Restart the main god game

Chapter 533 They Are Not Driving Too Fast, They Are Flying Too Low!

Chapter 533 They Are Not Driving Too Fast, They Are Flying Too Low!
The locomotive roared, and Leng Feng, who turned into a locomotive, was still a little confused. He always felt that something was wrong. Didn't he say he was coming to find Nezha?How did it become a motorcycle race?

"A little bit!"

Anna Kondo stood up from the Ghost Face Harley, and made a face at Nezha behind.

Although the locomotive that Leng Feng turned into was not a real hell motorcycle, but it was not low in technology. Coupled with his own strength, he was naturally the best, far surpassing these ordinary locomotives. If he didn't think it was too ostentatious, he might be able to run the entire distance in one minute.

Being ridiculed by Anna Kondo, Nezha's face flushed red, and he shouted, "Qi Refining Technique: Spinning Flywheel!"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the two wheels of the motorcycle under Nezha were instantly dyed with a golden light, and even scratched the ground directly, galloping like two rapidly spinning golden wheels, surpassing the ghost motorcycle.

"Hey, goodbye!"

Nezha smiled triumphantly, accelerated again, and passed Harley the Ghost Face by a large distance.

"You cheat!"

Matou Sakura was a little angry, and twisted the handlebar again.

Cold Front:  …

Forget it, as long as the child is happy.

The skeleton on the Ghostface Harley burst into flames instantly, and the two wheels also burned. Isn't it just cheating, and I will too!

The flames on the wheels directly burned a black line on the ground, and Harley the Ghost Face sped away.

The racers behind looked at the two motorcycles that had disappeared, and they all stopped subconsciously, and looked at each other. How can this be compared? They are not driving too fast, but flying too low!
However, there were two people who still pursued persistently, and one of them was naturally Li Yunxiang. Although he was no longer Nezha, Nezha's unyielding temperament was still engraved in his bones.

And behind him is the only Yujie who knows how to drive and take safety measures: Su Junzhu.

The two motorcycles chased each other on this intricate track and then lost their way.

After all, it's just an irregular motorcycle race. The lanes turn left and right, and people who are not familiar with the terrain don't know how to run at all.

Fortunately, the two reacted quickly, using Li Yunxiang and Su Junzhu as the coordinates, every time they ran in the wrong direction, they rushed back.

Li Yunxiang: ...

Su Junzhu: ...

If they were targeted, if they didn't want to run the whole distance, they probably wouldn't be able to drive away. This is simply mocking them for their slow speed!

Fortunately, although the driveway twisted and turned, the surrounding area was also isolated, and there were people around, the two rookies quickly found the direction, and they were thrown again so that they could not see the taillights of the car.

It seems that two children are starting the car, but in fact... a child is also starting the car.

So of course, this child lost in the hands of adults.

Leng Feng said that he had no sense of accomplishment at all.

Nezha said that it was not his fault that the loss was due to the poor quality of his motorcycle, otherwise he would definitely win.

Zhao Haitang was very pleased with this kind of vain self-promotion, and then gave him another blow to the head.

"So handsome, so handsome!"

The thin figure wearing a mask looked around Harley the Ghost Face to the left, then looked again, twisted the button on the right side of his mask, and the two eyes of the mask immediately turned into love eyes.

Kondo Anna looked at the masked man with vigilance: "What are you doing, brother Wuji is mine."

"not mine!"

Qianshou Natsushi was unhappy, and glared at the little sister.

"Everyone, stop arguing, Brother Wuji belongs to everyone." Jian Tongying said weakly: "And Brother Wuji already has a girlfriend."

Shut up if you can't speak!

The two little lolitas immediately spoke out in unison, glaring at Matou Ying angrily, Ma Tongying murmured a few times: "Also, rather than saying that Brother Wuji belongs to us, it's better to say that we belong to Brother Wuji."

The eyes of the two little lolitas brightened. They said this well, and their anger turned into joy, and they looked at Matou Sakura with admiration.


Zhao Haitang shook his head. He always thought that Leng Feng was called a lolicon was a rumor. After all, he looked upright with bushy eyebrows and big eyes. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like a lolicon, but he saw it today.

In order to please Lolita, he actually turned into a ghost face Harley and let them ride it. It's so enviable... Lost!

Why can't I think about getting an ugly Nezha follower? If I knew it earlier, I would fool Nezha from the world of "Lotus Lantern" as a follower. Although that Nezha is not a loli, she is cute and beautiful anyway. Women's clothing, ahem.

"Little sister, I just want to know where your motorcycle came from." The masked man still stared at the ghost-faced Harley, pointing out: "Interesting, your car is modified with a soul!"

The three little girls didn't understand, Zhao Haitang frowned, and then stared at the masked man's open chest, which was covered with hair!

It's not because he's abnormal, or because he thinks the other party's chest hair is too eye-catching, but because, the other party looks like... a monkey creature!
If it was in reality, Zhao Haitang guessed that this person might have some weird disease, so he put on a mask and dared not see people, but this is a game.

Sun Wukong?
or something else?
Zhao Haitang's mind turned rapidly, the list of gods, could it be Yuan Hong?
"Brother, your car is ridiculously fast!"

At this moment, Li Yunxiang and Su Junzhu's car finally reached the finish line, and they gave a thumbs up to the only adult among the group of mysterious people.

In addition, although he admires Su Junzhu, as a straight man of steel, he still leaves Su Junzhu's car behind.

Zhao Haitang smiled mysteriously at him: "Then do you want to be as fast as us?"

Li Yunxiang was a little puzzled, but he still smiled and said, "Of course I did. Could it be that you are willing to modify the locomotive?"

"Okay, we will be here for a few days, you can come to us anytime."

Li Yunxiang felt a little baffled, but he still nodded his thanks, and soon, his childhood sweetheart came up: "Brother Yunxiang, you lost!"

The little girl jumped up and down in front of Li Yunxiang and made a face at him. Li Yunxiang is the resident champion of motorcycle competitions, but he rarely loses. Originally, she planned to come over to comfort him, but seeing that he didn't show any sadness, So also happy up.

"Yes, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond heaven."

Li Yunxiang patted the car seat behind him, and the little girl sat on it immediately, waved to Zhao Haitang, stepped on the accelerator... and went to find Su Junzhu.

Sister Yu just said a few polite words, filled up the gas on the locomotive and left, which made Li Yunxiang a little disappointed, so she also drove away.

"Tsk tsk, eating in the bowl, looking at the pot." The masked man shook his head, and said to Zhao Haitang: "Guys, I would also like to ask you to change the motorcycle. Is it possible?"

"Not interested in."

Zhao Haitang lifted Nezha out of the car, nodded to Harley the ghost face, jumped up, and disappeared in front of the masked man in a few vertical jumps.

Although Yuan Hong is also a figure of the gods, it is obviously not their mission target.

The ghost motorcycle also started and followed Zhao Haitang.

"Strange, these breaths are exactly the same as Nezha!"

The eyes of the masked man turned into two question marks, and he left here scratching his head.

 Fuck, I got the chapter title wrong again! ! !

  The revision is complete, I feel broken

(End of this chapter)

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