Restart the main god game

Chapter 534 Meituan really does not deceive me, everyone who delivers goods is talented

Chapter 534 Meituan really does not deceive me, everyone who delivers goods is talented

"Captain, I have roughly obtained information about this city."

On the tall building, Xu Sanduo bowed to Leng Feng.

Leng Feng nodded, Xu Sanduo is actually quite a good person, honest and willing to work, no matter what orders he will strictly follow, the only problem is that he is too silent.

Maybe silence is a good thing in the army, but not in the game, so this time he asked Xu Sanduo to inquire about the city's intelligence, which can be regarded as a training for him.

This city is called Donghai City, and it is controlled by four major families. They regard water as a resource, and the price of selling it is extremely expensive, and it is also extremely rare.

In addition, the unified currency here is called Shuibi, ah, no, it is Shuitou.

There are so many pitfalls that Zhao Haitang doesn't know where to complain. This setting is very familiar. He often uses this template when writing novels. It is estimated that the four major families will provoke Li Yunxiang one day and be wiped out.

For example, a certain dandy from the four major families fell in love with his childhood sweetheart one day and wanted to rob him, then Li Yunxiang was furious, awakened the power of Nezha, and hanged the attacker.

The four big families were taken aback, and felt that this son should not be underestimated, so they gave Li Yunxiang heads one by one to increase his experience. In the end, Li Yunxiang unified Donghai City, which attracted the attention of Donghai Dragon King, the boss behind the scenes in Donghai City...

If the author is as the name suggests, if he is really a water coin, then this "Nezha Rebirth" is estimated to be able to water out of the East China Sea.

Zhao Haitang slapped his thigh. Although this setting is old-fashioned, the problem is that the protagonist is Nezha. Nezha is in modern times. Thinking about it is very attractive. Write it down quickly, and wait for his "Daddy Lost Me Again" to hit the street It's over, ah no, it's finished, this is his next new book.

"Is there a problem?"

Leng Feng looked puzzled, he felt that the information Xu Sanduo had collected this time was very good, at least it gave them a general understanding of the city, and he also brought in a sum of water coins, which was enough for them to spend these few days.


Zhao Haitang shook his head, this matter can't be told to others, after all, writing a novel is all about creativity, so I can't be plagiarized with such a good idea.

Originally, he planned to write "Resident Evil" before, but there was a cloud player named Paul Anderson in the United States, and he saw an NPC who looked exactly like his wife in the game, so he pulled himself in shamelessly Wife, with his wife as the protagonist, made a "Resident Evil" movie, raking in more than 1 million US dollars, and he almost broke his wall with envy.

Leng Feng felt a headache, the people in the iPartment were overthinking, he originally thought this guy was the most normal one, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

"Li Yunxiang's car stopped."

Leng Feng clapped the watch in his hand, and a virtual projection appeared in front of everyone, not far from here, only about three kilometers away.

He secretly threw a locator on Li Yunxiang as early as the game, and their task was entirely on Li Yunxiang, so it was naturally impossible for him to escape.

This time, the few people didn't make fancy transformations, but walked directly to their destination.

"This place is a bit of a hodgepodge."

Zhao Haitang smacked his lips, feeling very unreasonable.

Here are human rickshaws, there are cars and motorcycles, here are low buildings, but there are high-rise buildings.

"You are relatively young, a post-zero child. This kind of situation was actually very common when you were young. Although there were no rickshaws at that time, there were many people riding rickshaws to solicit customers."

Leng Feng explained.

"I was born in 98, not after 00."

Zhao Haitang emphasized.

Leng Feng was speechless, why are you so proud of being two years younger?Also, is this the point?The point is that you don't know much!

Generally speaking, the gap between the rich and the poor in this city is too large, the rich can do whatever they want, and the poor can't even drink their saliva. It's not too miserable.

"So, what is the use of the gods in this world?"

Although Zhao Haitang is also a member of Fulian, he doesn't have the idea of ​​using money to do whatever he wants. After all, society doesn't allow it, ahem.

"It's probably the same as the god in the copy of "Lotus Lantern"."

Leng Feng thought of Yang Jian who pulled the Jade Emperor off his horse, but it was a pity that after he succeeded, the copy of "Lotus Lantern" was closed.

Anyway, the locator kept stopping there, and a few people stopped and walked, and finally came to a pier.

"Okay, Nezha Express, the mission will be fulfilled."

Zhao Haitang looked at Li Yunxiang who was moving the goods, and couldn't help complaining again.

"To shut up!"

Leng Feng glared at him, and a group of people held binoculars and observed Li Yunxiang from a distance, until he got on the bike and started delivering water.

This guy is ostensibly a delivery man, but is actually a water smuggler.

"Meituan really does not deceive me, everyone who delivers goods is talented..."

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Haitang finally shut his mouth obediently.

Generally speaking, this Li Yunxiang is a good person, but he is powerless to resist this world ruled by the rich. If a few people want to teach him, it is quite easy, after all, he is already dissatisfied with this society.

However, it was obvious that no other party came to ask for comfort, so they continued to hide in the distance and peep.

Finally, they got their chance!

This guy probably got more and more angry after delivering the water, so he sneaked into the reservoir, tied a rope to the sluice gate, tied it to his motorcycle, and stepped on the accelerator.


The sluice was pulled off in an instant, the alarm sounded loudly, Li Yunxiang hooked his mouth, and left gracefully.

The security personnel in the reservoir led dogs and chased after him, but they couldn't catch up with motorcycles.

Just when Li Yunxiang was about to get out of trouble, the motorcycle under him suddenly shook, and Li Yunxiang's face turned pale!
The tire is flat!

Leng Feng looked at Zhao Haitang speechlessly, Nezha might not be human, but you are a real dog!
It was difficult to control a motorcycle that was out of gas, not to mention Li Yunxiang's hands were numb from the shock in the grass.

I want to throw away my motorcycle and run alone, but I can't bear it. It is said that a car is a man's little wife. Although his car is a lolita compared to a car, it is also his wife. How can I lose my wife and escape alone? person?

Wang Wang Wang!
Seeing the dog behind him getting closer and closer, just when Li Yunxiang was about to abandon his wife, ah no, it was his car, the voice behind him suddenly stopped.

"Hey, isn't this Li Yunxiang? Why hasn't he been so lazy for a long time?"

Zhao Haitang appeared on the front of Li Yunxiang's car in a blink of an eye, looking at Li Yunxiang with a half-smile.

Li Yunxiang slammed on the brakes, instead of throwing Zhao Haitang out, he almost threw himself out.

What's the situation, how did this person appear in front of him?

Before he could react, there was another sound of footsteps from behind, and he was anxious, and he didn't care that Zhao Haitang was standing on the front of his car, twisting the handlebars and was about to run away again.

However, Zhao Haitang did a backflip and stood in front of the motorcycle, holding the front of the motorcycle with one hand.


The motor accelerated, but the damaged wheel did not move at all. Li Yunxiang looked at the man smiling at him in astonishment, what kind of monster is this guy.

(End of this chapter)

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