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Chapter 531 Nezha and Nezha Take Nezha to Find Nezha

Chapter 531 Nezha and Nezha Take Nezha to Find Nezha

[Main task: Survive for 30 days]

[Mission Reward: 1000 Luck Coins]

[Submission 1: Find Nezha]

[Mission Reward: 1 Luck Coins]

[Sub-quest 2: Teach Nezha to become a talent]

[Mission Reward: 10 Luck Coins]

[Submission 3: Kill Ao Guang]


Looking at the task above, Zhao Haitang's first reaction was that Nezha and Nezha took Nezha to look for Nezha, and finally taught Nezha.

There are too many slots. Originally, they wanted to come in to find Nezha for experience or something, just like Nezha in the copy of "Lotus Lantern". His fighting style gave them a lot of inspiration for Nezha. It is also more convenient to use.

'3000 years ago, the world was in turmoil, and humans and gods met a great catastrophe. I didn't want Nezha's soul to escape the net of heaven and earth, and was reincarnated from generation to generation. In this life, people and gods coexisted with Li Yunxiang, a passionate young man who loves motorcycles in Donghai City...'

When Leng Feng saw this product, he still hadn't reacted yet, so he could only open the dungeon description by himself.

"It turns out that this is the meaning of Xin Fengshen."

Leng Feng nodded, indicating that he understood, didn't he say that after the founding of the country, he would not be allowed to become a demon?

Hey, no, Nezha doesn't seem to be a monster, and neither is the Dragon King of the East China Sea. He is a dragon, and he is also an orthodox god.

"What's next?"

Zhao Haitang looked at Leng Feng like Xiaobai.

Leng Feng is speechless, you are the captain, okay?
"Find Nezha first, and then talk. I just don't know how to gain the other party's trust."

Leng Feng said in distress.

Side mission 2 is to teach Nezha to be a talent, and the devil knows how to teach Nezha to be a talent, not to mention whether people are willing to believe them.

"Since it is said to be a ray of soul, then we can also be a ray of soul, but we awakened early."

Zhao Haitang's angle is tricky, and he is going to split Nezha's soul into eight parts.

"It's fine for you guys, but Xinna and I..."

"Then what's the matter? Rebirth doesn't mean you have to become a man. I remember that Guanyin Bodhisattva was also a man before reincarnation?"

Zhao Haitang argued hard.

Not to mention the legend, according to the historical trajectory of the legend of Avalokitesvara, in India, first there was a twin-horse child prodigy of the Roman religion, a good god who did not belong to Buddhism, and then absorbed by Buddhism and became the horse-headed Avalokitesvara, and finally became the ancient Goddess of Mercy. The eldest prince of the Indian wheel-turning king Wujing Nian, and then he came to Huaxia, and was transsexualized by the Huaxia people into Miaoshan, the third daughter of King Chuzhuang.

That's right, Avalokitesvara was originally a horse, and two horses at that!
Of course, according to Buddhism, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have no life and death, nor gender. They can manifest various incarnations according to different needs in front of the world. Anyway, they can change as they want.

"Stop, that's not what I don't care about. I don't believe in Guanyin either. I only believe in the Party."

Leng Feng forcibly interrupted Zhao Haitang's words, and rubbed his temples with quite a headache.

Several people finalized the plan, first find Nezha, that is Li Yunxiang, and then teach him peerless martial arts, and find Ao Guang by the way.

According to the dungeon, this guy named Li Yunxiang loves motorcycles, so he should be able to find out about this person in the place where motorcycles gather.

However, considering that the outfits of Zhao Haitang and Nezha might be regarded as mentally handicapped and hurt him, Leng Feng forced them to change their outfits, so he asked someone to ask where the motorcycles gathered.


Zhao Haitang said that looking for someone is naturally looking for a professional. The two stopped a man in a jacket with a fierce face. This guy was wearing sunglasses and had a scar on his face. He looked like a ruthless character.

The man turned off the roaring locomotive, stood up from above, and looked at the two with disdainful eyes: "Where did you come from, kid, get out of here."

"Fatty, please be more polite. Let me tell you, if you leave us alone, if you dare to talk to me like that, I guarantee you won't live for three days."

Nezha was unhappy when he heard that, I can't deal with Zhao Haitang and I can't deal with you either.

The man in the sunglasses was amused when he heard it. After all, Nezha looked only in his teens, so he stepped forward to give Nezha his favorite big mouth.

The sunglasses of the man in the sunglasses flew out, the man in the sunglasses, ah, no, now the man with the scar turned around 180 degrees and lay down in front of Nezha.

"Would you like to say it now?"

Nezha crossed his hips and said fiercely.

The scarred man's brain is still in dizziness, what's going on, I was slapped down by a brat?And it still rotated in place and fell to the ground?
Seeing that the scarred man refused to speak, Nezha stepped forward to give him another slap in the face. The scarred man finally came to his senses, scrambled to his feet, and then kicked Nezha.

The difference in size made him unwilling to believe that he was knocked down by a brat, coupled with the shame of being slapped by a child, the man with the scar firmly believed that he could fight back.

Nezha raised his right foot, stepped on the kicked foot, and then stomped down hard.


The scarred man screamed, clutching his thigh and trying to move his foot away from Nezha's, but Nezha remained motionless no matter how much he pulled.

Seeing no results, the man with the scar became fierce, and he didn't know which tendon was wrong, and it was a headbutt to Nezha's head.


The man with the scar rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Nezha: ...

Is this guy mentally handicapped?Ask him for directions, are you sure there is no problem?
Zhao Haitang gave a dry cough, took out a bottle of water from the interspatial ring, and poured it on the scarred man's face.

"Ahem, water? Gulu Gulu!"

The man was woken up by the water, first he turned his face away from the water column, and when he woke up, he lay down again, opened his mouth and drank the water hungrily.


"Forget it, let's ask someone else."

Zhao Haitang put away the water speechlessly, and was about to ask someone else to ask, but he didn't want the man to see the water bottle and put it away, and hugged Zhao Haitang's thigh: "My lord, if you have any questions, just ask me, I'm Wang Hong, I'm Donghai Just inquire, as long as there is water, you can inquire about anything.”

But the people who were originally onlookers gathered around one after another, chattering.

"Young Master, I don't know what you want to inquire about. Ask me. I am Bai Xiaosheng from Donghai. As long as you give me water, I can tell you anything."

"Young master, I am a know-it-all in the East China Sea. I just want your unfinished bottle of water. If you want to know anything, just ask me."

Good guys, if you're really like this, why are you doing so miserably?
Although it is not clear what happened, it is obvious that this group of people seems to be short of water, Zhao Haitang shook the half bottle of water in his hand, and said: "I lost a motorcycle in Qiuming Mountain the day before yesterday, and he used inertial drift to go around the corner , I am stronger than him. I drifted and turned in the gutter, but there was rubbish in the ditch, which caused me to nearly roll over. I refused to accept it. He said his name was Li Yunxiang, and he told me to go to him on Saturday and have a real relationship with him. Let's fight it out."

Leng Feng: I seem to have heard this somewhere. Did a Wuling Hongguang ambulance drive up and a dozen strong nurses got off and carried you in?

Onlookers: Which mountain is Qiuming Mountain?Also, today doesn't seem to be Saturday.

Xu Sanduo: ...

 The revision is complete, I feel broken
(End of this chapter)

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