Restart the main god game

Chapter 535 Although this scene is very shocking, but... this look is so frustrating!

Chapter 535 Although this scene is very shocking, but... this look is so frustrating!
The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, Li Yunxiang hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see two crew-cut men looking at him with righteous expressions, he panicked in his heart, this look, no matter how you look at it, he is a soldier, it's over, he will be killed caught.

But soon, he saw the three lolis next to the two of them, the same three lolis who raced with him in the morning at noon.

Li Yunxiang finally calmed down, stopped the motorcycle, and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhao Haitang let go of his hand and said with a smile: "This question should be asked to you."

"Ask me?" Li Yunxiang frowned: "I think you should already know who I am."

He is the resident champion of the East China Sea Motorcycle Competition. Few of the racers don't know him. Even if this group of people don't know him, they must have inquired about him when they came to race.

Zhao Haitang reached out with his right hand, and suddenly a flaming spear appeared in his hand, and then he slammed it on the ground, burning himself with flames, his casual clothes were immediately burned, and a set of lotus armor appeared on his body.

Li Yunxiang: ...

Although the scene was shocking, and although the opponent's abilities looked awesome, but... this look is so frustrating!
And your ball head, are you sure you're not here to be funny?

Fortunately, although he has not received professional training, in order not to be beaten to death by the other party, Li Yunxiang resisted the urge to laugh at the other party's appearance, and said: "This... hero, I am just passing by. Che is considered a friend, don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

Zhao Haitang was speechless, it was obviously you who was causing trouble, why did it seem like you were helping me to hide it.

Li Yunxiang cannot be blamed, although he lives in a world where humans and gods coexist, the problem is that he doesn't know it!

So when he saw the special effects of Zhao Haitang's transformation, his first reaction was a monster?Or superpowers?
"You figured it out, we saved you."

Zhao Haitang rolled his eyes and said unhappily.


Li Yunxiang nodded repeatedly, but he was thinking in his heart, the group of people chasing him must have been killed by them, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little angry, and hurriedly asked: "Those people who chased me just now?"

"Don't worry, we just knocked them out."

Leng Feng seemed to have seen through Li Yunxiang's thoughts, and said, "This is not a place to talk, let's leave here first."

"That's right, then I'll go first!"

Hearing that those people were fine, Li Yunxiang was also ready to run away, after all, this group of people is too weird.

Zhao Haitang smiled, grabbed the motorcycle with one hand, and Li Yunxiang with the other, lifted him up, and then flew up.

"Ah ah ah..."

Li Yunxiang was almost scared to pee when he looked at the rapidly passing picture below.

"Shut up, or I'll throw you down!"

Zhao Haitang drew a cloud and asked Li Yunxiang to sit on it.

Li Yunxiang sat on the cloud layer stupidly, and then looked below, um, I should be dreaming.

"I think you've seen it."

Zhao Haitang spoke slowly.

see what?Are you a sand sculpture?

Looking at Zhao Haitang's appearance, Li Yunxiang complained silently in his heart.

"That's right, I am the one in the legend, Nezha."

Zhao Haitang didn't know Li Yunxiang's mental activities at all, and thought that his attire had already reminded him of Nezha.

"Nezha, not as old as you, ah, no, is it older?"

Li Yunxiang felt that he was dreaming, and his whole body relaxed, even his mind became better.

"Tch, you're ashamed to say me, aren't you also this old?"

Zhao Haitang expressed dissatisfaction, you are about the same age as me, so you have the nerve to call me old.

"But am I Nezha?"

Li Yunxiang was speechless, everyone knows that Nezha is a boy, and you are old enough to be the father of a boy.

"No, you are..."

Zhao Haitang immediately told Li Yunxiang his nonsense.

Li Yunxiang blinked, looked at the three loli, then looked at Leng Feng and Xu Sanduo.

There is one thing to say, if he is Nezha, then he would rather believe that these three lolita are also a part of Nezha. As for the other three rough men and one ugly Nezha, he refuses.

"So you didn't come to find me to fit together, did you?"

Li Yunxiang's brain is wide open. Could it be that these people are because Nezha's soul is divided into eight parts, and they are going to gather the power of eight Nezha's souls to summon the real Nezha?

But in this way, wouldn't he just disappear?
So is this a dream?

Li Yunxiang began to feel a little uneasy again, it doesn't matter if there is no danger or not is a dream, but if there is danger, it is bad if it is not a dream.

"Go away, who wants to fit with you?"

Zhao Haitang looked disgusted and didn't know where to go.

"Ahem, here's the thing. The real Nezha is dead. Simply put, we are the ones who control Nezha's power."

Leng Feng grabbed the topic, he had a feeling that if Zhao Haitang continued to chat, they might be racing in the sky.

"Then why did you come to me?"

Li Yunxiang was puzzled.

"Of course it is to let you have the power of Nezha!"

Zhao Haitang said.

Is there such a good thing?

Li Yunxiang was a little happy, after all, who wouldn't want to have the extraordinary power to reach heaven and earth?

But what followed was suspicion, why did the other party teach him?

"You forgot, Nezha has enemies. In fact, we have been hunted down by the Dragon King of the East China Sea. After all, his cubs were slaughtered by you, ah, no, by us. Ao Bing died, but we survived. You are fighting back one day."

Li Yunxiang was a little stunned for a moment. Although he was full of enthusiasm, he was just an ordinary person. He was no match for the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"Well, can I think about it?"

The most important thing is that this matter has nothing to do with him in his opinion, it is better not to participate for the sake of his own life.

"Don't be stupid, didn't I tell you? You are Nezha, the Dragon King of the East China Sea came back to hunt you down."

That's what he said, but Zhao Haitang still put Li Yunxiang down under the clouds, returned the motorcycle to him, and let him drive away.

"It seems that the life-saving grace this time is not big enough."

Zhao Haitang stroked his chin, muttered as Li Yunxiang left, and turned to Leng Feng: "Why don't you let Brother Shunliu turn into a patrolling Yaksha to attack him? Another hero to save the hero?"

Can you fix something in Yangjian?

Leng Feng said unhappily: "The monsters and goblins in each dungeon have different looks, how do you know that the patrolling Yaksha you turned into is exactly the same as the one in this dungeon?"

"It can be said to be a mutated patrol Yaksha."

Leng Feng ignored this guy, but turned on his watch. Immediately, a young man who was changing tires on a motorcycle appeared in front of him. It was Li Yunxiang.

That's right, while they were talking this time, they modified Li Yunxiang's motorcycle by the way, but it remained basically the same, except that a monitoring function was added to it.

"Brother Wuji, if you're idle, you're idle. Why don't we go look for that masked man. According to my experience, that guy should be Yuan Hong. He probably has a hidden plot."

Zhao Haitang suggested, don't blame him for being distracted, after all, what the hell is a Monkey King appearing on the list of Gods?This guy is 1000 years away from the Conferred Gods List.

"Take a rest first."

Leng Feng shook his head. As a soldier, the most important thing is the work and rest time. Now it should be time to sleep.

Zhao Haitang opened his mouth, wanting to say that this is game time, even if you spend three days and three nights in the dungeon, it’s fine, but no one is a big boss, he can do whatever the big boss says, and it’s easy to cultivate enough energy Task.

(End of this chapter)

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