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Chapter 532 This Nezha Is A Little Old

Chapter 532 This Nezha Is A Little Old

"Young Master, Young Master, I know where Li Yunxiang is, and I'm going to compete with him today."

Although the man with the scar didn't believe Zhao Haitang's nonsense, he felt that there was no need to help Li Yunxiang hide it. After all, this guy was a regular champion of the motorcycle competition, and anyone who started the car knew it.

Zhao Haitang threw the water bottle in his hand to him: "That's right, take us there."

The man took the water bottle in a hurry. The water bottle was not big, it was the normal mineral water of about 600ml, but now it was less than half, but even so, the man with the scar put it away like a treasure.

"Go away, go away, it's none of your business."

The man with the scar still had some deterrent power. Seeing him chasing people away, the onlookers broke up in a rush, and it was not worthwhile to get beaten up for half a bottle of water.

"You guys, it's not easy to bring."

The man with the scar looked at the three lolis next to Leng Feng, he was a little confused and said, with so many people, only Tianzhu could take them away with a locomotive.

"It's okay, just take them with you."

Leng Feng waved his hands.

The man with the scar immediately patted the motorcycle, and said flatteringly, "Master, sit down."

As a senior rich second generation, Zhao Haitang could tell at a glance that this person was really trying to curry favor with her, and wondered if this poor place was so short of water?

Frankly speaking, a bottle of mineral water is nothing, but people who can use mineral water as urine know that they are local tyrants without thinking about it.

In Donghai City, because the Dragon King of the East China Sea imprisoned a group of dragons and used the power of the dragons to nourish and cultivate the Dragon Balls of the East China Sea, and because these dragons are the dragons of the fresh river and need fresh water for support, Donghai City is extremely short of water.

Of course, the man with the scar didn't know it, but he knew that Donghai City lacked water, and he also lacked water. Water is money, and water is money, so he immediately changed his attitude towards Zhao Haitang.

Violence can't bring him down, but money can!

Zhao Haitang stepped onto the locomotive, and Nezha immediately jumped onto the head of the locomotive and sat down on it.

Seeing this stinky brat, the scarred man opened his mouth, wanting to slap him down, but considering that he might be the one who fell to the ground after the strike, and thinking about it, if this young man is in a good mood, he might be able to Treat yourself to a few bottles of water,

Twisting the handle, the man with the scar started the motorcycle and drove towards the direction of the motorcycle competition.

Not long after, a ghost-faced Harley followed. The man with the scar turned his head and saw that it was the three little lolitas just now. Don't tell me, the car of these three little lolitas is really beautiful!

The front of the car is a ferocious steel skeleton, and the body is full of steel skeletons, like a locomotive haunted by real ghosts.

Wait, the car of the three little girls?

The scarred man slammed on the brakes, almost throwing Nezha out, what the hell, kids driving?
Natsushi Senju was driving the car, Sakura Matou was sitting in the middle, and Anna Kondo was sitting at the back, but this is not the point, the point is where are the two crew-cut men just now?

"Are you courting death?"

Nezha turned his head and looked at the scarred man viciously.

"No, what about her, him, and two others?"

The man with the scar is stupid, are all kids so powerful now?You can start the car by yourself, but the problem is, you can't even step on the gas pedal at your height, how can you drive it?
"Why do you have so many things to do, hurry up and drive!"

Zhao Haitang said impatiently, and took out another bottle of mineral water: "Hurry up, this bottle of water is yours too."

A big dog is a big dog, and the man with the scar immediately forgot about the three little lolitas, twisted the handlebar, and drove past. What lolita is driving, is it important to have water?

"Hurry up, catch up!"

Kondo Anna looked sideways at the front and said excitedly.

Chiju Natsuki immediately twisted the handlebar.

Leng Feng: These are my ears!
He had no choice but to speed up and catch up, and brought the three little lolitas to the Donghai Motorcycle Raceway with the scarred man's motorcycle.

Because it is an irregular race, the motorcyclists only need to drive into the racing track, and when the waiting time is up, they can rush forward. Whoever reaches the finish line first will be the champion.

This Donghai locomotive competition is held once a month. The host is a weirdo wearing a mask, and the reward is... a bucket of water.

The entry of the Scar Man didn't attract everyone's attention. After all, this guy was just a background board, the one who accompanied him every time, but it was the appearance of the three little lolis that attracted the attention of everyone present.

There is no way, the three little lolis add up to the majority of the people who are not present, even if it is compared in terms of height, it takes two lolis to add up to compare with it, but these three lolis are driving a motorcycle Running to participate in the competition is a person who has to doubt life.

"This car is a bit strange, isn't it?"

A thin figure wearing a mask appeared in front of Harley the Ghost Face, rubbed his chin and muttered, "However, it's really cool!"

"Stop talking nonsense, when is the game?"

Qianju Natsushi asked.

"Hurry up, little girl, are you sure you want to compare? Also, are there too many people behind you?"

The masked man pointed at Qianshou Natsushi's back. It's fine for a kid to come to the race, but he also carried two friends during the race. Is this the rhythm of three lives in one car?
"Next, I will drive." Matou Sakura, who was sitting in the middle, raised her hand weakly: "We agreed to take turns driving."

"Hey, boss, it's not good to let children drive?"

On the racing track, a sister Yu in a white motorcycle suit frowned.

Compared with other unreliable bikers, this sister Yu did a good job of protecting herself, at least she wore a helmet.

"Are you afraid of losing to children, slightly slightly!"

Anna Kondo made a face at Yujie.

"Little sister, the locomotive is not as simple as you think."

Yujie was not angry, but persuaded softly.

"Hmph, Sakura, she looks down on you, show her a bit."

Anna Kondo poked Matou Sakura's back.

Matou Sakura smiled shyly at Yujie, and then twisted the handlebar.

Cold Front:  …

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have turned into Harley the Ghost Face!

Under Matou Sakura's 'control', Ghost-faced Harley became a golden rooster on the spot, and the front wheels turned up directly, while the three little lolis still sat firmly on Ghost-faced Harley.

The people around immediately whistled and gave thumbs up to the performance of the little lolitas. These three little lolitas have skills!

The front wheel was put down, and everyone waited for a while. The previous champion Li Yunxiang finally came, and everyone finally saw the reincarnation of Nezha.

Handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, he was riding a modified locomotive, carrying a little girl, and waving to everyone.

"Uh, this Nezha is a bit old."

Zhao Haitang smacked his lips. Whether it is Nezha in the world of "Lotus Lantern" or Nezha in "Wu Geng Ji", they are all in the form of a child. Even in reality, Nezha also looks like a boy. This Nezha Probably over twenty.

"What Nezha?"

The man with the scar was puzzled?
"Hey, why are you still here?"

Nezha snatched the water from Zhao Haitang's hand and stuffed it for him, and pushed him off the motorcycle: "You go, let me drive this car first."

The man with the scar was standing in the auditorium holding a half-bottle of water with a dazed expression on his face, watching that the brat who had beaten him earlier also grabbed the handlebar of the motorcycle, and smiled provocatively at the three loli around him.

Seeing that everyone was present, the masked man jumped onto a lamp post, holding a small iron rod in his hand, and pointed at the air.

Like a flare gun being fired, everyone's locomotives rushed out of the track immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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