerful weapon. The halberds are comparable.

Chi Lianxue couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to slip out, but bumped into two people head-on.

She narrowed her eyes, thinking that the two people should not make a sound, so she raised her long sword and stabbed at the neck of the person who came.


Chi Lianxue fell to the ground in response, and Ma Xiaotiao complained: "Brother Bu, you monsters have all run away, and you don't chase after them."

Lu Ziqiao blinked, blame?where?

He looked back and immediately saw Lian Chixue's body, and he couldn't help but said in grief and indignation: "My 800 yuan!"

Ma Xiaotiao was at a loss, what 800 yuan, where did the 800 yuan come from?

As soon as the sword master saw it, he couldn't help but said with a doggy face: "This young man, that brat is the final material for refining the Ningshuang sword."

final material?
The two were shocked, what the hell, are you still making swords with people?
Abao was taken aback by Jianzun's words, and hurriedly hid behind Ma Xiaotiao. Only then did Jianzun notice Ma Xiaotiao, he was a little stunned, another Abao?
"Old man, are you planning to make a sword with my younger brother?"

Ma Xiaotiao pulled out the Zanpakutao, looked around, good guy, everyone was killed by Lu Ziqiao.

"Just a little blood is all it takes."

Although Ma Xiaotiao looked very similar to A Bao, Jian Zun didn't look at him too much, but said to Lu Ziqiao cautiously.

The eyes of the men in black on the other side lit up when they saw Abao. Muronghua was dead, but as long as Abao was still alive and took away the young master, they would still have a chance to reforge the Lingshuang Sword.

Murong Hua is actually Guan Yutian who faked his death, and Abao is his son.

They are the descendants of the demon sword survivors, and Ah Bao is their young master.

So they hurriedly surrounded Ma Xiaotiao, and were about to step forward to take Abao away.

But when Ma Xiaotiao saw a group of famous people surrounding him, he immediately became vigilant.

"Breaking the Way 78·Zhan Hualun!"

Senbai's Kidao Blade shot out from Ma Xiaotiao's Zanpakutō, splitting the attacker in half in an instant.


With the long knife sheathed, Ma Xiaotiao looked proud.

It's a bit sad to say, this ghost way is the only high-level ghost way he knows, and he bought it for the purpose of killing goblins quickly. As a result, killing goblins later became a group activity. With his strength, he can grab a few heads already Very good.

Lu Ziqiao nodded. This Ma Xiaotiao had only been with him for a few days, and he had already fully understood the way of pretending to be aggressive. He was indeed the young man he favored.

Sword Master suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Although he didn't know who Ma Xiaotiao was, he could tell from his appearance that Ma Xiaotiao and Abao were relatives, and Abao was the sword slave he bought.

Anyway, if it was him, if anyone dared to make his daughter a sword slave, he would prevent him from seeing the sun the next day.

So he could only look at Lu Ziqiao for help. Although he didn't know Lu Ziqiao's background, the other party needed him now anyway.

"Xiaotiao, come and see if this is the Lingshuang sword you wanted."

However, Lu Ziqiao's words completely extinguished Sword Master's fantasy, wondering whether he would also escape with Lian Chixue, but considering Lian Chixue's fate, it was safer for him to stand obediently.

"A Bao, you stand here, I will come when I go."

Ma Xiaotiao patted A Bao on the head. A Bao did not close his eyes in the scene just now. He is not someone who has never seen the world. His father is Guan Yutian. After Guan Yutian died, Helian Ba After seizing power, he stabilized after a lot of fighting, and he took this opportunity to escape secretly, but it was a pity that he was captured by the sword master and became a sword slave.

Under the ghost-like eyes of the sword master, Ma Xiaotiao walked to the top of the magma stepping on Shunbu, and then stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of Lingshuangjian.

It's sizzling!

The hot magma had already burned the Lingshuang sword extremely hot, and Ma Xiaotiao's hands were instantly burnt red, but Ma Xiaotiao pulled out the Lingshuang sword without changing his expression.

As if realizing that the person holding him was not the master he chose, Ling Shuangjian trembled desperately, trying to get out of Ma Xiaotiao's palm.


Ma Xiaotiao drew out the Zanpakutao, and slashed at Ling Shuangjian fiercely.


Lingshuangjian calmed down in an instant, Zanpakuto has the ability to attack the soul, and the divine sword has a spirit, but unfortunately, its spirituality is insufficient, so it is no match for Zanpakuto.

Throwing the Lingshuang sword into the interspatial ring, Lu Ziqiao smiled and said, "Come on, bro, I killed two just now, and I leave this to you."

Sword Master:? ? ?
He swallowed, the white-haired young man just now, shouldn't he be talking about himself?
However, it turned out that the reason why Lu Ziqiao didn't kill him was purely because he wanted to save a few heads for Ma Xiaotiao.

Ma Xiaotiao was not polite, he pulled out Zanpakutao and was about to strike, the sword master was not willing to suffer, he turned around and ran, Lu Ziqiao threw a six-stick light prison and fixed it at the door.

"Why do you want to kill me? I, Sword Master, have never offended you in any way."

When death was imminent, Jian Zun didn't have the initial panic, but instead asked himself why he deserved to die.

"Because we are good people."

Lu Ziqiao turned Fang Tian's painted halberd back into a shark's tooth and leaned on the ground, his long hair moved without wind, and spoke righteously.

"Haha, you killed so many people when you came here, and yet you still dare to say that you are a good person, it's just ridiculous!"

Sword Master taunted wildly, he was going to die anyway, so it was natural to take advantage of some words.

Ma Xiaotiao kindly explained: "We can see whether a person is good or evil, so you villains have nothing to hide from our eyes."

Sword Master wanted to continue to mock at first, but after thinking of the strange abilities of these two people, he couldn't help being a little silent. People who are about to die speak well, so he suddenly looked away: "Forget it, if you want to kill me, do it, I hope it really is true." As you say, only on the wicked."

His daughter Jianxiong is a good girl. If the other party can really see the good and evil of a person, then his daughter will probably be able to save her life.


As soon as he thought of his daughter, his daughter rushed over and stopped Ma Xiaotiao.

This woman was dressed in a red wedding dress with a phoenix crown, and had a pure and lovely oval face, which looked even more charming under the halo of magma.

This beauty costs more than 800 yuan!
Lu Ziqiao immediately put the loss of Lian Chixue behind her, and pushed Ma Xiaotiao away: "Beauty, the moon is shining high tonight, it's a good time to enjoy the moon, if not, let's put down fighting and killing." How about watching the moon together?"

Ma Xiaotiao: ...


(End of this chapter)

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