Chapter 527
"Gu Jian Qi Tan"!
"It's a descendant of Nuwa again."

Zhang Chen's eyes were strange. Speaking of which, the descendants of Nuwa are really miserable. Zixuan, Qinger, Zhao Linger, Li Yiru of Immortal Sword...

There is also Hua Qiangu in "A Thousand Bone of Flowers", who is also a descendant of Nuwa.

"No, Feng Qingxue doesn't seem to be a descendant of Nuwa? She should be the spiritual daughter of Emperor Youduwa's temple."

But regardless of whether she is a descendant of Nuwa or not, Nuwa should be very interested in coming.

Zhang Chen took note of this world for the time being, wondering if he would throw Dino and the others in to make trouble when the plot started, ah no, it was just to save the world luck.

"Not so lucky."

Zhang Chen shook his head. After all, although some worlds have different time flow rates, they still operate according to their own rules. It is impossible to insert the time point just right every time.

"Maybe I should go back."

Zhang Chen's eyes flickered. When he returned to the world of "Super Seminary", he planned to wait for Karl to come to him like in the original timeline, but when he thought about it carefully, wouldn't that mean reopening a timeline?
So if he goes back now, what he sees is the one who forced himself out of "Super Seminary" Carl.

"With my current strength, it should be fine, but the number of players is still a bit small."

He currently has only 3 players under his command, but there are only more than 1 people who are online every day. After all, players also need to eat and drink in reality. Even if they can make a lot of money in the game, many people still live In the nine-to-five days, I only enter the game after get off work.

"Then temporarily expand to [-]."

Zhang Chen's eyes flickered.

Perhaps in a real game, the more players the better, but in reality, it would be difficult to manage if there were too many players. After all, who knows what these psychopaths will do.

Although Zhang Chen put a lot of restrictions on them, he didn't dare to underestimate the players' ability to make things happen, just like a child, he dared to cut someone's karma lock when he caught someone.

"It's better to limit this."

Zhang Chen thought about it, and decided to cancel the restriction that players can knock out the souls of the aborigines...

"Huh? Why doesn't it work?"

Zhuo Yifan looked confused, this is not scientific, no, this is not a game!

Ikoma clutched his red and swollen forehead. He didn't know what happened until now. The other party said he wanted to give him extraordinary strength, but in the end he kept hitting his head with the handle of a knife. Could it be that he planned to beat himself stupid? ?

"Old He, come and help!"

Zhuo Yifan beckoned to He Jianguo who just went online.

So an extremely cruel scene happened. The Ikoma with a stern look was blocked by two men in a corner, and he kept hitting his head with the handle of a knife.

"It's not scientific!" X2
The two experimented again and again, and finally confirmed that the guy in front of them couldn't knock out the soul, so they decided to find other NPCs to try...

"It is certain that this ability is limited."

Zhuo Yifan's face was dark, thinking that the game was targeting him, but after thinking about it, Wuming had already been turned into a god of death by himself anyway, and it should be targeting other NPCs, so he really felt much better.

So he casually posted his discovery on the official website forum, which immediately aroused the abuse of the players.

Although there are very few players who have a brain twitch to cut off the NPC's causal lock and deduct their own money, there are also many players who knock on the NPC's soul. Without him, players can use this trick to fool unfamiliar NPCs and make them believe that they are real. the Grim Reaper.

"The reaction is so big? Then I will change it a little bit."

Zhang Chen smacked his lips. The sand sculpture players really shouldn't be underestimated. A soul burial can play well, so the players soon found that they could use Zanpakuto to prove that they are the god of death.

It's just that Zhuo Yifan's face darkened again, because when he was about to use the Zanpakuto to cut off Ikoma's karma lock, a reminder popped up in front of him.

[System announcement: You are about to cut off the karma lock of NPC Ikoma. After cutting off the karma lock, he will be transformed into Xu, and you will be cut off by the game for killing a white NPC for no reason. 】

If God cuts off the lock of cause and effect, the title will be sealed. Is it so nice to say?

Sure enough, this game was aimed at me!
Thinking of him as a military enthusiast, his favorite thing is to attack the enemy with firearms, but in this game, the role of firearms is really not strong, it is better to come forward with a machete.

Although his five-hook flying gun is very cool, he still wants a gun!
Patting Ikoma's shoulder, Zhuo Yifan said helplessly: "Sorry, this trick doesn't work now, just wait a few days, I'll find an experimental subject to try Kabane."

Ikoma was taken aback, did this group of people keep them just to treat them as experimental subjects?
As a result, the next day, Zhuo Yifan recruited a novice player, and began to transform him into Cabanelli according to Wuming's method, and then injected T-virus serum.

Zhang Chen: ...

So the ability of the players to make troubles is really great, who knows what kind of moths they will make.

After 3 minutes, the novice player's head exploded like a watermelon, and the eyelids of Ikoma and Wuming twitched as they watched.

"He, he, he... is dead!"

If it was before, Ikoma would not have agreed so easily to Zhuo Yifan to experiment with people, but the problem is that Zhuo Yifan knocked out his soul with a scabbard, making him believe that the players are really gods, and the gods There should be a reason for doing things.

As a result, the truth was not seen, but the dead man saw one.

Zhuo Yifan shook his head, brought the dead players back to life, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I feel my head is swollen, as if my brain and body are repelling."

The players expressed their feelings. Of course, he didn't use 100% pain to death.

"Then let's go another way."

Zhuo Yifan thought about it, and decided that the player should be injected with the T-virus serum first to be infected by Kabane.

As a result, the experiment was quite successful. Not only did the player have the same self-healing ability as Phase II, but he still retained his telekinetic power.

"I seem to have discovered a wealth code."

Zhuo Yifan said in astonishment, he just tried it casually, but he didn't expect to come up with a super serum.

T-virus serum is a kind of serum abandoned by players. After all, the original enterovirus is so easy to use, why use T-virus serum, not to mention that once the original enterovirus serum is injected, the effect of T-virus serum will disappear. It is better to use the original enterovirus serum at the beginning.

At the beginning, Zhuo Yifan just wanted to try one by one, but he didn't expect that the first one would have such a significant effect.

"Wait, this thing doesn't seem to work for you."

Ikoma is already Cabanelli, and he cannot be strengthened sequentially like a novice player. If he dares to inject the original enterovirus serum, he will probably die directly by headshot as he did at the beginning.

Zhuo Yifan looked at Ikoma, he suddenly had a feeling that maybe the game was not aimed at him, but this miserable green boy.

 After the modification, Xiuxian is dizzy and dizzy

(End of this chapter)

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