Restart the main god game

Chapter 516 Even if I die, I will be a full ghost!

Chapter 516 Even if I die, I will be a full ghost!

Don't look at the monsters in the world of "Ultraman Tiga" being used as food by the players, but if there is no player's intrusion and Tiga is not around, those monsters can turn humans into food.

Victory Dragon?
These hot weapons can only tickle the monster, not even the skin.

But if these weapons are brought to this world, the fusion groups everywhere will not be their opponents. After all, these creatures are still mortal bodies, and the strongest defense is the layer of metal on the skin of the heart, but the hardness of this metal is even higher. It can only be said to be average, perhaps comparable to steel, but it will definitely not be able to withstand armor-piercing bullets.

Not to mention that with Blockbuster's current level, killing these monsters has level suppression, and the luck coins and even experience gained are naturally less.

Veteran players wandered around the whole of Japan and found that the strongest of these monsters is the so-called fusion group. For them, it is a one-shot thing. One can explode up to [-] luck coins, and the unlucky ones only have [-]. , This is still a single-player kill, it is better to make a one-time copy, at least the one-time copy can get some plot points, which can be used to learn skills.

The old players left the new dungeon cursing. It would be better to go to the "God Eater" dungeon to brush this dungeon. At least the wild gods in that dungeon can still be used as materials for forging weapons and making clothes.

However, new players, or players who have just graduated from Mengxin, think this is a good place to go.

The dungeon most frequently used by players is naturally the Wrong Land World, but there is one thing about the Wrong Land World that makes players very dissatisfied, that is, the dungeon is a dungeon.

If it is a game character controlled by a mouse and a computer, the players will not care, after all, it is not themselves who are uncomfortable, but when the players are really in the underground, they will feel very depressed.

No matter how wide and bright the underground city is, if you can't see the sky, you will always feel uncomfortable, not to mention that in some places there are only roads wide for one person, people with claustrophobia will probably go crazy on the spot.

So although there are many people fighting monsters in the dungeon, there are also many people who don't like to stay in the dungeon. Now that they see this dungeon, they feel very satisfied.

To get rid of the fusion group, the players naturally wanted to clear the Kabane in this place, but what they didn't expect was that there were still humans in this abandoned fortress.

There are not many people, and there are only a dozen people in total. Compared with the entire Yatsudai Station, it is more to say that it is a narrow escape.

The layout of the Kingdom of the Sun is composed of post stations. The shape is somewhat similar to the walls of the giant world, but it is more like an earthen building. Simply put, it is to use a wall to enclose the entire area, and the outside is a moat. As long as no bridges are built, Kaba Can't get in.

The post is not too big, but a normal post can at least provide for tens of thousands of people to survive, but unfortunately, all of these tens of thousands of people died.

At first they hid in the ruins and shivered, looking forward to Kabane's departure, but they didn't expect a group of monsters to arrive.

"Go away, don't come here!"

A dozen or so people were holding various stones and sticks, looking at the players warily.

Players are not interested in NPCs, but this city was obviously built by humans. They originally planned to take it back for their own use, but when they saw someone, they gave up the idea of ​​robbing other people's cities. Anyway, they can't build in this world house.

"Don't worry, we're not interested in you."

Qin Yumo waved at these people. Due to work reasons, she had less time to play games, so she kept a long distance from the friends in the iPartment.

However, these people did not relax their vigilance. After all, there is no supernatural power in this world, and the only supernatural power is Kabane. They should treat the players as monsters.

It wasn't until Qin Yumo left that the group breathed a sigh of relief, then changed places, continued to hide, and secretly watched the players fighting with Kabane.

There are not many Kabane in Yatsudai Station. It took the players an hour to wipe out all these monsters, and then cremated a dragon, and scattered the ashes by the way, before thinking about where to go next.

"Egg fried rice, a bowl of 100 luck coins!"

The players were sitting on the ruins to rest, and were about to eat some military ration pills, when they heard a fat man yelling.

Everyone couldn't help sniffing their noses, and suddenly felt even hungrier.

The body of the heroic spirit can not eat, and it will automatically return to mana and blood after a while, but it will naturally be consumed after the battle. If you want to quickly replenish your physical strength, eating is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Fuck, you dare to sell egg fried rice with ordinary ingredients for 100 luck coins?"

A player with the [Luo Cheng] ID on his head stepped forward to look at the egg fried rice. It was just an ordinary egg, and he couldn't help being a little dissatisfied. Zhuo Yifan didn't need this little money, but he didn't like being slaughtered.

"I'm a member of Hestia's family. There is a bonus in making fried rice with eggs. Eat it to ensure that you will be full of energy!"

Fat Hong immediately patted his chest and promised.

Hu Zhuoyi looked at Pang Hong suspiciously, hesitated a little, and finally said: "All right, give me a bowl."

Then he consciously took out a bowl, and took out the table and chairs from the space ring while Fat Hong was filling the meal.

Players are all gourmets, so naturally they have to bring their own dining props.

"It tastes good, let's have another bowl."

Zhuo Yifan tasted a few mouthfuls, nodded, and shouted to the group of players who were still hesitating: "Old He, let's eat together."

A player with the [Yan Shuangying] ID on his head waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm not hungry."

"What's this saying, taste it if you're not hungry."

Zhuo Yifan stood up, pulled He Jianguo to the dining table, and took out another bowl.

The players smelled the aroma of the food, looked at Zhuo Bufan who had another bowl, cursed secretly, and then set up the dining chairs.

"Boss, here is a bowl!"

"Boss, here are three bowls!"

"Here are two bowls!"

There is nothing more comforting than eating a bowl of fragrant rice after a hearty battle. While eating, the players still feel that it is not enough, so they take out the beer and cola they bought from other worlds, and refill them by themselves. Make a few dishes of stir-fry, what kind of cabanne, wait until you are full.

The survivors looked at the players who suddenly set up a feast, and were stunned. Their rationality told them that this was an illusion, because there is no rice in today's society, and they can only eat wheat and millet, because rice is not productive enough in this era. To ensure that food can feed everyone, it is natural to use whole grains to make up.

But the reality told them that these monsters were eating, and they were eating deliciously.

A group of people peeked at each other. They had been hungry for several days and couldn't bear this temptation at all. Someone immediately ran out of the ruins.

"Even if I die, I will be a full ghost!"

Fat Hong, who was frying rice, was suddenly pushed away, and then he saw a man in rags stretching out his hand to fish into the pot.

“My egg fried rice!”

Fat Hong let out a mournful cry, but the man ignored it and put it into his mouth with all his might, but how could he not choke on this way of eating, the man soon patted his chest out of breath.

Fat Hong was speechless, handed over a glass of water, and then gave it to this person along with the pot and shovel: "Forget it, this pot will be given to you."

Although these people were NPCs, Pang Hong's simple three-dimensional view always regarded these people as real people, so seeing this person eating so fiercely, he immediately felt sympathy.

"Boss, are you still in business?"

someone shouted.

"I'm coming!"

Fat Hong immediately took out another set of kitchen utensils and started cooking, and then... another survivor pounced on him.

(End of this chapter)

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