Restart the main god game

Chapter 530 I don’t know if I’m guilty or not, but my eyes are suffering

Chapter 530 I don’t know if I’m guilty or not, but my eyes are suffering

Chuuxue is very busy. In "Black Robe Pickets", because she found out the criminal information of the motherlander, she fought with him, and almost killed him.

However, although the motherlander was subdued, Water Company invited a bunch of lawyers to fight against her, and the motherlander was acquitted in the end.

Fuxue was furious, playing shady games in front of superpowers, isn't this courting death?
So the next day, she uploaded all the information of these people on the Internet, but before she could take any further action, Zhang Chen summoned her.

Although Zhang Chen's orders are very unreliable, but who made Zhang Chen the boss, Chuuxue could only dare to come over in a hurry, and then left in a hurry.

However, she is a hero anyway, so naturally she will not slap her ass and leave after killing the fusion group, but leaves behind two subordinates: Eyelashes and Mountain Ape.

Compared with the group of guys recruited by Zhang Chen who only know how to fight and kill, Chuuxue is better at management and has a group of people under him.

Although Zhang Chen looked down on these people because of their strength, Fuxue treated them very well, and gave them the ability that should be given. Of course, she used competition to get on the job, and she was best at this kind of thing.

So the people of the Iron Fortress discovered speechlessly that they had just left Luocheng and entered Fuxuecheng again...

"Go, Nezha, I'm going to save the world!"

Zhao Haitang said happily with his followers.

Nezha from "Wu Geng Ji" looked at Zhao Haitang with a displeased face, and said angrily: "What is saving the world, fighting and killing every day, is it interesting?"

"Didn't you like to fight and kill before?"

Zhao Haitang asked back.

Nezha rolled his eyes. What he likes is to watch other people fight and kill. What's more, he was young and ignorant at the time, and he didn't have three views at all. It's strange that Li Jing gave what he wanted.

It's good now, being dragged by Zhao Haitang to fight monsters everywhere, they are no better than players, injuries will hurt, especially death, the feeling of escaping into the endless darkness makes him feel lingering fear every time.

"Have you seen this? "New Fengshen: Nezha Rebirth"! This copy is completely tailored for us!"

Zhao Haitang opened the virtual interface and smiled.

Nezha continued to sneer: "I can't see your interface."

"It's fine if you don't see it, anyway, I plan to brush this copy today."

Zhao Haitang rubbed his hands and clicked on "New Fengshen: Nezha Rebirth".

[Opening this dungeon with your strength requires 2 luck coins, and at least [-] players are required. Do you want to open it? 】

"Hiss, one hundred thousand, this is a big dungeon!"

Zhao Haitang clicked his tongue, no wonder no one entered this dungeon, the conditions for entering the dungeon alone are ridiculously expensive.

Although he has money, that's not how he spends money. What's more, two people are needed, so he decisively called Lu Zhanbo and asked for Xu Sanduo's communication.

Although he didn't know what the background of the institute was, because Lu Zhanbo was a peripheral member of the institute, Zhao Haitang still knew about the members of the institute.

"I have a copy about Nezha, can you come?"

Xu Sanduo, who was holding a pointed gun, did not know how to answer, and looked at Leng Feng.

There is one thing to say, although the game is very fun, the problem is that he is here to join the army. If it weren't for the fact that this game is very important to the country, he would have given up the burden long ago.

In addition, he is taciturn, doesn't know much about the game, and only knows how to obey orders, so he rarely enters one-time dungeons, and at most follows Leng Feng into some sci-fi dungeons. Shanzhai, ah, no, learn from the technology of this dungeon, such as "I, "Robot", they just downloaded the data after entering, and didn't do the task at all.


Leng Feng thought for a while, and felt that it would be good to relax, and Xu Sanduo's swastika is also Nezha, and it might be able to strengthen a wave after entering, so he said: "If there is still a lack of people, ask me if I can participate."

Zhao Haitang naturally agreed, Leng Feng's strength is not inferior to Hu Yifei, with his help, this dungeon is stable!

Soon the two came to the main god square, and finally saw Zhao Haitang and Nezha's appearance, good guy, two Nezhas, plus Xu Sanduo, that's three.

"Aren't you ashamed of your appearance?"

Leng Feng said speechlessly, and what the hell are the dark circles under the eyes of the two of you, did you two stay up all night cultivating immortals together?

Zhao Haitang said disapprovingly: "What's the matter, I've seen women wearing women's clothing."

"Hiss, may I ask which warrior it is?"

"What does it seem to be called Yu, Yu Zui?" Zhao Haitang looked back on the past, "I don't know if there is any crime, but my eyes are suffering."

"No, I'm digressing. Is it okay to split the cost equally this time?"

Zhao Haitang asked.

"No, there is a problem!" Leng Feng pointed to the three loli behind him, and said confidently: "I am equal to four people. If it is divided equally, I will pay [-]."

This time the dungeon is not at public expense, so naturally, if you can save it, you can save it.

Zhao Haitang looked at the three little lolitas, his eyelids twitched, but he had to say that what he said made sense, after all, followers didn't need to spend luck coins.

"Hey, this guy brought so many little ghosts here, isn't he here for an outing?"

Nezha looked at the three loli standing beside Leng Feng, and immediately looked unhappy.

"Hmph, childish."

Matou Ying weakly hid behind Leng Feng, Kondo Anna didn't bother to talk to him, only Qianju Natsushi replied.

Nezha's little face flushed suddenly, and the pointed gun in his hand hit the ground: "Bastard, what are you talking about?"


The sound is clear and crisp, and it is a good start when you hear it.

Nezha covered his head and looked at Zhao Haitang bitterly, but he remained honest.

"Your calculation is wrong. According to your method, it is indeed reasonable for one person to pay about [-] yuan, but the three of us can't make up [-] yuan!"

Zhao Haitang spread his hands, indicating that your algorithm may lower the average IQ of the team.

"Then how about [-] for the two of us, and [-] for each of you?"

Leng Feng began to bargain with Zhao Haitang.

"Okay, anyway, you are the main force."

Zhao Haitang nodded, thinking that the price was reasonable. After all, the other party had five people in total, all of whom were stronger than him, not to mention that he invited them into the dungeon.

Of course, as long as the two of them enter the dungeon, as long as they operate well, they will definitely make money.

Xun Xu Sanduo watched the whole show and remained silent until the dungeon opened, and then he was also dumbfounded.

"What the hell? Where is Nezha? Why is it a modern copy?"

Looking at the busy city, Leng Feng looked at Zhao Haitang speechlessly.

"This is not modern, this is completely the period of the Republic of China!"

Zhao Haitang also complained.

Leng Feng continued to look at him speechlessly, didn't you read the dungeon description when you entered the dungeon?
Moreover, your appearance is really stupid in this environment!

Zhao Haitang didn't realize it at all, and looked intently at the tall buildings in the distance, resplendent and resplendent, and finally came to a conclusion: their foothold was a slum!

(End of this chapter)

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