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Chapter 529 Neurosis and Psychosis Are Two Concepts

Chapter 529 Neurosis and Psychosis Are Two Concepts
After experiencing a heart-piercing pain, Ikoma finally stood up tremblingly, wiping the snot and tears from his face.

And when Ikoma experienced the fragrance of food again, Fubuki had already come to Wawenyi.

The scene in front of him made Fubuki angry, because the players detained the people of the Iron Castle in Luocheng for several days, so the arrival of the Iron Castle at Wawenyi was much later than the original plot.

On the contrary, even without the help of Wuming, Tianniao Mima killed the master of the Wowenyi as in the original plot, and let his men open the door of the Wowenyi.

He had no other thoughts, but simply wanted to destroy the city, and even inexplicably planned to join his loyal subordinates in order to kill more people.

You cannot require a lunatic to have normal logic, even if the lunatic behaves normally, because insanity and mental illness are two different concepts. The former simply wants to destroy the world, while the latter is just a mental problem.

And the fate of the Iron Castle was even worse than in the original plot, because they came late, and they could only spend the Tanabata Festival in the car. Fortunately, Sugawara Ryuichi gave them a lot of food, and they were regarded as the support of human beings. It can be regarded as buying people's hearts.

Although Zhuo Yifan didn't think too much about it, he considered himself a servant of the gods, and he firmly believed that the gods came to save the world, so naturally he needed to spread the glory of the gods to the world.

"Master Calamus, please come with us!"

An officer of the Karakata group commanded the team to surround the people of Kotetsucheng.

People who left Luocheng at this time don't regret it much in their hearts. If they knew it, they would have stayed in Yadai Station as a maid, and if they couldn't do it, they could be a male servant.

Not long after the Kotetsu Castle entered the Wawen Station, there was a big riot in the Wawen Station. Kabane was everywhere, and they were about to drive the Kotetsu Castle to run again, but they were blocked at the door of the car.

The reason why Karakata arrested the people of Kotetsujo was quite logical. On the one hand, it was to draw blood to feed Kabanelli, and on the other hand, it was because their original Juncheng had no energy, and he needed to use calamus Come and enter the Vajra Kingdom and completely destroy the Kingdom of the Sun.

Fubuki let out a cold snort, and the powerful spiritual force instantly spread to the ground, and the hearts of the Karakata members holding guns burst instantly, and they fell to the ground and died one by one.

Killing people may be difficult for Fubuki, but killing monsters is no pressure for Fubuki, and the people of Karakata have already transformed themselves into Cabanelli, so Fubuki made a thought of killing these people. The hearts were all crushed, even if the hearts of these people were wrapped in a steel film, they were useless in front of her spiritual power.

Ignoring the calamus and the others below who hadn't reacted yet, Fubuki used his thoughts to float to the front of the Wawenyi, saw the huge fusion group, and stretched out his hands to hold it. They were also caught by Void, floating in front of Fubuki one by one.

"what is this?"

Tianniao Meima's handsome face at the gate of the city was full of disbelief, obviously everything was running according to his plan, but what happened to this mechanical savior?

Above the sky, Fuxue's figure was small and pitiful compared to the fusion group, but it was impossible to ignore. Her right hand was holding the fusion group, while her left hand slapped the ground. Countless gravels floated up on the ground, and then rushed to the fusion group.

Accelerated by Fubuki's thought power, the ordinary gravel rushed towards the fusion group like a shell, then passed through the body of the fusion group, and then shuttled back, crushing all the flesh and blood of the fusion group, and finally turned it into a blood mist , sprinkled on the ground.

The telekinetic power from Goryuganshupu, although it is still a flat A to take away in front of forcing Wang Qiyu, but if the cheating players are excluded, the telekinetic power of Goliuganshupu is still very scary, he is the number one in the universe Psychic Master.

Although this number one in the universe may be a little watery, because this is what he claims to be.

But to deal with an irrational fusion group whose combat power is estimated to be similar to that of ghosts, it is completely a sledgehammer.

By the way, after physically defeating Kabane in the Wawenyi, Fubuki fell in front of Ama Tori.

"Are you the beautiful horse of Tianniao?"

Fubuki asked, after all, there is still a gap between anime and reality, so Fubuki can only confirm whether the person in front of him is Tianniaomeima from the appearance.

"That's right, I'm Amano Mima, the leader of the Karakata Clan, and I'm helping Wawenyi to destroy Kabane."

Although I don't know the origin of this mysterious person in front of me, but judging from her behavior of saving Wawenyi, it should be from the good camp, and Tianniao Mima will naturally show her righteous side.

Anyway, the Patriarch of the Wawenyi is dead, and the Fire Extinguisher who became a fusion group is also dead. There is no evidence for everything. As long as the people in the Kabata don’t say anything, then he is still the one who sacrificed his life for the country of Japan and wiped out Kabane. hero.

As for the brainwashing of his subordinates, he is very confident. When it comes to putting out the fire, he just gives an order, and the other party obediently becomes a tool man.

However, Fubuki is not interested in listening to Tenma's glorious resume. In her opinion, the other party no longer belongs to the scope of human beings, and can already be classified as a weirdo.

The classification of weirdos in the world of One Punch Superman is actually very simple, that is, whether the other party is anti-human.

Don’t look at the S-class heroes in the world of One Punch Man. There are many heroes who look like humans, but there are also a lot of heroes that don’t look like humans, such as zombie men and pig gods. Can recover, the latter can even devour weird people alive, weirder than weird people, can this also be human?
Even the sweetheart mask of the A-level hero is actually a weirdo. He put on a mask just because he was ugly at the beginning, but as his fame increased, he began to worry more and more. He didn't want people to know that he was ugly. Ended up being a weirdo.

Of course, this brother was not as lucky as the previous ones. In the end, he was regarded as one of the weirdos by the public and was expelled from the Hero Association.

The public cannot be blamed for being blind. Who told him to deceive the public in the first place, it is actually normal to have this reaction, because it has a strong deviation from their cognition, and it is easy to be linked to conspiracy theories.

Therefore, hearing that the other party admitted that he was Tianniao Meima, Fubuki grabbed the other party's metal heart out with a grab.

Tianniao Meima looked astonished, why did the other party strike at the slightest disagreement, that's fine, at least give him a reason, how could he be crazier than him!

Withdrawing the power of thoughts, Mima Amano's heart immediately fell to the ground, Fubuki looked at the noisy Wawenyi, and flew in front of the calamus: "The rest will be left to you, if you have anything, you can go to me."

After saying that, he turned around and flew away, leaving behind Calamus and the others who hadn't figured out the situation.

By the way, who are you!

Even if I want to find you, you should at least leave an address!
 I am ashamed to say that every time I call Calamus, I always subconsciously call Trump.

(End of this chapter)

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