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Chapter 536 The villain is not interested in the protagonist's horse, but the protagonist'

Chapter 536 The villain is not interested in the protagonist's horse, but the protagonist's horse
The next day, the few people didn't look for the masked man who might be Yuan Hong. Although this was probably a hidden mission, the most important task now is to gain Li Yunxiang's trust and teach him to become a man, at least until this mission is completed. It's not too late to find the hidden mission.

Li Yunxiang's daily life is very simple, delivering goods every day, and secretly delivering some water to others.

And after monitoring, several people also knew that this guy had conflicts with the family, and moved out to live alone.

Leng Feng is in charge of monitoring Li Yunxiang and... watching the children.

Zhao Haitang and Xu Sanduo were in charge of finding the so-called Dragon King of the East China Sea, but they soon discovered that the Patriarch of the four major families, Shenlong, rarely appeared in front of people, let alone found the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"It's a good thing that Yoyo isn't here, otherwise she would definitely rush forward and sing a song about Night Shanghai."

Looking at the little girl singing on the stage, Zhao Haitang said with lingering fears that this time it was a mistake. If Tang Youyou were really brought here, they might become enemies of the entire Donghai City.

Li Yunxiang didn't look for them, they thought about another chance encounter, so they aimed at Kasha.

Kasha is the pillar of this dance hall. Although she is young, she has a sweet appearance and a broad mind at a young age, making her very popular.

Zhao Haitang snapped his fingers, and a waiter came over: "Send this beauty a bouquet of money."

"Money to spend?"

The waiter looked confused, I understand giving money, but what does a bunch of money mean?
It was only then that Zhao Haitang remembered that this was a dungeon, a way of sending money to the modern local tyrants.

But as long as he is not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed, so he looked at the waiter like a countryman: "No way, no way, you don't even have money?"

The waiter was a little embarrassed by the words, bowed apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, sir."

"what happened?"

A woman in a cheongsam came over and smiled slightly at Zhao Haitang: "I'm sorry, sir, our ballroom is small, and the people under him don't know the rules."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the waiter, who immediately explained: "Third sister, this gentleman wants to give Kasha a money flower, but I don't know what money flower it is."

The woman was also confused after hearing this: "I don't know what kind of money you are talking about, my lord?"

Just when she was about to apologize again, Leng Feng gave Zhao Haitang a bouquet of flowers with a dark face.

Seeing that the flowers of this bunch of flowers are folded from sheets of large water coins, the third sister was immediately overwhelmed by the local arrogance of this bunch of flowers, and cursed in her heart. Send roses.

"I think you're playing with fire."

Leng Feng sent a message to Zhao Haitang, although he hasn't read many novels, but robbing the protagonist's girl, isn't that courting death?

"You are worrying too much. According to the setting, there should be another person who will appear later to steal my limelight, and then take advantage of the lust to forcibly occupy Kasha."

Zhao Haitang argued hard, he felt that he had seen through the truth of the matter, even if no one came out to steal his limelight, Li Yunxiang would come out and scold him for being inhuman, and then the two became one with each other, and finally the other party was overwhelmed by his heroism, and with He mingles.

"If it doesn't work, I will definitely stuff this bouquet in your mouth."

Leng Feng said coldly, thanks to him being able to become a robot, otherwise there would be no way to temporarily fold out 99 water coins.

Soon, this bouquet of money was sent to Kasha, and Kasha was also taken aback. After all, the rich people these days are still very reserved, and at most give some rings and diamonds, but what is this direct gift of money? ghost.

Not to mention that she is a performer but not a body, if she accepts this, if the other party misunderstands, then wouldn't she be arrested and go back to be a concubine?
So after stepping down, she held flowers and approached Zhao Haitang.

"It's you?"

Kasha also recognized Zhao Haitang, a little surprised, but still handed the flower to Zhao Haitang: "I can't accept this flower, it's too expensive."

Zhao Haitang thought secretly that she was indeed the heroine, and that she would not be bought with money so easily, so the next step was the slap in the face, what about Li Yunxiang?

"Li Yunxiang is waiting outside the door."

Leng Feng took the money from Kasha's hand, and looked at Zhao Haitang with malicious intent.

Seeing Kasha leave, Zhao Haitang snorted coldly, snatched the money from Leng Feng's hand, don't think you are a master and I'm afraid of you!

Zhao Haitang grabbed a money flower and stuffed it viciously into his mouth.

Isn't it just money, I just eat it!

The people around were stunned by this inhumane way of doing it. Nima doesn't spend money like that. If you feel hungry, I can give you my steamed buns!

"Those guys..."

Kasha got into the car, Li Yunxiang looked at Zhao Haitang who was eating money, and secretly thought that his guess was right, this guy is a sand sculpture.

Seeing Li Yunxiang's gloomy face, Kasha thought he was jealous, secretly happy in her heart, and said with relief: "Don't worry, brother Yunxiang, I don't like him."

Li Yunxiang shook his head, that's not what he was thinking, these days he has been thinking about whether Zhao Haitang's words are true or not, and whether he should trust the other party, but now, they seem to be staring at him all the time.

"Let's go, let's go to Lao Li's house for dinner today."

Li Yunxiang thought about it, and decided to go home and ask his brother. As for his father, forget it, he probably thinks he is crazy.

"Hey, didn't you have a big fight last time and said you would never see him again?"

Kasha laughed.

Li Yunxiang pretended not to hear, started the motorcycle and left the ballroom.

"So, as I said earlier, let Brother Shun Liu pretend to be Yasha to attack him, and then we can save him."

In the apartment they rented, Zhao Haitang said while eating water coins.

"Captain, I think Zhou Bichang's words are very reasonable. Although we can't turn into a Yasha, we can turn into a man in black and chase and kill Li Xiangyun."

Xu Sanduo also gave a suggestion.

"That's right, that's a good idea!" Zhao Haitang immediately gave Xu Sanduo a thumbs up, and then handed over the money: "Would you like to have one, it tastes very good."


Rao Xu Sanduo was slow to react, but seeing Zhao Haitang eating money with relish, he was a little dumbfounded. Your hobby is really different. Should I say that you really deserve to be a rich man?

"No need, you guessed it right, the protagonist is being hunted down."

Leng Feng suddenly looked strange.

"Haha, I'm guessing right, the villain must have taken a fancy to someone else and wants to snatch Li Yunxiang's childhood sweetheart!"

Zhao Haitang immediately became complacent, and swallowed a flower of money, don't tell me, the taste of this money is quite good, it tastes like wave seaweed, and it is much chewier than wave force seaweed.

"No, the villain is not interested in the protagonist's horse, but the protagonist's horse."

With a strange expression on his face, Leng Feng handed the virtual screen to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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