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Chapter 528 It's Not a Big Problem, Just Saw His Head Off

Chapter 528 It's Not a Big Problem, Just Saw His Head Off

Although the miserable green boy, ah no, although Ikoma is an unknown dowry, in order to prove his awesomeness, Zhuo Yifan still recruited Da Wenxi to help him research the Kabane virus.

The reason why he didn't look for Da Wenxi before was that on the one hand, he might not be free, and on the other hand, Da Wenxi was not interested in zombies. After all, his combat effectiveness was too low for him to look down upon.

But it's different now, Zhuo Yifan came up with a strange new serum, which naturally aroused his curiosity.

"According to my research, the Kabane virus strengthens the human body, and its ultimate target is the human brain, while the T virus is the opposite. Its main target is the mind, and the body is secondary."

Holding a screwdriver, Da Wenxi pointed at the two experimental players. One was injected with T virus serum, and the other was infected with Kabane virus, with a suppressor tied around his neck.

"What I care about is not this, but whether I can transform this guy back."

Zhuo Yifan pointed to Ikoma and asked.

"It's not a big problem, just saw off his head."

Dawenxi's glasses flashed a light of wisdom, which made Zhuo Yifan roll his eyes.

It is well-founded and convincing. After all, Cabanelli's brain has not been infected. As long as the head is injected with T-virus serum for strengthening, then there is a great chance to control the body and finally counterattack the Kabane virus.

The only downside is that it can be a lot of work.

Seeing this bald man in a white coat looking at him maliciously, Ikoma was a little apprehensive. Should these people be playing for real?

But since they were able to revive these experimenters, it shouldn't be a problem to revive themselves. As a god of death, resurrecting people should be a trivial matter, right?

"Good! I'd like to saw my head off."

Ikoma thought of this and volunteered.

Zhuo Yifan looked at Ikoma as if he was mentally retarded, this guy is out of his mind, can he believe Da Wenxi's words?
No, even if it wasn't for Da Wenxi, normal people would know that if their heads were cut off, they wouldn't be able to survive, okay?

"Is there any other way?"

Zhuo Yifan, who had no idea that he was misleading other people's thinking, rejected this idea, he couldn't turn Ikoma into a headless horseman.

"Then you don't need to chop it off, just inject it directly into the head."

Da Wenxi said with some regret.

Zhuo Yifan: ...

So having said so much, it is actually the same as the last line of the Sunflower Book, can you succeed without using your own palace?
The suppressor on Cabanelli's neck has already suppressed the Kabane virus, so as long as the needle is inserted in the head, there is no need to be afraid of conflict between the two.

The reason why the head of the player in the previous experiment exploded was because the two viruses collided with each other, and the brain was not strengthened, so it was squeezed by the two forces. As long as the brain is strengthened, it will completely resist the rush to the brain Kabane virus, and even assimilated it.

After all, compared to the Kabane virus that can only become a fusion group, the T virus-derived viruses can be called various, such as G virus, Las Plagas, Ouroboros virus, T-Abyss virus, C virus...

The T-virus can be called the ultimate fusion monster. Although Zhang Chen has adjusted it into an enhanced serum that is harmless to the human body, it still has certain characteristics. For example, the original enterovirus serum was also developed based on the T-virus serum. of.

Da Wenxi is also a person who has studied the T virus and knows the characteristics of the T virus well, so he is very confident.

Of course, this was Da Wenxi's confidence, Zhuo Yifan would not believe Da Wenxi's nonsense, so he found a volunteer again and conducted the experiment.

Da Wenxi was indignant about this, and stomped away, leaving Long Xiaoyun behind.

The main purpose of the two of them this time is to discuss the sale of the new serum, to study all the specialized equipment for producing serum, while Zhuo Yifan can only use arrest injections, so that the secret of the serum will be known within a few days, and there is no need to follow He buys.

It's better to cooperate with the research institute to directly develop new serums, and the players will not know about it, so they can make a lot of money.

Unaware that he became a human just incidentally, Ikoma was looking nervously at the volunteer who injected the T-virus through his head, fearing that his head would explode if he said something wrong again.

The results proved that although Da Wenxi's words were nonsense, they had a certain scientific basis. The experiment was successful. Although the volunteers received the suppressor, although their muscles were twitching all over their bodies, judging from their expressions, they should still be rational, talking and laughing .

Next came the food test. Volunteers who had successfully strengthened took a few mouthfuls of steamed buns and expressed that they wanted to drink some water.

Ikoma was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to express that he wanted to inject T virus serum, and it would not work if anyone stopped him.

So after the serum injection, he rolled all over the floor, with snot and tears flowing all over the floor.

The aborigines are not players, they can turn off the sense of pain, and they can do whatever they want. The two viruses attack and fuse with each other in the body. This is a battle between human flesh and blood, so it's strange that it doesn't hurt.

Moreover, in order to maintain its own advantages, the T-virus serum naturally cannot make the host fall into a coma, so Ikoma can only enjoy the pain like an ant piercing his heart.

Soon, Ikoma was lying on the ground as if he had been played badly by someone, with his eyes crooked and his mouth slanting. If he didn't twitch from time to time, he probably thought he was dead.

Wuming was taken aback, and wanted to step forward to help Ikoma, but seeing his face full of snot and tears, she couldn't help but stop. Although she was fearless, she was also afraid of snot and tears, especially the snot and tears of others.

"Hey, what did you do to him!"

Seeing that the two parties were still discussing the issue of division, Wuming said furiously.

Only then did the two look at Ikoma, boy, did the experiment fail?
"Look, this serum has potential safety hazards. I think [-]-[-] is too high, and [-]-[-] is in our best interest. After all, you only came up with one idea."

Long Xiaoyun immediately seized the opportunity to lower the price.

"Four to six, you think I'm stupid, creativity is the most valuable thing, okay?"

Not to be outdone, Zhuo Yifan casually glanced at Ikoma, saw that he was still twitching, and immediately said joyfully, "You see, he's still alive, isn't that all right?"

"Sanqi, this is the highest share, no matter how much, you have to know that the price of this serum cannot be higher than that of the original enterovirus serum, otherwise it will not be sold."

"Fourty six!"

"Sanqi, we also need to buy raw materials!"

"Fourty six!"


"Siliu... wait, why did you surrender?"

Zhuo Yifan said in astonishment, why didn't you play your cards according to the routine?

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Sanqi is Sanqi!"

Zhuo Yifan was speechless. In fact, he also knew that Panax notoginseng is already very good. After all, people can make it themselves after knowing the method, and they don't give him a share at all.

He enjoys this bargaining process, after all, he is not short of money.

Of course, the reason why the research institute did this was because, on the one hand, it was because Zhuo Yifan’s reputation would probably be bad if he did so, and Zhuo Yifan was so anxious that he blew himself up that no one could make money; on the other hand, it was because Zhuo Yifan was sitting on Luocheng, it is convenient to obtain Kabane virus.


 From today onwards, I will work hard to update, well, it’s okay to set the flag, I feel full of energy

(End of this chapter)

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