Restart the main god game

Chapter 526 Kurosaki Ichigo should be the child of Yoshiko and Masaki Kurosaki

Chapter 526 Kurosaki Ichigo Should Be Yoshiko and Kurosaki Masaki's Child
In the end, Ikoma was left behind. To put it in Wuming's words, beating one person is also beating, and beating two people is also beating.

In fact, with Zhuo Yifan's physical fitness, it's not a problem at all to hit Wuming, but his reaction is too poor, he always uses krypton gold to strengthen himself, or uses hot weapons for long-distance output, and rarely engages in melee combat.

Just like Xiaobai who suddenly obtained the internal strength of a peerless master in a martial arts novel, Kong has strength, but he doesn't know how to use it.

Of course, this is the trouble of the rich. Ordinary players don’t have so many hot weapons for them to squander, and the upgrade speed is also steady. After all, they have no money to upgrade, so they can only upgrade honestly. In the process, they are naturally familiar with their bodies.

Therefore, within a few days, Zhuo Yifan and Wuming were able to fight back and forth, there was no way, the physical fitness was there.

"If you continue to train like this, there will be no effect." Wuming rolled his eyes and found an excuse: "I can continue to train you only if we have the same physical fitness."

These words are well-founded and convincing, but her real purpose is actually to gain some benefits.

Zhuo Yifan raised his brows, and knew what this guy was thinking, but he also felt that what she said made sense, so he drew out the Zanpakuto, gave Wuming a handle, and, as usual, cut off the chain.

"what is this?"

Seeing his own body lying on the ground, Wuming was completely dumbfounded.

"This is your body, you are now a soul state."

Zhuo Yifan explained.


Wuming looked at his body, and then at his slightly transparent self, could it be that what Long Yi said was true, that this group of people were really gods?
Zhuo Yifan took out another skeleton from the interspatial ring, and explained: "After you become the god of death, enter this body."

Looking at the skinned body, Wuming shook her head again and again, what a joke, although she wanted to be strong, she didn't want to be ugly!
"Really, do they all regard me as a wishing machine?"

Zhang Chen grinned, watching Zhuo Yifan first transform Wuming into a god of death, then put her into a prosthetic skeleton, and then began to inject serum into the prosthetic skeleton, very speechless.

The appearance of the artificial skeleton looks the same as that of a human being, but there are still some deviations. It is a carrier specially developed by the Soul Society to place the soul. In short, it is not a real human body. If it is used for a long time, It will gradually become difficult to control, and the hands and feet will be stiff.

But if it is used for a longer period of time, it will have another miraculous effect. The artificial skeleton will gradually be contaminated with the breath of the soul, and gradually transform into a human body, becoming a real body.

This point Kurosaki Isshin is very useful. After all, if Yoshiko cannot change into his body, then Kurosaki Ichigo should be the child of Yoshiko and Kurosaki Masaki. The god of death is a soul body. How can he interact with humans? Have a baby!
But this is not a good thing, at least for the god of death, because once the soul and the body are fully synchronized, it also means that the god of death cannot leave the body, just like Kurosaki Ichigo, who is so strong that the soul cannot come out It's still a battle five... well, Kurosaki Ichigo in human form should have a combat power of ten.

Shaking his head, Zhuo Yifan had a very good idea. Wuming's original body was infected by the virus. God knows if it would turn into a monster after being injected with T-virus serum. It would be better to use a brand new body. Anyway, for him , It doesn't take much money to turn an ordinary person into a god of death.

As for why the players are not infected by the viruses in this world, just kidding, the Zanpakuto in the hands of the players is a symbiont, it itself is the largest collection of viruses, what kind of T virus, the original enterovirus has been hacked and devoured There are also those that have been achieved, and they evolve by these.

So Wuming may become stronger because of the serum injection, so don't even think about going around like the players.

"No... this guy is really insidious!"

Zhang Chen froze suddenly, then shook his head and smiled wryly. He had underestimated Zhuo Yifan. To put it simply, Zhuo Yifan was just fishing. Fan's followers.

"But Tianniao Mima has to get rid of this guy."

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

To be honest, Zhang Chen looked down on this guy very much. Although his life experience was very sad, he was framed by his father and almost killed by Kaba Neibei, so Zhang Chen thought it was completely reasonable for him to seek revenge from the shogun, and it was okay to teach Wuming The problem, after all, the end of the world is not the same as the peaceful world, indeed only strength can protect oneself.

But, this guy is mentally ill!
If he takes over King Kong Guo after killing the shogun, then Zhang Chen still thinks he is a courageous and ambitious careerist.

What did this guy do?
The purpose of turning Wuming into a fusion group is to completely destroy the Vajra Kingdom. You must know that there are a large number of people in the Vajra Kingdom. This can no longer be called revenge. Kabane, but also wanted to destroy Vajra Guo by the way.

Even if you don't care about the people, Jingang Guo is the fortress that resists Kabane's front line. What good does it do for you to destroy it?

Even if you were Cabanelli, wouldn't Cabanelli still bite you?
Fortunately, when Zhang Chen saw this guy first appearing on the stage, he thought this guy was a deep-minded boss, but he turned out to be a mentally handicapped one who wanted to destroy the world.

"Ordering troops, ordering generals, riding horses to fight, who is called..."

Zhang Chen made a list of his younger brothers, and finally stopped at Chuuxue's name.

"Blowing snow."

After snapping his fingers, Fuuxue appeared in front of Zhang Chen in OL attire, which made Zhang Chen very regretful. Don't get me wrong, he just thinks Fuuxue looks better in a cheongsam, and it's definitely not because Fuuxue isn't taking a shower.

"Help me get rid of this guy."

Zhang Chen threw the photo of Tianniao Meima to her.

"Why kill him?"

Fubuki is not a killer, he asked with a frown.

Zhang Chen also knows her personality, in fact, it is more appropriate to leave this kind of matter to Zhizi Yingyin, but who told him to click on Chuuxue, so he told her the plot he knew.

Only then did Fubuki nod, and then appeared in the world of "Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress" and flew to Iwado Station, which was the only way to the Iron Fortress, and also the destination that the Karakata people were about to arrive at.

About to deal with an unsightly guy, Zhang Chen was in a good mood, and decided to reward himself, rubbed his hands, threw out [-] million, and began to explore another world.

Ripples immediately began to spread around the Lord God's ball of light, escaping into the void.

"Hey, this world is interesting."

Zhang Chen touched his chin, and looked at one of the worlds with flickering eyes. This world is exactly...

(End of this chapter)

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