Restart the main god game

Chapter 515 "Cabarelli in the Iron Fortress"

Chapter 515 "Cabarelli in the Iron Fortress"

Watching the players kill the male protagonist's brother, then stabbing the confidante's father to death, and deposing the male protagonist, Zhang Chen was speechless. What is this, a cameo villain?
Shaking his head, but he didn't intend to stop it, who told him... not to like this male lead?

"However, the hero is so miserable, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make a difference. Let this world continue to be placed in a one-time copy, and add another help for the side mission... Help Po to unify the Supreme League."

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

After all, A Bao is the predecessor of the Supreme League, and Ah Bu is the son of the former Guan Yutian. Although this son belongs to the old king next door, Guan Yutian doesn't know about it, let alone the members of the Supreme League.

And although Yan Zangfeng talked about a lot of great principles all day long, and put on a paralyzed face all day long, he was a decent person after all, so it would not be a problem for him to teach Ah Bao. Of course, if he didn't want to teach, then Zhang Chen wouldn't either. Reluctantly, as long as you don't come to make trouble.

Zhang Chen finished eating Hestia's fried potato balls in a happy mood, thinking whether to go to another world to hide for a few days, otherwise he would not be able to recover.

Just do it when you think about it, anyway, it’s a bit boring recently, ah, no, it’s because the players are boring, and recently they even have no appetite for monsters.

"Snowflake Goddess Dragon", "Oolong Breaks Through Love", "Clever Little Don't Understand", "Young Zhang Sanfeng"...

Good guy, nine out of ten are from the world of martial arts, and there are two monsters who hit faces. Is it possible that martial arts is popular recently?
Zhang Chen picked and picked, and finally found a world with a different style of painting in the world of martial arts: "Cabanelli in the Iron Fortress".

"It can be used as a substitute for "Black Bullet"."

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin and thought about it, but then he thought about it again, the zombies in this world, that is, Kabari, are scumbags in combat power compared to gastritis, and may even be defeated by the army in the Tokyo area.

Because the technological level of this world is still in the age of steam, although armored trains like the Iron Fortress have been manufactured, what people hold in their hands are only ordinary steam guns, and even automatic rifles have not been developed. Not even Kabari's metal heart can break.

Kabane's heart is covered by a steel film, and unless the film breaks through and the heart inside is destroyed, Kabane will be thirsty for human blood and keep moving.

That is to say, the people in this world are worse than the people in the world of "Black Bullets". At least they still have weapons of mass destruction and can use metal as bullets, but people in this world only use steam guns. Being able to fight Kabane hand-to-hand, or even causing damage to Kabane, because these Kabane also have the ability to heal themselves.

With a thought, Zhang Chen appeared in this world, looked around, good guy, unexpectedly he didn't appear next to the protagonist this time, it's unscientific!

The place where he is should be Yatsushiro Station, which is the first city that the protagonist Ikoma and others lived in in the later period arrived after the fall of Xianjin Station, driving the Kotetsu Castle, but this city has already fallen.

"Is this the fusion group?"

Zhang Chen looked at the black humanoid creature tens of meters tall in front of him, and frowned slightly. Although he didn't have trypophobia, seeing such a monster made of human bodies made him feel deeply uncomfortable. .

So he decided to make all players feel sick!
[System Announcement: The daily dungeon "Kabanelli in the Iron Fortress" is open, and players can go to this dungeon to hunt down Kabaneri. 】

Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up after returning to the Main God Square, a new copy?Wouldn't he be able to ride his horse again?
This time in the dungeon, he didn't see Andy's face bumper, nor did he see his own face bumper, which he regretted very much.

"You go, I'm going to build my Zanpakuto."

Ma Xiaotiao shrugged his shoulders, with a gloomy expression on his face, his bump in the face was strange because he didn't know good people, and it hurt the innocent him very much.

Lu Ziqiao nodded, and disappeared in front of Ma Xiaotiao in an instant, arriving at Eight Generations Station.

"Fuck, this thing is too Cthulhu!"

Looking at this fusion group, Lu Ziqiao couldn't help swearing. He didn't know what Cthulhu was before, but after playing too many games, he saw that there were more monsters and ghosts. Naturally, he knew what Cthulhu was. At least, as long as it was It is so ugly that no one will object to saying that it is Cthulhu.

"Hey, I'm getting goosebumps, I'll leave this monster to you!"

Hu Yifei said that she didn't want to get close to this thing, and she didn't even want to kill her.

A large group of players appeared in Yatsudai Station, which naturally attracted the attention of the fusion group. This huge monster immediately turned around, its eyes glowing red.

"Hehe, are you the only one who can get red eyes?"

The players quit immediately, and their eyes turned red. They had all been injected with the original enterovirus serum in the early stage of the game, so they were all red-eyed monsters.

"Cut, look at mine!"

Flip-flops expressed contempt for the pediatrics of the players, and then shot two lasers from both eyes, burning the fusion group in front of them.

"Hmph, I will too!"

Zhang Wei expressed his dissatisfaction, and turned into a golden armored warrior, with his left hand held horizontally and his right hand raised, a laser shot out from his hand.

This is what he felt when he was watching Tiga's battle. After the experiment, he found that this trick was so effective that he didn't even need to summon the flame sword.

"Isn't it just a laser?"

Ling Lingqi transformed into a small Tijia, and used the authentic Zapelio light. Why is it authentic? Of course, his laser is white, while Zhang Wei’s is golden. .

"Burst! Reality! Crush! Spirit!"

How could Xiaoniao Youliuhua be missing on such a secondary school occasion, and she saw magic circles blooming out of her golden pupils, shooting towards the fusion group.

The poor fusion group hadn't been on the stage for 3 minutes, but it had already been burned into a pile of fire by the players' various fancy tricks.

The rest of the players looked at each other and finally realized that although they didn't have any fancy skills, they were fighting monsters, and if they were late, the luck coins would belong to others!

So all kinds of red cannons, blue fire pendants, and one-knife cremation were used one after another...

Karen looked at Blockbuster speechlessly: "Is it necessary? Once I entered the copy, I lost my arm?"

Baishida smiled confidently: "Such a big monster must be very valuable, and my arm must be worth it."

[System announcement: You participated in killing the fusion group and obtained 100 luck coins. 】

Blockbuster: ...

"My arm!"

In the Yatsudai station, on the ruins, Baishida knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky speechlessly. The monsters in the world of "Ultraman Tiga" were fought by a group of people. Everyone can share about 1000 luck coins. This monster is huge. Part of the output is mine, and you actually gave me 100 luck coins, which is not enough for me to repair a fraction of my arm!

Karen rolled her eyes, a mentally handicapped follower, she could tell from the moment she came in that this monster moved slowly, and it was completely incomparable with the monsters in the world of "Ultraman Tiga", how could it be valuable.


(End of this chapter)

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